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Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

Here I am. I had a company that employed 7 people, all of whom were registered as individuals and sold as individuals so accaunts never related together. one i am posting now not perfect  accaunt cos this accaunt have some negative feedbacks here so  i deserved  may block here but here is company members have 100% clear accaunts so lets talk!  we have accaunts  Absolutely all the items were delivered. Instead of a return, the buyer opened a dispute on one of the accounts by mistake.. Another buyer failed to open it and then closed it it also mistake and its happen as well from another buyer. And total 3 disputes were enough to block my top rated account  with 100% feedback rate and zero returns. It also says that less than 10 disputes from the buyer will still be considered as average I have 3 disputes in one of my accounts it says that it was considered as Average and they still blocked me, This means that their policy works the opposite of what it says only buyers who have lot of transactions was more safe from this since in 5000 transactions 10 dispute can't be in high rate but what happens if i have 100 transaction and get 3 dispute? all the items delivered tracking provided but some buyer can click the dispute or tried to scam me and open item not received case then lose it OFC cos i have proof then ebay will consider it in metrics and block me, where seller protection here? if i delivered item buyer can open dispute and still chose item not received idk when  they do it where i am safe from this? that they did not open it for scam? by mistake? this system will be well only if i lose the case and then it should considered in metrics only these cases. i think ebay know everything and that rule not for this they want remove lot of sellers but idk why.   who create  that  rule interested.  we almost earn every month 10k$+ and ebay finally kill our company,  I contacted the CEO office team I spoke to them and they are also copy and paste policies like as the whole customer service. All of eBay these days is based on an algorithm and they don't really care why you got banned  when you write them they just copy BBE ( Bad Buyer Experience) they said the metrics not the only reason you suspended but this is only metrics i have accaunt where i have zero return, 100% feedback rate just some 3 open dispute by mistakenly they closed then it and my accaunt suspended for just INR cases its just 3 case. shameful!!! the entire staff should be replaced,  or A great recession is upon you very soon EBAY for complete chaos and irresponsibility!



plus  for example why this rule is so bad  lets said I can buy an item from one buyer with 3 accounts and then open a dispute with these accaunts then buyer will received 3 dispute so its enough to block seller What guarantee is there that the seller is not trying to get rid of competitors like this?  In my example all 3 disputes I opened behaved strangely as if it failed and then they closed the dispute but it was still counted in the metrics and blocked me All 3 of them closed the dispute of their own accord.  How does eBay protect me from this?  Sooner or later 70% of sellers here will be blocked, it's only a matter of time before they accept disputes for example one new accaunt  from my company which is top rated one blocked in 4 months 3 month go with zero disputes and 4th month got 3 dispute i mentioned above so thats enough to block accaunt,  so if you see seller now without block  you are just lucky ones. you will get such buyers soon and they will also end selling here. good job ebay!

Message 1 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

People, why are you paying attention to details that have absolutely nothing to do with it? Why you checking my accaunt and why think i am asking for  restore my account? I say that INR metrics are completely absurd. When the item is delivered or it is closed in favor of the seller, why is it still considered a violation of the seller in Ebay's INR metrics? It is such a big company and does not have policies in place, including that less than 10 buyer disputes are not average when the policy says it should be considered still average and its important for new buyers where they have less transactions and one dispute enough to get High rate and get blocked this is the my main reason posting here i am talking about how bad INR policy is are.

Message 16 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy! wrote:

accaunts not related they did not suspended because of this they suspended  after only when they got disputes before everything was good and all of them top rated and also top rated plus  ones.


I've been around long enough to know being Top Rated doesn't mean much.

Looking at this account, it's hard to believe your other accounts are not about the same.

Have a great day.
Message 17 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

You can't stop selling on an account to avoid issues. 


eBay looks at all accounts.


If they feel that the accounts are related they will shut you down on all of them.  BBE on one account is a potential issue on all accounts.n


This is a  member to member discussion board.  No one here can help you with your restrictions or account issues.  You need to talk to eBay directly about that and they are the only ones that can reinstate you or continue your ban.


What eBay says is the bottom line.  You can talk to them again, you may have a way to appeal, but changing your tune about 7 different people having accounts is not going to change the procedure or process.  eBay obviously thinks the accounts are related and that is why they shut them down.


Sorry no one here is going to be able to change that.


Try getting a call back from eBay to help you.



Message 18 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

Because that's the way it is, even for domestic sellers.


Every INR & SNAD is counted against the seller regardless of the outcome.


You can rail against the policy as much as you like, they're not about to change it.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 19 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

Where are you located?


This is a US discussion board.  The rules may vary depending on the location of the seller and where you are registered.  There is a new policy if you are an international seller.



Message 20 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

OP is in Georgia (not the state).

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 21 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

@toomuchstuffagain35 wrote:

OP is in Georgia (not the state).

I could see that but it does not always mean that it is accurate.  There are some sellers registering a location and then actually being located somewhere else.



Message 22 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

 No, my friend, I have been selling on ebay for 6 years and I have a lot of experience. I also have courses that I have been selling for years and it is popular. I started a company where I train people who want to sell on eBay, I have created a beautiful space with computers for them to come to work and learn and do this activity with so before INR policy everything going well  People have no relationship with each other, they sell as individuals

Message 23 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

@buyselljack2016 wrote:

for more background


Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it ... - The eBay Community



That thread appears to have gotten shut down.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 24 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

But they're all using the same internet service?

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 25 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy! wrote:

yes a few disputes are enough for them to close the store now i can just choose the seller i want and i close their store buy items with 5 accounts get them but still indicate i didn't get them and remove the competitor ebay is very good at protecting sellers 😄 isntead of add in metrics cases whee its closed buyer favor and not seller they just count opened cases, either it open for scaming by mistake or what they still consider it in metrics.

Ebay changed the rules on INRs for international sellers in late July of 2024.


None of us here can help you with this.  Only Ebay can.  You need to work WITH Ebay to resolve your issues.  All you can do here is vent your anger, but that isn't going to help your situation.  It may help your mental health, but it will do nothing to get your account back in good standing.  Only Ebay can instruct you on how to do that.


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 26 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy! wrote:

I updated the post because i have wrong details in previous post it wasn't clear people think  I wrote that i have 7 accounts were  all mine and if that accaunt blocked also my 7 accaunt should be blocked  People were focusing on this when it has nothing to do with it and I don't consider the account I'm posting with because it deserves to be blocked. This is about a rule that blocked accounts that didn't deserve it at all. I mean my colleagues' accounts. 100% feedback rate, zero returns.

When one account gets blocked / shut down for breaching the rules of Ebay, whether you agree with it or not, they will often shut down any other account you may have.  Ebay has always done this.  It is to protect the site as a whole.  Those accounts would have had to somehow been connected to your account.  Same IP address or something in common.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 27 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

I know you are concentrating on your INR rate, but it is highly likely that your INAD rate is also VERY high just going by your feedback.  It is more likely that it is your INAD rate that has you in trouble.  What does your Service Metrics say about INADs.  Please post a picture of that graphic .


Your INR rate only shows 3 buyers filing the INRs.  I was not able to locate in the international seller rules how many buyers it takes to cause you to have it affect the health of your selling account.  For US sellers it is 4, but I really don't know what it is for you.  


Lets just say it is 4 for you too.  Then while this graphic shows you are in a very high percentage, it would not be what caused you to be in your current situation.


To resolve your problem at hand you need to identify the source of the issue before any headway can be made in resolving the issue.  Let's look at your Service Metrics INAD rate / graphic.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 28 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

What do you mean INR policy is not active if your accaunt based on USA citizen?  so no matters how many disputes will be opened from buyers? as before?

Message 29 of 55
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Re: Ebay INR and BBE completely wrong and nonsense it does not work as stated in the policy!

i have INAD rate very high on this accaunt but its never cause block i always pay 5% more to ebay because of high rate  and its according to categories if  you have returns more than 10 in metrics current rate you have to pay 5% i am doing this almost 6 month but by last month before i bocked my return rate become less than 10 so i also free for paying extra 5% if item sold from this categories. so the only reasom my accaunt blocked is INR pilicy nothing more jist algorithm cach it very high and suspend the accaunt. also people still stop asking i deserve the block and checking the profile i am posting now as i told you in my company with another internet and all of them are individual sellers not related  they have top rated and top rated plus accaunts, as i have as well and not using for post here from these accaunts. me and my collegues we have accaunts where we have 0 returns, 100% feedback rate, 0% defect rate,  100% tracking provided shipping, 0% late rate and accaunt just get 3 random dispute all of them closed by buyers in few minutes when its opened and  its still collcected to the metrics and cause accaund suspension in few minutes, all the listings removed and blocked alos not receveid letter about suspension but its clear INR policy doing that here is no more issue. i just watching it myself how my collegue received after 2 dispute when he is high in INR rate and after its received its become 3 and very high and its time when accaunt blocked in few seconds so gys isntead of focus "Luvado" the accaunt i am posting now just review how garbage is INR policy. instead of collect cases where seller lose it and its closed to the buyers favor  they just  collecting the opened disputes its normal for you ?

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