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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

     I am a long time seller and new to selling postcards. I made a few sales and shipped the postcards USPS with a stamped envelope and marked them shipped. I just received notice that my long standing top rated seller status was demoted because of lack of tracking uploaded on the postcards. So now I learned of the Ebay Standard Envelope shipping and will no doubt use that in the future for shipping postcards. Is there any chance of getting the " no tracking" of the postcards removed so that I receive my top rated seller status back or do I just have to go to the next review period being a below standard seller....? 

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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

Is the top rated seller status for discounts? 




Last I remember, TRS only gives you the seller perk of discounting refunds if a returned item is damaged, etc.

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Message 8 of 13
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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

You will just need to chalk it up to lesson learned and hopefully sell enough to raise you to top rated next review period.

klhmdg  •  Volunteer Community Mentor
Message 2 of 13
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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

lack of tracking does not result in "below standard"

Message 3 of 13
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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

It is re-assessed every month. Not sure if it's the same but mine is checked on the 20th.  Just start using the ESE and you need to get that metric back up to above 95% to get your status back.  For ESE there just needs to be a single scan along the way, it doesn't always show delivered. I miss many of the ESE "stops" along the way but eBay seems to just clear those out after the monthly review as long as at least one scan is made.






Message 4 of 13
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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

Thank you....another lesson learned the hard way. 😐

Message 5 of 13
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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

I got the same notice today also. I get it usually every other month. It means nothing to me.

It will return to Top Seller Rated Status next month if you have everything with tracking.

I use tracking for expensive items or those with no feedback or are new buyers.

I don't get items lost by USPS. 

Is the top rated seller status for discounts? 

Buyers don't look at "Top Rated Seller"....heck...buyers don't even look at negative feedbacks sellers have and still buy from them and wonder why the sale turned out to be a bad buy.

Its and hit or miss if tracking will show up using the eBay Standard Envelope...but if you use it put the envelope in "meter mail" slot and not "stamped mail" slot...and not sure if every city has two slots like in my city.


Message 6 of 13
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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

Hi @tr3ats 


I'm not a seller ... but I've seen it recommended that sellers who want to ship inexpensive, light-weight items using stamps should open up a separate eBay account just for that purpose.  That will keep your main account unaffected by lack of tracking of some items.

Message 7 of 13
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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

Is the top rated seller status for discounts? 




Last I remember, TRS only gives you the seller perk of discounting refunds if a returned item is damaged, etc.

Message 8 of 13
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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

 I see little value in making any effort to keep Top Ranked Seller status unless it is to be Top Ranked Plus. I do not wish to be Top Ranked Plus because of the increased operational burden it causes and the fee decrease does not pay enough to be worth it to me.


But I do not compete with hundreds or thousands of equivalent products or offers to compete with,,

Message 9 of 13
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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

Thanks. Guess I don't need it then. Never had a return or anything I can't handle on my own.

Message 10 of 13
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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

This is a problem we've addressed before.  Those of us who sell things and care about our TRS stats don't EVER ship anything without tracking.  Even though I could save a ton of money on shipping or be able to compete with sellers who sell the same item with postage stamp shipping I will never do that. 


I have a huge problem with someone shipping something with postage stamps.  I think it shouldn't be allowed at all.  Every sale should be required to be shipped with tracking.  It's not fair to those of us who care about the TRS data.  We can not afford to compete with sellers who sell an item for $1.99 with free shipping. 

Message 11 of 13
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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

I started out shipping my ACEO's with just stamps and realized I would never get top rated status if I kept on.  I finally made the decision to stop and now I use ground advantage.  ACEO's don't qualify for eBay's Standard Envelope.  Of course I had to increase my price.  I've sold a few since I changed but my ACEO sales have dropped a lot.  It's not like they are big money makers anyway and I'm selling other things so I'm leaving it with tracking.   This month all of those I used stamps for will finally drop off and I'm showing I should be top rated at my next evaluation if I don't mess something else up. 

Message 12 of 13
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Demoted Top Rated Seller Status

Thanks Captain Obvious. 

Message 13 of 13
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