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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

I just got a return request for a ring that sold for $4000. He is stating that he took to a jeweler and they said that it was not a real diamond then shows me a pic of the ring on top of his car in front of a jewelry store. This diamond I had for years and have had at least 4 jewelers look at over the years and even got a quick appraisal and test out diamond on a diamond tester.

Message 1 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

Since the 30 days is past, I would decline it. 

Message 2 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

Remember that the buyer also has access to Claims through Paypal (or other payment processor) and to credit card chargebacks.

Whatever else you do , do not refuse the return.

You don't have to refund but if it comes down to it, get the ring back before you do.


No Returns does not mean No Refunds.


Remind the buyer that eBay has a Money Back Guarantee.

You don't have to remind them the deadline for the MBG has passed.

Message 3 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

It sounds like you knew what you were selling, having had it checked out before selling. Did it also go through eBay's authenticators?

Message 4 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

No, I wish it had. Just trying to figure where to go. I had sold due to health issues and doctor bills. 

Message 5 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

"... then shows me a pic of the ring on top of his car in front of a jewelry store."




So the buyer has shown you who to call and confirm? Hmmm... 😏

Message 6 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

If you can see the name of Jewelry Store I'd look that up, give them a call, describe the ring and the claim that was made for starters.  Situation as this can be difficult to handle in a variety of ways and reasons.  

Message 7 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

Do you HAVE to accept the return? No. But, you might better think about it. He will certainly contact his CC company and get his refund. He will leave you negative feedback.  Ebay will then charge you AND he keeps the ring. If that is what you want, go for it. But, since you don't accept returns, Ebay will not stand with you on this chargeback.  I would accept return, issue postage paid and ask him to ship back. Then refund in full. You will get your Ebay fees back and you can re-list and re-sell.  Ebay will remove any negative feedback if he does it after you've refunded IN FULL. Play this very smart. If you don't you'll be left holding the bag. 

Message 8 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

AND get negative feedback AND lose the claim due to CC charge back AND the buyer keeps the ring.  Not many Ebay sellers want to lose $4000. 

Message 9 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

Accept the return!


buyer claiming not as described.


as explained buyer can file a claim with payment processor or credit card chargeback. 


If buyer is hoping, you will not accept the ring back buyer will have a free ring because she will be refunded her payment.

Message 10 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

Tried calling and they basically said they have people come in all the time and that they couldn’t tell me if they did or not.


Message 11 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

An oral appraisal is worth the paper it is written on.

A free appraisal is worth every penny paid for it.


Basically, there was no appraisal.

Tell them to send it back.

Don't talk about any refund at all.

Message 12 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

Unfortunately you are in a tough spot.  Yes, it is past the 30 day return period so eBay will most likely side with you on that however all the buyer has to do is file a chargeback through their credit card or paypal and you will almost certainly lose.  Once you lose, they take the money and the buyer keeps the ring.  

It really does stink I know but your best option is to accept the return and refund once you get it back and I would have it checked  to verify that it is the same diamond that you sent.  You only have 48 hours to do it so once you get it, make tracks to your appraiser (who has the original on record) and have it re-appraised.  If it comes back as something different, then you have a whole new can of worms to deal with because eBay will force you to refund regardless.  You will then have to file charges against the buyer and possibly mail fraud charges as well.

Message 13 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later

@silverowl-23 wrote:

Tried calling and they basically said they have people come in all the time and that they couldn’t tell me if they did or not.


Picture received to you likely has EXIF data still in it that will show the time and date the photo was taken.  If you just received the photo today/yesterday perhaps the EXIF data help narrow things down along with describing the ring, carats, this/that or perhaps even emailing them the photo.


It's like this, apparently YOU KNOW the diamond is authentic which tells you that the person wanting money back is essentially trying steal it one way or another.  They may have had the diamond replaced w/ glass or Zirconia whatever and now want send you back the setting with a worthless stone in it.


As I said, makes things difficult as it's sort of a he said/she said ordeal.  As others have said not accepting the ring back likely just gonna loose the ring and the $4,000 if there is bank on file access to that.  When was the ring's stone last authenticated?   Make no mistake, there are bad actors out there... Pawn places that take the stone out, replace it, hand the perp money and then they want return it for purchase price.


Even had you had it authenticated right before it was sent still really a he said/she said.


All that said at $4000 we're talking felony and it is possible that the person engaging in this already has a record with authorities.  As others have noted you should accept the return and if at all possible once in you're hands *I* would take it to the Jeweler who knows the ring to examine it, tell you what's been done and get it written if at all possible.  You might able fight the claim via eBay and of course there are the authorities as well, the police local to you, local to the buyer, Postal Service Inspectors, you can file with the FTC and FBI Internet fraud operations as well.  If disputing via eBay you want provision them as much proof as you can possibly muster via hard evidence as if you were heading to court and only have one shot to represent yourself.


I do wish you the best of luck in getting the matter properly addressed.



Message 14 of 39
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Buyer wants to return a ring almost 2 months later


Accept the return and pay for it.  If it's not what you sold them, you can file a complaint with that persons police dept in their city.  This is very unfortunate which is why so many of us advise not to sell anything of a great value on this or any internet sale platform.  Too many scammers and virtual thieves. 


My guess is this person probably needs the money and is going to do their best to make sure you do right by them.  Accept the return, it's all you can do. And change your return policy.  No returns does not mean no refunds. Sorry for your situation. 

Message 15 of 39
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