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Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

After I sent the invoice, the winning bidder communicated via eBay messages that it seemed "suspicous" that several bidders had 0% feedback and were only bidding on my item. I had no way to prove that I only have one eBay account, and my friends and family don't know I sell so they aren't bidding for me. I offered to cancel the transaction. She messaged back saying I could send her a cancellation request.


As far as I know I'm not able to block 0% feed back bidders. And it would be unethical to come down on the price she agreed to pay because she thinks the other bidders weren't legitamate. What am I supposed to do if I'm accused of having fake accounts?


I stupidly relisted the item as buy it now. I say stupidly, because I gave her the idea that I was going to do second chance offer. My thinking was the auction had ended several days ago (because the buyer didn't pay or communicate with me until day 3) and those buyers have probably moved on. I also thought they could see the item had been relisted and they could buy it now if they wanted.


When she saw the item as buy it now, she blew up at me that I didn't want to second chance offer because the 0% feedback account was me. Personally I don't get where she's going, because if I was bidding on my own item I could just sell it to myself and leave myself feedback (so that wouldn't even prove to her that it wasn't my account) screwed if I did screwed if I didn't.


Anyway, I believe she's harrassing me by inventing stories about me and accusing me of fraud in messages sent AFTER she agreed to cancel the transaction. I thought we were done here?

I'm not entirely sure why she kept bidding on the item when she saw bidders with 0% and that "concerned" her.


But bigger problem. She left negative feedback for an item she did NOT pay for and did not receive. Is there any recourse? I've been on eBay since 2009 and I've never had a problem buying and selling until now.



Message 1 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

@ymeagainlord wrote:

@sin-n-dex wrote:

@vodkalit wrote:
That is precisely what I said. They lose the right to leave feedback - so it's removable. Ebay does not presently erase the transaction completely so the actual act of leaving feedback is available to them. You must call to get it removed. Be sure to have policy available to read to CS so they follow it.

If I recall correctly, my unstable "one neg a day" buyer was a previous BBL buyer who created a new account to scam me again. I think I had trouble because there was no "buyer request", but I had phoned when the sale happened and forced them to walk me through the "correct way to cancel" with call number and all, so that when the negs started showing up I had recourse. When I saw only one neg, I knew getting it removed was going to lead to more negs. You wouldn't believe some of the horrible things the guy said about me just because I refuse to sell again to someone who stole $97 in merchandise from me a few years ago.


Cheers, C.

Which was a clear case for removal of neg by a bidder who circumvented your BBL with "intent" (as per several blues posts to a thread yesterday).


They amaze me with how they twist their own policies anytime it suits them.

I did waste 3 hours on the phone over four days calling seven times to accomplish that.


No one has ever called me a "disgusting seller" before. He was smart enough not to use any curse words. I didn't mind if people saw the FB, just didn't want it to stick around for long. Once they agreed to remove it, it was done in less than an hour.


One guy on the phone told me my reason wasn't on the list. I told him (paraphrasing) "use your brain. If he's on my BBL he's not even allowed to be buying and I am allowed to cancel on anyone who I put on my BBL who creates another account just to buy from me." Said buyer was also cancelled for violating MBG. I read the original accounts FB (which was 1400 FB longer than when I got scammed in 2013). He left tons of negs, and when sellers let him keep the coins and refunded he revised it to say how honest they were, how cooperative they were, how much of an asset to eBay they were.


Anyway I learnt something interesting this past week... in the coin business, it does not pay to bleep off a seller. Someone who caused me a lot of grief in 2014 told me what he likes to collect and bragged about taking advantage of USA sellers who don't read other languages on coins.


Well I know someone with an eBay account that inherited an amazing collection of what this buyer likes is going to be listing them at auction soon. I was very quick to warn my friend so they can take proactive measures on their account against all the partial refund fishing and FB manipulation that is going to happen if those coins get sold to that buyer. (I also happen to know that this buyer's trick is to claim fake when the seller won't know and will refund fast to keep their reputation). This is the reason I don't sell certain types of things. If I don't know what it really is, I won't sell it.


Cheers, C.

Message 31 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

@c0urtney47 wrote:

I did call back today. This time it took 15 min and there was a bit of language barrier. At first it looked like it was not going to end in my favor. He said the buyer was unhappy with me cancelling the transaction and they have a right to leave feedback telling about their buying experience...even though the feedback said that I had two 0% feedback bidders bid on my item to raise the price FRAUD!! 


But he investigated the private messages and that helped him get a feel for what was going on.


He said he had to find a reason within guidelines to remove the feedback. It seems the reason he went with is the buyer didn't pay in 3 days so I was in the right to cancel the transaction, plus the buyer did say in the messages "you can send me a cancellation request". But the fact that *I* sent the cancellation request still almost put me at risk.


It got handled, it's removed now. I just wish there were reasons within guidelines that protected sellers from libel and accusing them of fraud.


Argh. I usually advise about getting the call number because in my experience if I don't get one, nothing happened except that I wasted my time.


As for his comment about "within his guidelines", you got a script reader. He's looking at a paper with reasons feedback can be removed and not thinking outside the box of a unique circumstance when a buyer accuses a seller of increasing their own prices. Anyone with a brain will conclude that if this is the accusation and is proven unfounded, the FB is no longer "buyer's opinion" but "malicious lies".


Cheers, C.

Message 32 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

@roosterpoppet wrote:
So glad you got the neg removed! Good for you!

Also wanted to share a recent experience with a "0" feedback buyer...
BRAND new buyer, signed up same day as he clicked BIN on my item. He paid immediately (well, that's a buyer requirement but still). After he received the item he sent a message of thanks about the items condition and my careful, speedy packing. Guy ends up being an MD.

I mention this because his message meant a lot to me, and on top of that he's a professional with a busy life- but he still found time to send a message. These entitled people we are forced to deal with now can't be bothered for anything, let alone a little common courtesy or "thank you".

Good luck in the future. Brush this off and don't let it bother you or affect your day! There are still a few nice people out there- good buyers and good sellers.



I loved your story!!


I do a lot of buying and selling, so I've come across all kinds on eBay.


I realize I don't offer the fastest handling, the cheapest prices, or the cheapest shipping. But I have done my best to send personalized messages (most of the time, when it's warranted of course) to tell buyers I'm in Canada, and that's why their tracking won't show for a few days because I have to get the item to the USA to USPS.


When people inquire about combined shipping (which happens a lot, especially by buyers wanting small value items), I answer enthusiastically like I'm happy to hear from them and answer their questions, and give them a little more information than they were asking for. For instance "do you combined shipping" will result in me telling them how much they can pack in for the $3.70 in case they are trying to figure out how much to buy.


I figure if I can't beat the price, I can offer better service.


Cheers, C.



Message 33 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

I knew based on your advice that I had gotten a script reader. I was prepared to ask to speak to a supervisor. But then he did find a reason "within his script", so whatever works for him. It worked out in my favor.

Message 34 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

buyers can do as they please on ebay, ebay wants to make them feel safe. sellers are a dime a dozen, that is.... till ebay gets some serious competition. removing the capability of sellers to leave negative feedback couldn't have been more revealing of ebay's agenda.

Message 35 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

I don't know how old this post is , but....

   This morning I was looking at my feedback and was surprised to see a red negative feedback saying I harassed them to pay before the bidding was over. I NEVER even contacted that person. They contacted me first saying to cancel the bid they won. I replied," it is done." And promptly relisted my item. How can they leave negative feedback when they didn't even buy the item? Why would someone waste time to do that to a complete stranger? I immediately reported that person to eBay. Hopefully they will remove the negative feedback. What do you think?

Message 36 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

@pateli2 wrote:

I don't know how old this post is , but....

   This morning I was looking at my feedback and was surprised to see a red negative feedback saying I harassed them to pay before the bidding was over. I NEVER even contacted that person. They contacted me first saying to cancel the bid they won. I replied," it is done." And promptly relisted my item. How can they leave negative feedback when they didn't even buy the item? Why would someone waste time to do that to a complete stranger? I immediately reported that person to eBay. Hopefully they will remove the negative feedback. What do you think?

You responded regarding changing the feedback - you need to send a fedback revision to them so they can change it. Hopefully they do.


"Nothing is obvious to the oblivious"
Message 37 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

I misunderstood you too.


So they can leave FB

Message 38 of 38
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