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Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

After I sent the invoice, the winning bidder communicated via eBay messages that it seemed "suspicous" that several bidders had 0% feedback and were only bidding on my item. I had no way to prove that I only have one eBay account, and my friends and family don't know I sell so they aren't bidding for me. I offered to cancel the transaction. She messaged back saying I could send her a cancellation request.


As far as I know I'm not able to block 0% feed back bidders. And it would be unethical to come down on the price she agreed to pay because she thinks the other bidders weren't legitamate. What am I supposed to do if I'm accused of having fake accounts?


I stupidly relisted the item as buy it now. I say stupidly, because I gave her the idea that I was going to do second chance offer. My thinking was the auction had ended several days ago (because the buyer didn't pay or communicate with me until day 3) and those buyers have probably moved on. I also thought they could see the item had been relisted and they could buy it now if they wanted.


When she saw the item as buy it now, she blew up at me that I didn't want to second chance offer because the 0% feedback account was me. Personally I don't get where she's going, because if I was bidding on my own item I could just sell it to myself and leave myself feedback (so that wouldn't even prove to her that it wasn't my account) screwed if I did screwed if I didn't.


Anyway, I believe she's harrassing me by inventing stories about me and accusing me of fraud in messages sent AFTER she agreed to cancel the transaction. I thought we were done here?

I'm not entirely sure why she kept bidding on the item when she saw bidders with 0% and that "concerned" her.


But bigger problem. She left negative feedback for an item she did NOT pay for and did not receive. Is there any recourse? I've been on eBay since 2009 and I've never had a problem buying and selling until now.



Message 1 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction



I'm sorry that you have a lunatic customer, but you do have to understand there are customers who will be suspicious of things like many zero FB bidders.


This is what you need to know and can do:


1. buyers can leave FB if you cancel. If you cancelled for "buyer requested cancellation" the FB should be removable if it's negative or neutral. If she said you could cancel (as your point is, you are offering to cancel to not force her into paying for an item after she has become uncomfortable with the transaction), you should be in the clear on this point.


2. You will need to call CSR at eBay (select defect removal as the reason for your call, even though negative feedback is no longer a defect). Make sure if the call goes well that you get the "call number" and agent's first name. Ask that they make notes because "I don't want to tell this all again if the FB isn't removed and I need to call you back."


3. eBay can tell via buyer information and IP address that the bidders are not you. If what you say is true, that you are not bidding on your item (or having someone in the same town bidding on it), eBay can see that what she is saying is overreaction to the situation. Be sure all these things she is telling you are in eBay messages. If she communicated with you any other way, then nothing she says counts.


4. If the person on the phone who is helping you says "let me consult my list" or "the reason you want this FB removed is not mentioned here". You have a script reader who does not think or have common sense. There are many removable situations that are unique and not on the list. Ask to speak to the supervisor. Who cares if it's the person sitting beside them. Tell them "you do not seem to understand what my issue is, I need to speak to someone else." They will either get rapidly informed, or pass your call to another agent.


5. Be polite. Have several screen windows open (the item, the bidding history, your feedback, your dashboard, etc), and most of all, one window or application where you can do something useful for all the time you will spend on hold or waiting for your call to be answered.


6. FB removal is very fast, and should not take more than a few hours to be taken down, pending on the cycle of their servers. If it's not down in a few hours, call back. Give them the call number. Remember every call you make has a new call number, they do not continue your record past each call. They can tell you by means of verification if the request was put in when you call a second time.


This process will waste a lot of your time, but it's essential that every defect and feedback you get that isn't deserved is dealt with as quickly as possible.


Good luck,


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Message 4 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

What was the reason used for the cancellation?  If it was that the buyer requested cancellation, then she loses her ability to leave feedback.  If that's the case, call Ebay and they should be able to remove that feedback for you.  Point out that the buyer requested that the transaction be cancelled.

Message 2 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

I offered cancelling the transaction as a solution to her suspicsions. She replied back that I could send her a cancellation request. The messages show her agreement to cancel, but I'm the one who sent the request. 



How could I have proved to her that I don't bid on my own items?

Message 3 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction



I'm sorry that you have a lunatic customer, but you do have to understand there are customers who will be suspicious of things like many zero FB bidders.


This is what you need to know and can do:


1. buyers can leave FB if you cancel. If you cancelled for "buyer requested cancellation" the FB should be removable if it's negative or neutral. If she said you could cancel (as your point is, you are offering to cancel to not force her into paying for an item after she has become uncomfortable with the transaction), you should be in the clear on this point.


2. You will need to call CSR at eBay (select defect removal as the reason for your call, even though negative feedback is no longer a defect). Make sure if the call goes well that you get the "call number" and agent's first name. Ask that they make notes because "I don't want to tell this all again if the FB isn't removed and I need to call you back."


3. eBay can tell via buyer information and IP address that the bidders are not you. If what you say is true, that you are not bidding on your item (or having someone in the same town bidding on it), eBay can see that what she is saying is overreaction to the situation. Be sure all these things she is telling you are in eBay messages. If she communicated with you any other way, then nothing she says counts.


4. If the person on the phone who is helping you says "let me consult my list" or "the reason you want this FB removed is not mentioned here". You have a script reader who does not think or have common sense. There are many removable situations that are unique and not on the list. Ask to speak to the supervisor. Who cares if it's the person sitting beside them. Tell them "you do not seem to understand what my issue is, I need to speak to someone else." They will either get rapidly informed, or pass your call to another agent.


5. Be polite. Have several screen windows open (the item, the bidding history, your feedback, your dashboard, etc), and most of all, one window or application where you can do something useful for all the time you will spend on hold or waiting for your call to be answered.


6. FB removal is very fast, and should not take more than a few hours to be taken down, pending on the cycle of their servers. If it's not down in a few hours, call back. Give them the call number. Remember every call you make has a new call number, they do not continue your record past each call. They can tell you by means of verification if the request was put in when you call a second time.


This process will waste a lot of your time, but it's essential that every defect and feedback you get that isn't deserved is dealt with as quickly as possible.


Good luck,


Message 4 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

@vodkalit wrote:

What was the reason used for the cancellation?  If it was that the buyer requested cancellation, then she loses her ability to leave feedback.  If that's the case, call Ebay and they should be able to remove that feedback for you.  Point out that the buyer requested that the transaction be cancelled.

That's not true. I cancelled for buyer request and I still got a negative. It was painful and difficult to get it removed, and because the buyer was unstable he was leaving his negs one per day, one at a time, and making me waste tons of time making calls.


They still can leave it, but as per policy, it should be removeable.


Cheers, C.

Message 5 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

@c0urtney47 wrote:

I offered cancelling the transaction as a solution to her suspicsions. She replied back that I could send her a cancellation request. The messages show her agreement to cancel, but I'm the one who sent the request. 



How could I have proved to her that I don't bid on my own items?

You absolutely cannot prove that. It falls under the same logic is proving to someone you're doing any number of things.


I once lived with someone who always thought everyone was doing things to them... I learned to abandon trying to argue with them about it and just deal with a situation when it happens.


You might be best to not argue with the customer. I would politely tell them if they have concerns about my business practices then to feel free to call eBay and have me investigated (if I'm not doing anything, this wouldn't worry me). And if they're unhappy with the sale price of the item then you would honour their request to cancel.


You don't need to do a second chance offer or tell the buyer you plan to do that if they don't want the item.


Say less. Less is more.


Cheers, C.

Message 6 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

Thank you for all your tips about calling eBay. I've never had to do this before.


Would you reccomend I cancel bids from 0% bidders, is that even allowed? To me it's my risk, and if another bidder isn't comfortable bidding among 0% bidders they don't have to continue bidding...rather than wait until the auction is over and you owe money.

Message 7 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

That is precisely what I said. They lose the right to leave feedback - so it's removable. Ebay does not presently erase the transaction completely so the actual act of leaving feedback is available to them. You must call to get it removed. Be sure to have policy available to read to CS so they follow it.
Message 8 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

Everything sin said and be sure to block them from buying from you again. 

You can call me Tony
Message 9 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

@c0urtney47 wrote:

Thank you for all your tips about calling eBay. I've never had to do this before.


Would you reccomend I cancel bids from 0% bidders, is that even allowed? To me it's my risk, and if another bidder isn't comfortable bidding among 0% bidders they don't have to continue bidding...rather than wait until the auction is over and you owe money.

Cancelling a bid because they are new or have zero FB is not ethical. Just deal with the fact you might get someone who has issues bidding against one. It's their due diligence to check the bid history and decide if they want to keep bidding.


I did go check the FB after I posted (which I rarely do, because I prefer to give advice on the situation sans judgement), but what she is claiming in the FB is that you bid on your own items. eBay can see that you aren't. This should be sufficient to have it removed, but knowing all the reasons it should be removable helps.


Cheers, C.

Message 10 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

@vodkalit wrote:
That is precisely what I said. They lose the right to leave feedback - so it's removable. Ebay does not presently erase the transaction completely so the actual act of leaving feedback is available to them. You must call to get it removed. Be sure to have policy available to read to CS so they follow it.

If I recall correctly, my unstable "one neg a day" buyer was a previous BBL buyer who created a new account to scam me again. I think I had trouble because there was no "buyer request", but I had phoned when the sale happened and forced them to walk me through the "correct way to cancel" with call number and all, so that when the negs started showing up I had recourse. When I saw only one neg, I knew getting it removed was going to lead to more negs. You wouldn't believe some of the horrible things the guy said about me just because I refuse to sell again to someone who stole $97 in merchandise from me a few years ago.


Cheers, C.

Message 11 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

Thanks for checking out my feedback. I am going to try calling eBay tomorrow. I suppose I am lucky she made her claims in the feedback where everyone can see.


I wish I encouraged her to have eBay investigate me. I just get nervous with a flaky buyer suffering from buyers remorse. There's nothing stopping her from beating my item with a hammer and saying I shipped it to her like that...I'd be out the $200 item and at least $20 for shipping. I was quick to let her out of the transaction and it hurt me.

Message 12 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

If you canceled the transaction at the buyer's request the feedback should be removable.


Also, after looking at the feedback left by them, it could be deemed libelous since they accused you of criminal activity. 

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 13 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

@c0urtney47 wrote:

Thanks for checking out my feedback. I am going to try calling eBay tomorrow. I suppose I am lucky she made her claims in the feedback where everyone can see.


I wish I encouraged her to have eBay investigate me. I just get nervous with a flaky buyer suffering from buyers remorse. There's nothing stopping her from beating my item with a hammer and saying I shipped it to her like that...I'd be out the $200 item and at least $20 for shipping. I was quick to let her out of the transaction and it hurt me.


You did the right thing. She made accusations, you were uncomfortable, you offered her an out because you were feeling uncomfortable with where this was going. There's nothing wrong with that, we need to follow our instincts as sellers instead of just seeing the dollar signs.


My personal life is filled with situations where I want to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but my gut feeling says don't. I always feel like I lose in the end, but it's usually for the best. Just like your reselling this to someone else will work out for you later.


If I could give one advice though... perhaps wait a little if you have to relist it for a third time. Generally when I mess up on a transaction I do not relist right away. I tag it with a date and make sure the history is gone before I relist. (Or it goes back to the B&M Store if I choose to not relist it.)


Cheers, C.

Message 14 of 38
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Re: Buyer left negative feedback for cancelled transaction

I took the item down by choice today (it was auction, buy it now, and now gone). I'm going to focus on my lower risk items for the time being.


I did call ebay today. I was hardly on the phone 5 min which was a pleasant surprise. He basically just took a min to look up the feedback and said it would be removed. It's still there, but it has only been a couple hours. No action will be taken on the buyer, but I did block her as well as adjust my other selling preferences. 



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