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Bogus Offer

I've accepted an payment.  I found buyer..H.S. Kid. Can I rescind my acceptance without waiting for it expires?

Message 1 of 8
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Bogus Offer

@edwa-pron wrote:

I've accepted an payment.  I found buyer..H.S. Kid. Can I rescind my acceptance without waiting for it expires?

If it hasn't expired, then the buyer still has that much time left to pay, so NO

Message 2 of 8
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Bogus Offer

Please re-read Rules of Engagement (#8 about this board, right side of page), no naming and shaming. Hate to see new users get hit with policy violations. You’re Welcome.

Message 3 of 8
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Bogus Offer

Seller can't rescind offers they sent or offers they accepted. But if you don't want to sell it to the buyer you can delete your listing. 

"What do we live for, if it's not to make life less difficult for each other?" — G Eliot
Message 4 of 8
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Bogus Offer


@bearswatching wrote:

Please re-read Rules of Engagement (#8 about this board, right side of page), no naming and shaming. Hate to see new users get hit with policy violations. You’re Welcome.



Please don't tell me you misinterpreted "H.S. Kid" to be the person's eBay member id? The OP didn't post the person's eBay member id; s/he meant that the person making the offer is a high-school kid. Very polite warning, though . . . even though the OP didn't violate any Community Rules. 😂 


You're welcome.

Message 5 of 8
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Bogus Offer

What I have found that works for these buyers that make offers and then don't pay is.....instead of hitting the accept offer , send them a message and tell them you will accept their offer or even make them a counter offer through a message. If they agree and they say they can pay right way, tell them you're going to change the price of the listing to the agreed price and make it a buy it now. If they don't pay in a timely manner, just change the listing back to the original price with the best offer option. This has worked for me many times. I usually ask if they're prepared to pay right away and tell them i'm going to make the change immediately to the price. I know this doesn't answer your question about withdrawing the offer, but hopefully it helps some sellers in the future

Message 6 of 8
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Bogus Offer

OMG, I feel stupid! That looks like a real name. My face is red!

Message 7 of 8
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Bogus Offer

@bearswatching wrote:

OMG, I feel stupid! That looks like a real name. My face is red!

Oh, don't feel stupid--I had to do a search to make sure it wasn't a member id. LOL!

Message 8 of 8
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