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Turbo Lister discontinued? Really?

I started with ebay way back and these constant changes are not helpful.  I have all my templets on TL and now I either have to pay another service or recreate every time?  Come on ebay treat your sellers a little better.  

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Re: Turbo Lister discontinued? Really?

I agree...

Message 2 of 12
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Re: Turbo Lister discontinued? Really?

I'm in the same boat and agree completely.  Why would ebay suspend a revenue producing

vehicle like turbo Lister.  The more you upload the more money they make.  Having to recreate

every item is so time consuming.  Wonder is they had a change in management?  Or maybe

trying to decrease revenue to discourage a hostel takeover?

Message 3 of 12
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Re: Turbo Lister discontinued? Really?

Wow... just started setting up my listings for this month... brand new updated listings, in turbolister, and apparently I now cannot do that...

Message 4 of 12
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Re: Turbo Lister discontinued? Really?

3 years ago, eBay announced TL would go away...

Sellers have had lots of time to get used to the idea and have had lots of time to prepare for how they were going to work with their listings going forward since sellers cannot trust eBay to do or keep their word on anything these days...  and to ask eBay to treat its sellers a little better is like asking for the moon..... 

No, most of us do not like that TL is gone and that we must find a replacement or some other way to make listing our items as easy as it was with TL. The one good thing is that as long as TL is on one's computer, that content is accessible; just cannot upload or download to/from eBay...

For myself, all my photos are in files on my computer so that is not a problem. Seller hub holds all unsold listings for 90 days, so that is good...Plus ALL 1500 of my listings are on another selling venue where it is free to list and the listings are there until they either sell or I delete them. There are ways to work without TL, sellers just need to find what will work the best for their situation.

Message 5 of 12
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Re: Turbo Lister discontinued? Really?


3 years ago, eBay announced TL would go away...

Sellers have had lots of time to get used to the idea and have had lots of time to prepare for how they were going to work with their listings"


not so...eBay promised to incorporate tl's features into seller hub. Many were counting on that broken promise.

Message 6 of 12
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Re: Turbo Lister discontinued? Really?

Yes, they did finally render it unusable. They want us to use their own listing tools. Unfortunately, their own listing tools suck compared to TL. And the easy "Folder Tree" function to archive listings was great. As a stamp dealer, I have individual items come back into stock from time to time, and I liked being able to just use an archived listing and modify it. It was easy to find the way I had things organized on TL. 

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Turbo Lister discontinued? Really?

"eBay promised to incorporate tl's features into seller hub. Many were counting on that broken promise."


now why would any seller count on any promise that eBay may have made...

any sellers who have been using eBay for a few years and/or longer know eBay cannot be taken at its word anymore...eBay's word is worthless...

I for one have learned to never believe eBay nor trust in anything eBay says until it actually happens...

Message 8 of 12
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Re: Turbo Lister discontinued? Really?

So... you're really saying that eBay does whatever they want to please themselves, with little regard for their client base - I guess that's big business in general now-a-days.  It used to be "fun" doing ebay - but currently it's just a different daily chore , and a hassle more often than not.  I suspect they will lose clients, and therefore listings as time goes by , and then the pundits upstairs will cry the oh-my-oh-me song - but as you stated, they had 3 years to provide selling solutions and didn't. Thanks for your frank assessment of the situation , and I'd say more sellers would agree than not. 

Message 9 of 12
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Re: Turbo Lister discontinued? Really?

What tools do other use that come close to the functionality of Turbo Lister?  Any good applications that would allow me to quickly generate listings using a list of titles and corresponding URLs?

Message 10 of 12
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Re: Turbo Lister discontinued? Really?

I don't know of any but some have been mentioned before that cost more money as if the fees weren't enough taking my profit away and then ebay is always trying to get you to use free shipping.  Have they looked at the shipping costs lately?  I have to make some money on the deal.

Message 11 of 12
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Re: Turbo Lister discontinued? Really?

@vintage_tickets wrote:

What tools do other use that come close to the functionality of Turbo Lister?  Any good applications that would allow me to quickly generate listings using a list of titles and corresponding URLs?

I'm a former Turbo Lister user who's been using SixBit for several years now. It's not free like TL was but it has a free trial and a reasonable price if you keep it. I've found the time it saves me is well worth the price.


The functionality is better than TL was and offers far more options. For instance, you can bulk edit all of your 11,000 listings in a few minutes with a just a few clicks. It can also import all of your data so you don't lose all of that work.


You can read more here


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