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Offers Received from Buyers show + Local Pickup

The offers I'm receiving from buyers now are all showing "+ Local Pickup" as if the buyers selected local pickup even if they didn't.  This cost me one sale as I declined the offer and cost me shipping on another as I edited the price to accommodate a non-local seller.  That's before I realized that all the offers are showing up like that now.

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Re: Offers Received from Buyers show + Local Pickup

Mine is doing this too. The offer is coming from the states and i'm in canada. Do I have to cover the full shipping charge if I accept the offer? Or the buyer selects shipping after the offer is accepted? I'm new to ebay and super confused and have been declining solid offers.

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Re: Offers Received from Buyers show + Local Pickup

From my understanding it's just an error in the way it is showing on the page. I had a buyer tell me they didn't select local pickup even though it was showing "+ local pickup".  Then I accepted his offer and he paid for shipping.

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