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Customer unable to check out

A customer reported issues with not being able to check out. I have had a drastic decline in sales. I have tried to redo listings incase of an error with my listing -but still minimal traffic and then I was advised by a customer they tried to purchase several items but it would not allow them to checkout. 

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Re: Customer unable to check out

I have had many customers complaining about this for months. Ebay just tells me the customer needs to call in and that is about it. It has been hurting my sales for many months without a clear fix. Also issues with best offer not working properly.

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Re: Customer unable to check out

Not sure if this is a Domestic or International buyer.

Is buyer not able to pay after adding items to their cart? or they cannot pay after all items added to their shopping cart?

I use USPS and have had similar problems with International Buyers only for my domestic shipping is free.

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Customer unable to check out

I've had two issues today (at least that I am aware of) of customers reaching out because they couldn't checkout.  

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Customer unable to check out

Maybe some of how and whys from the buyers side why they can't check out might be helpful for people to help. Not much information to work with, with just a post that says people can't check out. We can't see the buyers account or where they are located to hazard a guess at the whys. 

Could be that the payment method is not available for them to use (such as Pay-Pal pay in 4) or credit cards need updating. Don't know. 

Message 5 of 6
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Re: Customer unable to check out

I know this is an old post, but I am a customer trying to checkout.

Error message is: "We ran into a problem. Please go back and the try to check out again."


Pay button is greyed out. Cannot pay.

Cart has 11 items from an American seller, same seller, he does allow international shipping.

Free shipping if it thinks I am in America, international shipping charged for me in Australia.
Shipping cost is not calculated on the checkout page. It does total the cost of all the items.
I can choose new card, paypal or google pay, it doesn't matter which radio button I select, pay option remains greyed out.
I have tried on a different browser, an incognito window, downloading the app on my phone and also changing from the ebay Australia domain to just, logging in, adding the items to my cart and trying to pay. Same error.
On the AU site this shop doesnt seem to offer a discount on multiple purchases, on the site it does, either way neither allows me to actually purchase. Also no checkout page seems to calculate the shipping.

When I check chromes devtools it throws up errors about google pay not being on ebays CSP, those are the only errors on page load. At this point pretty sure it is server side... Otherwise incognito or downloading the app to my phone would have addressed it.

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