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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

Welcome home Brothers Veterans Helping Veterans
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

I was in the Army starting in 1970. I went to basic at Ft. Dix an took AIT at FT Monmouth. After recieving classified electronic training I was assigned to Stratcom and there was a lot of discussion about where my class would be sent. Finally we were assigned to Stratcom Europe and I was sent to the European command HQ in Stuttgart. My job was to direct communications for all the nuclear weapon sites in Europe. Pretty scary stuff for a 19y/o. But hey I didn't know any better.
I never saw a day of combat but I was in Germany during the 1972 Munich olympics when GI's and athletes were targeted by terrorists and our base was slammed shut! And we couldn't travel anywhere because of our security clearances.
Even though I didn't see any combat I was still a "baby killer" When I got home, I have always felt that somehow my service was not worth a lot because of how much I took when I got home, partly because of my service and partly because I was never in combat.
Thanks for letting me vent!And thanks to all my brothers in every service!
Message 286 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

I hear ya. Never again.
Welcome home, soldier.

Although I was in the Marines, we both got the cold sholder and spit on at the airports.

That was the beginning of the downfall from grace as far as the way other countries look at us now.

We can't just pull out of the sandlot. Same o same o.
Start something we can't seem to finish.

Wish we never had left the states in any of these stoopid wars, eh?

Message 287 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

Nyteflyr, I used to believe only Vietnam Vets cared about Vietnam Vets, but in recent years I have learned that all Vets care about all Vets. Sure, combat was tough on all those who were in it and survived, but combat troops need support troops and most who served were support troops. The fact is we all served and I am proud of us. Welcome Home Brother!
Message 288 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

Thanks guys! You don't know how much a positive stroke means. I served honorably and went back in the Army in 1976 as a field medic. I progressed to become a nurse and was NCOIC for clinical issues of a flight clinic. Since getting out in 1980 I have become an RN and I now work for a hospice and I have had the honor of being with a number of vets in their last days. I'm also a PGR and I ride a Ural,side car rig. It is the most fun I have ever had while riding a motorcycle
Bless all my brothers in all services, those who serve are the most honorable in the country!!!
Message 289 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

I was in Vietnam 69-71. 1/2 1st Infantry Div, 2/47th Mech. 9th Infantry. Also a civilian working for Federal Electric Corp from 1972 to 1975.

I've been back to Vietnam several times and the changes there are so major, it does not appear to be the same place sometimes.

The local beer is still bad, thank goodness. Don't want to change those memories.
Message 290 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

Thanks for your service & God Bless. I missed the draft by 2 in 1972. Wanted to go in but being color blind would only let me be a cook so I said no. Good Luck!
Message 291 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

Hi everyone,
i joined the army in 1964 and I was sent to germany to play footsies with the russians during the cold war. I know you people caught hell in Nam. My mos was 12b20 combat engineer. I did not know it at the time but i had some of the best duty a man could ask for. Seen the 1966 olimpics in germany. Insbruck, Austria , Garminch. Up until 1966 you had to be a e-5 to volinteer to go to Viet Nam and I got out on 1967 so I said to hell with it. Don't look like I missed anytrhing
Message 292 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

Hi everyone,
i joined the army in 1964 and I was sent to germany to play footsies with the russians during the cold war. I know you people caught hell in Nam. My mos was 12b20 combat engineer. I did not know it at the time but i had some of the best duty a man could ask for. Seen the 1966 olimpics in germany. Insbruck, Austria , Garminch. Up until 1966 you had to be a e-5 to volinteer to go to Viet Nam and I got out on 1967 so I said to hell with it. Don't look like I missed anytrhing
Message 293 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

Here in Texas we have a VFW group called "VFW Riders". All motorcycle enthusiasts and riders. When guys come home from Iraq on their leave we make sure they are welcomed by us. When guys come home we make a loaner motorcycle available to them so they can go on one of our runs. When they join we have a welcoming ceremony to welcome them into the "Band of Brothers". Nothing helps getting over PTSS more than hanging out with a group of guys who have "been there, done that" and can relate to what your going through. Nothing like a group of 50 riders on a run in full leathers scaring the hell out of the locals until they see that VFW patch on our vests. Then they breathe a sigh of relief.
This ain't your grandpa's VFW. We have a motto: "Never again". Because never again will ANY veteran come home and not feel honored and appriciated. We owe that to our brothers. Because if we don't do it, who will?
Message 294 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

Looks like you guys in Texas are setting the standard for welcoming troops home. Very cool program. Vets care about Vets!
Message 295 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board


Were you aboard the "O" at the time of the fire when Her Pilots were killed by the fire? I was aboard the "Annapolis AGMR1" at the time. 1st year there on the Annapolis second year there "CANBERRA CAG2" spent alot of time north of the DMZ. 1965-1967.
Message 296 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

I may be one of the oldest guy to post on MB at age 80. I am a veteran of both Korea and Vietnam. Flew F-80s in Korea and two tours in Vietnam, first (1968) flying F-4s out of Danang and later 1972) as a Forward Air Controller, flying OV-10s out of Nakom Phenom in Thailand. Nothing I ever did could approach what the combat infantry did on the ground. Still active rider, latest bike a 1996 Honda Pacific Coast, last of a long line of different brand m/cs. Must admit the PC is getting a bit heavy for me. Looking for a 1989-90 Honda GB 500 thumper. Don't ask me why.
Message 297 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

Hey norbert2097, I thank you for your service. I'm speaking for my brother, but these are his words.

God Bless you and may you prosper.

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. " -- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Message 298 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

I always think the best thank you in the world is for someone to tell me, "God bless you."
Message 299 of 331
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How many Nam Vets are there here with us on this board

Evening board.Just happen to stumble across this board. Couldn't help but scan the post of this thread. VN Era vet here. Joined USMC in 73, out in 75. Standby during boot to go to Nam was as close as I got. After Diego,Took my training at Ft. Bliss in El Paso for the Advanced Hawk Missle System. IBCC,IPAR & IROR.

Recently bought my first HD(2000 Road King) about 4 months ago after having not ridden in almost 20 years.

Message 300 of 331
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