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JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Hard to beeelieve it is JUNE already!! Mercy!! Year is nearly half gone!


Anyhoo..welcome to the June chat..come sit a spell..take a load off (your feet OR your mind).  I`ll go fix some lemonade & Sweet Tea of course..with some nice cool water for any T-totalers.



~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
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122 REPLIES 122

Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Lemonade, please.  Coming back from class I was going to stop by WalMart but the parkig lot was jammed.Then I noticed that the pizza place nearby which had been closed for over a year due to a fire was reopening. People standing in a looooooooong line and cars circling doe spaces.  Decided there's enough cat food to last a couple of days and I wanted no part of that mess and came on home!

 photo rose_zps07ff3a19.jpg
Message 2 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

I don't blame you on skipping over that! I don't like it when the parking lot is packed! LOL Makes me think the store is packed and I'm one of those people who knows what she needs and knows where it is...I just want to get in and get out! LOL 



Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 3 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Well..the babies get let out of their safe room all nite tonite.   They stayed out all day yesterday while we were gone ready to give them a nitetime try.


I went around today & pretended to be a cat at nitetime play all day today & anchored things & shuffled things that they could 'possibly' knock over, guess they are ready for their big test.   We did move the curio cabinet hutch to hallway..JUST to be safe  LOL


Not sure what`s gonna happen when they discover they can come into our bedroom that outta be long as they don`t want mama or daddy to play too. Cat Very Happy

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 4 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

My hubby's always saying we should take our kitties to bed with us. No way! LOL I never did sleep with my dogs either. I took a nap one time with Kirby & CJ in the bed, that's when I decided that was never happening again! LOL They are TOO hot...or I'm too hot...either way I woke up sweating, lol. I've napped with CJ on my lap and Kirby laying on the couch beside me, but only napped with them the one time!


Its sunny here today, finally, which i'm so happy for! Suposed to get up to at least 70°, so fingers crossed!


I took Kirby to the groomer's this morning. He smelled SO bad...I was kind of embarassed! I kept forgetting to clean out his pool from last year (actually I forgot to dump it and flip it over last fall!). It would get warm here and I'd think, I need to dump the pool, then it would cool off or start raining and I'd forget about it. Well it rained most of the day saturday and instead of just going outside and going potty and then coming back in, Kriby stayed out more then I wanted him too. And he was in the pool. So he smelled. I can handle wet dog, that smell goes away when he dries, but the old pool water made him smell soured. That smell did not go away when he dried! UGH!


CJ is getting a bath tonite as well! And I'm washing there bedding! (again!)



Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 5 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Aww poor smellie doggie!  


On a horribly sad note..did ya`ll see this story


I just cannot imagine what that poor woman is going thru Cat Sad

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 6 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Thanks for starting the thread Sarah.  I'm thinking the year is going by too fast also.


Such a sad story about the dog at Petco.  That's the second story I've heard about grooming there in the last two weeks.  The other story said the dog that was being groomed fell off the table and got hurt.  Can't remember if he died or just broke his leg.


I bet the kitties did just fine last nite, Sarah!


We kept the grans on Monday.  Made them breakfast (which they didn't really eat), went to Walmart to buy a toy for each, and then to the Mall to ride the carousel, got them Happy Meals and played on the computer.  Whooo!  We were worn out.


Took the Pom to an allergy clinic for animals yesterday.  As much as we have doctored on him, the poor thing had staph infections, an infected ear, some mold spores, etc.  He did a lot scrapings and they are being sent to a lab to find out the best antibiotic.  Dr. said we had to get the infection under control and then work on finding out what he is allergic to (food or enviromental).  So now it's ear drops, antibiotics, and special bath shampoo.  After the bath, we are to dilute 1/4 cup of clorox in a gallon of water and douse him with that.  Very expensive but I guess we have paid his other vet hundreds of dollars over the past 3 yrs to fight this.  Our heads were spinning after this visit.  The Dr. actually spent almost an hour talking to us and checking out the dog.


Sorry for writing so much but it helps to ingest the overload of information.





Message 7 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Awww poor Pom..I can only imagine what he is goin thru. Cat Sad  And frustrating ,I know, to try & zero in on the exact problem(s) to treat.  Prayers that all this helps him & fast!


Had some rain last least I don`t have to water  lol still awaiting that 1st ripe tomato..but the cukes & onions so far are yummo! 


Okey doke..short -n -sweet right to make Wed goodies,then list some stuff..then hopefully put everything back in my curio cabinet.  Can`t even walk in the guest room where I 'dumped' everything off  lol 


Toodles for now!





~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 8 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Missed Sandy and went to her page to find her, saw her last message and was shocked.  My love & prayers go out to both you and Chuck, Sandy.  I love you and missed you on the board so I went out searching for you.  God be with you both and strengthen and comfort you as only He can do.


Ok, girls, I have a weed killer for you from Pinterest, very effective and very cheap to make: 1/2 gal. white vinegar, 1/2 cup salt. 2 TBSPS dishwashing liquid~put this in your garden sprayer and after the third spraying you should have killed out the weeds and their roots.  Make sure you spray them when the sun is hot.

Got this from Pinterest, very cheap, how cool is that!  You know how expensive weed killer is and they only come back, this is supposed to kill the root too.

Love you guys!


Message 9 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Yup! That weed killer works great!  We had a stand of ivy here that owners let go and it was climbing house, etc which is NOT good for the house.  I mixed this up..sprayed it 2 years ago..all gone & has not come back. & Ivy is horrbly difficult to get rid of.


I think it`s actually the salt that does ya just have to be keerful where you use it.

~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 10 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

I'd love to try the weed killers like that, but we never get enough sun anymore :(. It was nice when I came to work, then had to run over to the bank. sun was gone and it had droppe 5° in temp! ugh!


I sure hope you can figure out the pom's allergies! The last time I boarded the boys (CJ & Kirby) at the vet, Kirby came home with a TINY hot spot. Three days later and it was bigger then my hand! He went to the vet, got meds and a spray for it, and it cleared up with in a couple of weeks, so I can't imagine having a dog that has those spots all over!!


Speaking of Kirby, he looks so good and smells SO much better! LOL My BFF says it looks like he's gained 50lbs cuz now his fur is all fluffy, lol. It'll de-fluff in a few days and he'll go back to looking like normal! I love my Kirby dog and I love labs (which he's a cross) but i'm never have another double coated dog again! LOL CJ's so much easier for me to clean! LOL Plus I'm going to stick with only small dogs too! But I figure I've got several more years with the double coated furball! 🙂 I'm hoping for at least another 5 or so with him :).

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 11 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Ahhhh....a nice soft spot! 



~~~Sarah~~~There's only ONE bad day when you love an animal
Message 12 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Hi all.  Thank you for the prayers and best wishes.  We left Sioux City today and headed to Harlan for Chuck's brother's funeral.  We are bushed.  It feels like we just got off one roller coaster and find ourselves on another.  I just wanted to drop you all a line and to say ... tell those you love how much you love them ... you just never know if you will get another chance.  Hope every one is doing fine.  I will check back in a couple of days.  Thanks again for the prayers.

Though the beauty may be in the butterfly, the struggle and growth occur in the cocoon.
Message 13 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

((((Sandy)))) I'm so very sorry. Hopfully, soon, you can take some time to decompress...


ahhh lovely kitties on a nice soft spot 🙂

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 14 of 123
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Re: JUNE is Bustin Out All Over CHAT

Happy Sunday Morning to All!


And, where is everyone?  So many used to join in  on the chat.  That's so sad!


It rained here all last week but Saturday and Sunday are supposed to be sunny.  Rain again on Monday.


Went to see my mom on Thursday.  Took her out for a bit but she couldn't get out of the car because I didn't take pack her wheel chair.  I thought Walmart would have one but they were all missing.   Anyhow, I was worn out by the time I got her back to the nursing home.  Good though to get her out.

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