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Weekend Finds 2

I miss the old Weekend Finds thread.


Gosh, it's certainly been a crazy year or more for all of us.

No yard sales or doll shows or estate sales for a year and a half.

Finally found one on my way to the Grocery store yesterday.

Found 4 American Girl dolls, a Wellie Wisher, and a huge plastic tote full of clothes. No boxes, but beautiful shape. There has to be over 75 outfits in there, so many shoes, lol.  And Hats!!!!

Identified 2 of the dollies - Wellie Wisher Camille and a Girl of the year Lea Clark - The other 2 blondes I'm still looking up, but I think they are Just like me(?) ones. 

There is a wheelchair, dining sets, a tent set plus other stuff. 

Drum Roll...... 50.00.

Time to dust off the books.  😁

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Weekend Finds 2

Lucky!! What a great find. I hate to have to ask, but are you the lady who sews beautiful clothes for the American Girl. Forgive my Teflon brain...nothing sticks anymore.


I'm 75, finally have an enormous craft, doll, paper doll, button, sewing room. And I cannot bring One More Doll into it! Although I would love to find some shoes and hats! I really have to purge so my daughter doesn't have to deal with them.


So how about I post something I just put together. I picked up these little  (porcelain?) dolls whenever I could through the years. They were always dirt cheap. I've got more, but this is all that would fit.


Then here is one bride shelf. I don't even remember who they all are. The back row has a Monica and probably a Sweet Sue and an Effanbee. The front row has 3 Alexanders, the one on the far right is Elise.




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Weekend Finds 2

No, not me, LOL!!!  I was sewing for the Revlons and the Cissy's.  I use vintage patterns and vintage materials for them.  Used to "refashion" dresses from vintage/year age dresses from the 50's. Cut them apart and make new duds for the dollies.

The Ideal Chrissy family dolls are a joy to sew for, as my favorite is the Furga Alta Moda girls.  Can get real crazy with them, as their original outfits are out of my price range.

I was teaching my Grand Nieces how to sew for their American Girls and their My Twinn dolls - that was fun.  

I donate these AG dolls and the clothes to a local charity to raffle off.  I try to include a couple of complete original outfits - and I then sew them some new duds to add into the mix.  I have so many duplicate American Girl size patterns that I will put a few in there also with some nice fabrics that some little girl may want to try her hand at creating something for their dolls.

I haven't sewn anything in a long time, lots of stuff cut out though. 


Your Alexanders are beautiful.  The Chinas are in a class by themselves.  I like the way they are displayed.  Are they in a shadowbox frame on the wall?



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Weekend Finds 2

Those are good size dolls to sew for. I used to sew for those 10.5" fashion dolls, but ugh, 1/2" darts are a real pain! I like sewing for the bigger dolls too. I also have tons of vintage fabrics and trims...more than I can ever use. I'm sorting out patterns now and find that I have so many duplicates. WHY?? 


I love what you are doing with the donations and the nudge to interest girls in sewing. My daughter and granddaughter were never interested. One thing though, when the GD was little, every visit I would make her work on a sock monkey. It took months, but we finally had it finished.


Thanks about my dolls. Yep, I just spray painted the shadowbox. The dolls didn't show up against the pale wood background. It has a plexiglass (or something) window that slides over the top. I got some kind of sticky putty to stick them to the box so they don't fall out/over. It's not on a wall yet.


Could you show some of your doll clothes? I'd love to see them.

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