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Bad Luck With Doctor Or Medicine Topic

We stayed home Easter had friends come be with us. We are all on special diet because of health issues. It was quite the conversation going around the room talking about  thm.


My health issue on Easter was a bad reaction to a blood pressure pill. All inside the top of my mouth was getting all these red spots that hurt. So this created a sore throat. Called my doctors office..........they had a message on there saying "we are closed for the holiday". Was very surprised to hear such a message at a doctors office. 


I called the phamarcist and told him what was going on with the reaction. He could not believe the message on the doctors phone either. He called and got the same thing. Asked me to come in the store. He sold me a bottle of this stuff to swish all around in there to calm it down and heal it. It worked great. 


Yesterday had a visit with the doctor. Told him about the reaction. He got mad at me?

Told  me "I am not here to just keep dispensine you drugs until we hit the one you dont get a reaction from. Why didn't you tell me you were alergic to this?"


I said:

"You told me I had high blood pressure and suggested taking medications for it remember?"

He said "go see a cardiologist and stormed out of the room saying Follow me."

Then had the girls out front hand me a list of them.


This is my Primary Care Doctor? 


I was wondering if a topic about doctors visits and prescription drugs reactions was created. So here it is.


This is only a small group but I sure do like it here. Anyone else think that?




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Re: Bad Luck With Doctor Or Medicine Topic

Holy mackeral what a doctor. Been having trouble finding a new doctor myself. The one I had in the past retired. Now the doctors around here will not take medicare. Anyone else running into this? I did find out from medicare they have a quick care center nearby that will take medicare so its a help. But I like a regular primary care doctor.

Anyone else have any solutions to doctors not taking medicare?

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Re: Bad Luck With Doctor Or Medicine Topic

Wow-that is horrible.

I had to swich health insurance and my regular PCP usually doesn't take my Medicaid coverage, but since I have been with her for many years, she is making an exception for me.

So I am very lucky.


I have moderately high BP and had a reaction to some of my meds, and did go to a cardiologist.  That did help and he worked with my PCP to try other meds. 

And that had to be coordinated with the chemos that I am on.  So then I had to consult my oncologist.





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Re: Bad Luck With Doctor Or Medicine Topic

I'm in the Los Angeles area where it is hard to find a Dr when u only have Medicare without the additional coverage those with lower income get or are on SSI & not fully paid into or get a decent disability check. Until my health issues became so severe I had trouble finding drs. I had a 3 week hospitalization from getting flesh eating bacteria. This led to me building a relationship with the hospital dr who then decided he wanted to take all of it on. I ended up getting 3 yrs of chemo but at the point I got him I was in such a bad way I could have easily died that year b4 I found a dr.
I hate to say it but I would suggest to all of us with problems getting a dr or one who will take the ins u have start bugging the ER & any dr u meet face to face beg them to take u on as a patient. 1 dr leads to other drs through referrals so I wouldn't b too picky - just get a dr any dr. If u run into one out socially at church or the market do the same thing & if u can charm them make them like u so they want to help u.
My dr got me into a day renewals program at the hospital that has changed my life. They centralize all my medical needs & are a go between now to link all treatments. I interact with other disabled people & we also get therapy & medication "classes" pain management sometimes holistic advice or alternatives to medication. I have access to surgeons that have worked with celebrities & weight / nutrition help. The best thing is there's about 50 of us that support eachother & their advise or when they share their own stories it's often more useful than what a dr can do. We can also refer eachother to our drs so that opens more doors.
Another in or start is mental health therapy. Mental health drs are the easiest to access in almost every state now. It never hurts if u are disabled or suffering a chronic illness to look into it. I'm not talking about psychiatrist I'm talking about therapist & group therapy is the best. These therapist have the ability to refer u to regular drs & most often these drs are used to working with people on tight budgets. I think there are laws in almost every state that a patient requesting mental health services can not be turned away which is why I am suggesting it.
I'm allergic to many things & meds so I keep Benadryl around. I think it's one of the safest meds that almost anyone can take so if anyone has a reaction to anything take a Benadryl ASAP to be safe. My throat swells & closes up & I have trouble breathing so any hint something's wrong I take one.
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Re: Bad Luck With Doctor Or Medicine Topic

Gee whiz what a good topic so many of us are having all of these problems being mentioned. The reactions to meds are always a big issue with me. To have your doctor not be available or any help saying they were "closed" is unheard of. WOW.


Had the same problem myself with my primary doctor retiring when the new health care laws came into effect. No other doctors around here will take new medicare patients. Went months with no access to a doctor. I called Medicare and told them my problem. They helped me get a doctor who works in the hospital. He is a man who came here from a horrible region of Africa. He's the nicest man and really appreciates being able to come to America.


He sat and talked with me for a while during my first visit. He guided me to another doctor who referred me to another doctor. He said he is not able to be a primary care doctor yet.  Too make a long story short I am back to the hospital "Prompt Care".


We live in a retirement community. Seems everyone you talk to is going thru similar situations. They have lost their primary care doctor. And unable to find another one that takes Medicare.


Been finding out I have learned a lot just within this group from other members. And by searching thru various top notch facilities on the internet. Mayo has some good info. AARP has some food info. Dr Oz has some good info. Our local health food store has lots of good info. The CVS pharmacy has been very helpful. On the internet the best help comes from places "not trying to sell you something". US Govt websites have good info also.


Lets keep this topic going it is fabulous.





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