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Stop scalpers

How is ebay as a company happy to have so many scalpers on their site?

I'm guessing they're blind to the problems it causes to supply's when company are calculating how much stock to produce. 

It also drives consumers willing to pay for something to go without foregoing anyone winning in the end except a few scalpers who take advantage of people.


Personally after seeing what happens with gaming consoles, Games Workshop products and pc upgrades I'm not going to use ebay anymore. 


There is no proper way to report these people and ebay doesn't seem to do anything to them anyway.


Ebay, as a company you need to decide if you're ethical or just making money and don't care about much else. 

Message 1 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers


eBay is a website, it doesn’t have feelings therefore it doesn’t get happy or sad. 
The proper way to report unscrupulous sellers is to report listings you feel violate policy in some fashion. 
Or if you purchased something and it wasn’t as described you have eBays Money Back Guarantee, when utilized properly it is very good and is designed to protect the buyer from less than desirable sellers. 
Returns, Items Not Received, And Refunds For Buyers (Money Back Guarantee)

Message 2 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers

As far as I know, eBay follows the scalping laws of each state (e.g. for tickets). I’m not aware of any scalping laws regarding gaming systems.

Message 3 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers



"How is ebay as a company happy to have so many scalpers on their site?

I'm guessing they're blind to the problems it causes to supply's when company are calculating how much stock to produce".


Don't you think the Mfr.'s of gaming systems or games and other electronic devices know what the demand will be when they initially release their items?  The gaming console and game makers especially.  They have the data from the pre-orders but still have limited quantity initial production runs, enough to cover the pre-orders and supply their retailers, but not the total demand. It is because of their limited initial production, that the demand causes those who were able to get their items, are able to resell them at a much higher price.  If people were not willing to pay what those sellers are asking for the items, they would not be selling at those prices.  Those listings show up on other sites as well for the same prices ebay sellers are asking and getting. 


"There is no proper way to report these people and ebay doesn't seem to do anything to them anyway".


What you want ebay to do is set a price limit on how much a seller can ask for an item, or how high an auction can go for an item, which is something buyer's decide not ebay. Setting a price ceiling  may be construed as violating Price Fixing laws.


"Personally after seeing what happens with gaming consoles, Games Workshop products and pc upgrades I'm not going to use ebay anymore".


That is a choice you have, but consider this, after a Mfr. orders a second production run the demand is lower and the prices drop. Games or Gaming systems often go on sale when a 2nd production run is released and there is less "scalping" when the items show up on the site.  If you absolutely have to have the items before anyone else, you either get your pre-order in before the release at the MSRP, or pay a premium. 

Message 4 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers

Prices in venues like this vary as the crow flies.  You have to shop and compare in as many as possible to insure the best value for your money.   You can find great buys or get your clock cleaned. It's up to the buyer to do their "homework" before making any purchase form anyone.


Now eBay may even show listings from other sellers on the same page so you can compare. Talk about burning the candle at both ends.

Message 5 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers

When you say "scalpers", are you referring to buyers that purchase a gaming item and then flip it for a higher price? That's not scalping, that's free enterprise. 

Message 6 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers

"Scalping" is a term that's become so misused and misunderstood that the word has lost all meaning. There is only one situation where you can legitimately use the word. Buying shares or tickets and then selling them at an inflated price is termed 'ticket scalping'. 'Price gouging' is the practice of buying necessary goods, e.g., masks or disinfectant during Covid, and selling them at a greatly inflated price.


The act of buying something, then selling it at a higher price is called 'free enterprise', and it's the basis of US capitalism. The goal of 99+% of the sellers on eBay is to sell their items for more than they paid for them. So are you suggesting eBay get rid of all those sellers or just the ones selling things you want but for which market demand has increased the price to more than you can afford?

Message 7 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers

Sorry this is the USA and when you own something and want to sell it, you can charge whatever you want. If someone is willing to pay that price, great for the seller and of course, great for Ebay and states that collect sales tax.  Ebay will never interfere when a seller sets a price. The exception would be if there were an emergency and some needed items are in short supply like the K95 masks and sanitizing gel during the beginning of Covid.



Message 8 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers

@1345tatsumaru wrote:



There is no proper way to report these people and ebay doesn't seem to do anything to them anyway.


Report them for what?


Buying low and selling high?


What do you think this place is for?



Message 9 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers

eBay is a website ran by people like any other!

Message 10 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers

Well I just recently had to purchase a Steelbook from lower than 💩 Scalper! Because my local Best Buy doesn’t sell movies anymore and the Scalpers purchased the entire online stock using bots! Which in return causes the demand for the products to go up Cause and Effect! I had to pay $100 dollars for Fast X so I could finish my Fast & Furious Steelbook collection! I tried reasoning with the Scalper by telling him the he only paid $34.99 plus tax and he Replied by saying and……. You’ll either pay or you won’t get a copy! I said you have 60 copies and you illegally obtained them by using bots! He replied and said BestBuy won’t do anything about the Bots just like eBay won’t do anything about him, scalping or selling multiple copies of the same thing when only two are allowed to be purchased from Best Buy! I do not support scalping nor do I purchase from scalpers, but in this instance, I had to because Best Buy not selling movies at my local store! And the nearest store from that is over 200 miles away. I don’t think so! I reported him to eBay nothing happened. I reported him to Best Buy and all they could say is they’re cracking down on it no they’re not. I told them they should have to refund me the difference because it’s their fault that my local store doesn’t sell movies anymore and then I can’t purchase the movies locally And the scalpers are buying all the supply up off-line. I had to purchase it from the scalper pay an extortionist price! in my opinion all the scalpers, and you can prove it if they have more than 2 copies better yet if they have more than 5 copies, their account should be permanently banned and they should be brought up on charges! 

Message 11 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers

And you’re WRONG!!!! Sounds to me that your either a Scalper yourself or your defending them! There are certain things that are on a limited run and ain’t being reproduced! But I believe you already know that!

Message 12 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers

And No what they were referring to was someone purchasing multiple of the same items and charging triple the price because people cannot get them anymore because the scalpers purchased the entire stock! So stop defending Scalping!

Message 13 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers

You are a scalper coming off with that kind of nonsense! If you are purchasing more than you’re supposed to buying the entire stock using bots to do so which , causes the demand for it to go up is wrong and should be illegal. Maybe if they start arresting these people it’ll stop!

Message 14 of 27
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Re: Stop scalpers

No if you obtained it in a shady underhanded way not only should your account be shut down your butt should be in jail! Oh yes this is the USA and It’s my God Givin right to stand up against scalpers and price gouging! if you haven’t noticed people are struggling right now! And people like you are going to rip people off. I don’t think so!

Message 15 of 27
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