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20 % Discount Fee

E-Bay, I have talked to E-Bay about the loss of my 20% discout and and they were helpful but not to my satisfaction.

I was making a error on multiple shipping to buyers with combine shipping to save the buyer money.  Although I sent packages with tracking numbers I didn't know I need to copy paste the maine tracking numbers to muliple purchase items in one shipping package. My last August invoice is due in a few days and does not show the 20% Discount?  ALL of my shipping packages now have Tracking Numbers in the past six weeks.

Please see if you can reinstate me to the 20% discont now.  My business with E-Bay is one of the Best on the site with TOP Customer satisfaction.

This e-mal need to be brougt to upper management attention that can help with my issus.  There are other ways to do selling on the interent and if this isn't address correctly then it may be time for me to take my business else where. Thank You Ronald C Smith

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eBay does not have any amnesty program for sellers who do not upload tracking in time, nor a way to apply the tracking retroactively.  You will regain your TRS status after the next evaluation in which your tracking-upload rate reaches 90% for the previous 90 days.