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Who the heck cares? (#3)

There is always someone who cares.   I know this is TCM's thread & hope she doesn't mind if I start #3.   We can't go without a 'who the heck cares'.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

How cool it would be to wear an olive drab green turtle neck under it!  Great for the winter cold & looks comfy! 


Doggone it!  Turned out to be a very sad day at our house today.  Can't believe how your world can turn upside down in just a day.   Rootie was not acting right all.  Listened to her lungs, heart, felt her abdomen..took her to a vet.  Very bad news.  She did not come back home with me. 




Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 451 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Shirls, I absolutely WILL not wear a turtle neck. They choke me and I cannot breathe. However, I'm on the lookout for more v-neck short sleeve, or long sleeve t's to wear under them. They'll have to have an under layer, not only are they too low cut in at the neck but they are also pretty holey, lol. But then all the granny stitch stuff I've done is holey. I have started #2! With (more) changes in mind. I think I added at least one, but maybe two, granny stitches when I was adding length to the sweater, so I'll need to figure out how/why I did that and correct it on this next one!


Oh Shirls, I'm so sorry for your loss of Rootie. It's so hard to lose them when we get so little time with them. 💔😭


Cloudy/overcast here with chance of rain, mostly all day and some thunder. We don't really need anymore rain right now!


I'm close to completing what I'm calling the never ending afghan that was supposed to be for a friend's birthday, which was at the end of March. Since they've purchased a new house I'm gonna give it to them as a Birthday/Easter/House warming present. I made one for her hubby, too! His b'day is also at the end of March! I've got plans for one for their son as well, but his birthday isn't until November!


When I get done, I'll post pics!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 452 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Hey you Guys. (((Shirley))), that's a bit of a shock when it happens that way.


To know that you did all you could helps some with the loss. 


We have more rain headed here too--tomorrow and Saturday.  I'm going to burn some more wood.


Limbs have been falling. The dead ones get soaked and break off.


Neat cardigan, Fredi!  I've seen those all over the internet. If I make one it's gonna be open instead of a pullover.


That way I can just whip it off if it starts getting too warm. That's prone to happen here.


Well, need to get moving.


Have a good one!

Message 453 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Oh Shirls - I really didn't need to read that today.


So sad.



Message 454 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Thanks you guys....

depressing day without Rootie.  Don't know how many times I forgot she wasn't here.  She filled my day more than what I thought.


Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 455 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

It's amazing how something so small can take up so much space in your place, your heart and your mind. I started bringing Cricket in the house (from the garage) after Kirby passed away, so there was at least something 4 legged and black running around the house. ((Shirls))


Cathy, the pattern I used is for an actual cardigan, but I figured if she's telling me how to join the back that will work for joining the front. And it did! I just guessed on where to stop. 


Good news! I won the dang drawing last nite! WHOOHOO! I was so excited! I did, however, forget to tip my bartender, cuz I was so excited. Don't worry, I got his tip right here and since my office is right next to the bar, I can walk it over! 🙂


Ya'll have a great weekend!


PS, yes I did just purchase the yarn for my next two cardigans and the yarn for a birthday afghan!

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 456 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

.......anyone noticing that when Fredi doesn't win the drawing, she tells how much it was.........then she wins it & it's an "undisclosed amount"?🤔

Message 457 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Well...I forgot Fruit. LMAO i won $1000! 🙂


I have a doc appointment tomorrow for a mammogram. Yay. Not looking forward to it, at all!


Peanut's going to the vet tomorrow at 3:30 his right ear is infected, again. Sigh. It's like everything is fine and then boom, everyone is sick! I'm going to see if I can find him a soft donut cone of shame to keep him from digging at the ear again. 


Dad's doing, ok, not great, but ok. 


I finally finished the never ending afghan, I ended up putting it on a folding table to finish the border. I probably could have done it in my lap, but it's been too dang hot! HAHA



Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 458 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Hi Shirl, sorry for your loss.  Heron knows about losing pets.  Over the years we rescued 6 dogs.  Each loss was a tough one.  


Weather: Heron has not been reporting weather from the Coast. Because it is almost the same every day.  Low altitude 'marine layer' of clouds burning off between 0900 to 1100 hrs.  (One day we had the low altitude clouds ALL day).  Daily high temps about 63 to 65, mas o menos.

This weather type will most likely change about end of June.  Summer will really start in July.  Usually. 


A Comment:  Heron has mentioned several times that he did not light the furnachi this rainy season.  The final cost figures arrived here last week and now Heron can report that by NOT lighting the furnachi during the rainy season, the cost of natural gas was reduced by $2,004. This cost figure was obtained by comparing 23/24 costs to the 22/23 rainy season. The rainy season included costs from November through April. And Heron did this all by hisself!  However, Heron could not complete the 2024 IRS forms and had to have assistance from an accountant that uses turbotaxing.  

NOTE: The natural gas cost figures do not include cost of savings by not buying furnachi air filters.

So, enough Dollars were saved to 'offset' the cost of the new water heater that cost exactly $2,000.  Yay!  


Message 459 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

You did very well on that, Heron. Nice savings.


I forgot to congratulate Fredi on her winnings. Congrats, Fredi!


Fruit, hope you made some headway on all the stuff you usually have going outside.


Have the temps started dropping yet, Dom?  I remember you're heading into Winter.


Shirley, I think you said something about not putting much towards gardening this year.


Those cucumber seeds I planted did come up. Haven't checked today to see if the wind blew them around.


They're snack cucumbers. Called Party Time. We'll see how they do.


Well. I need to get back to puttering.


Have a good one!

Message 460 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Thank you, Heron.   That savings pretty much matched the cost of the new water heater!  Bet that felt pretty good. 


When Fredi said she bought the yarn for 2 more cardigans and a birthday afghan, I had a feeling she got lucky, but holy moly, she got $1,000!!   That's worth throwing some confetti around 😂.    Those ear infections are a bugger and hard to keep away.  When we adopted Rootie, she had B-A-D ear problems.  Both ears!  Finally got the right ear under control, but the left one would always flare up.   Yep, and they will dig in the ears, lick the toes, and go back for more...never ending cycle.   Glad your dad is doing OK. 


Cathy, no veggies this year, but the flowers & yard are going hog wild and that keeps me busy. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 461 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Planted some zinnia seeds in front of Mama's house and watered them this morning.


Hoping they all come up.


Husband got the lawnmower runni g one more time on Sunday. The yard looks a lot better, but I did notice my Rio Samba rose had one side almost broke in two.


It was laying almost to the ground. Came back out that afternoon and saw where 'somebody' had it put back together and held it in place with a cinderblock.


Yeah, Fredi got some money and you know where she'll be headed. Lol


Gonna try to plant some more flower seed before it gets too hot.


Have a good one!

Message 462 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

Thanks Cathy! 🙂


I'll have to tell my mom about Party Time Cukes, we love to snack on them!


Shirls, for not quite $85 I will get two sweaters/cardigans and an afghan (the afghan will have add in yarn I already have) so I thought that was a pretty sweet deal. IDK what a handmade custom ordered sweater/cardigan would cost but I'd bet my rear end that it's a lot more than $40!


Peanut went to the vet yesterday for another ear infection treatment. He got two shots, antibiotic and steroid, and the goo shoved back in his ear. Doc also checked the left and it's fine, it's just the right one that's infected. I was unable to find him a soft cone, so I sure hope this second round does the trick. So far, when I'm watching him, he's not doing too bad about digging at the ear. So Fingers crossed.


My mammogram was yesterday, as well, and it went about smoothly as I expected! She said I'd get a call either yesterday afternoon or today if there was a need for a recheck and so far no phone calls!


Dad's about the same as he has been. He's not getting any better with his legs tho. I'm unsure what the next step is, since I'm very tired of washing and wrapping them every day, but if I don't, they won't get done.


Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 463 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

I'll be in sometime to post.  Just kind of depressed right now, but it will pass.   We're starting another 7 day stretch of daily rains and storms again.  May have to build an ark 😂


Take care, everyone.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 464 of 498
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Re: Who the heck cares? (#3)

No phone calls, so I must be good to go! I expect my letter in about a week now!


Shirls, day after day after day of rain would make anyone depressed, including me!


Our forecast for this weekend stinks. Rain maybe thunderstorms, maybe more rain. So the Plumber said last nite, no camping. sigh. I was looking forward to my 3 day camping weekend. Saturday is the best no rain day, so I'm hoping we can all load up and go do something, like jeep ride or side by side. River's still up and the water's probably too cold for everyone (anything over 70 and I'm good lol)

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 465 of 498
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