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Internet tax death of ebay

WOW, Just WOW.  Used clothing being taxed. Items from China being taxed. Who on earth is going to buy used clothing or poor quality items from China that can't be returned when you have to pay $20 tax? I mean for real?   Why is used stuff being taxed when it was taxed the first time it was sold? What's next? Will Garage sales charge tax?  I can't believe our elected officials allowed this to happen. I can understand tax on large businesses but small time people selling used stuff out of their closet is crazy.

Message 1 of 283
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282 REPLIES 282

Re: Internet tax death of ebay

@veteransnon-profit wrote:

Yes, and it's killing our small Veterans 501 (c) 3 non-profit charity 

Our eBay customers are being charged sales tax!

I've called and argued but eBay customer service is

in the Philippines; they've never heard  Goodwill, Salvation Army

Hospice or St Vincent de Paul! No Clue at all!

No guidance on the internet! I've searched!

We may have to move to Let Go or Craigslist! 

Our non-profit depends on internet sales to cover

our obligations we've made to our Veterans!

As an volunteer and our only on-line seller- I feel so defeated. 




You are trying to argue your point with the wrong people.  The sales tax is NOT Ebay's doing or fault.  They fought very hard to prevent it.  You need to take your argument to the Supreme court that overturned a law to all this to happen and argue with the individual states [37 so far] that have passed facilitator laws with REQUIRES Ebay to collect sales tax.


While Craig's list may be an alternative for what you may sell, the same doesn't hold true for many many sellers.  


Also keep in mind that the new sales tax laws are NOT specific to Ebay only.  All internet marketplaces like Ebay have to comply.  And other large retail internet sites as well.  You can't necessarily escape your requirement to pay sales tax by just not shopping on Ebay.


Don't blame Ebay for something they did not want and fought very hard to prevent.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 136 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay

Yes. This is classic SOCIALISM at work, destroying a great Capitalistic ecosystem. All because of one  insignificant State ( the  "S. Dakota v. Wayfair" suit  In June 2018).  To which they persuaded the  the Supreme Court to  rule that online sellers had an unfair advantage, thus ALL states should require / imposes an online  sales tax.

But that results in me  Halting and Nearly stopping!  Over 75% to 95% of my Online purchases. Especially on Ebay. 

I hope they get rid of this Stupid, hurtful Tax. 

Message 137 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay

That stupid hurtful tax has been in place for years. You were supposed to be paying Use Tax on your State tax returns. The only thing that has changed is that States got tired of people evading taxes to their own State and made it nearly impossible to do so.


In a purely capitalistic society, the rich get richer and the poor (especially children) die. That is not what I want for this world. A little socialism is a good thing. I like roads, fire departments and schools.



Message 138 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay

No. A little Socialism "IS NOT  a GOOD Thing". By Default!

A Good Thing is any intelligent approach to a situation that yields the best outcome.

A blanket approach by saying a little socialism or capitalism is a good thing.... is reckless.

The Only GOOD THING we have, at this point is the US Constitution, with those Amendments!

Second of all,  "All of my State Taxes are paid for"

And the reason why States become prosperous is by making money off of "intelligent" choices in Taxation! NOT Stupid choices.

For instance my state of "TEXAS", or Florida , or Nevada have incredible growth (unlike California) because Taxes have not driven consumers away.


NEXT: The RICH as long as they DID NOT TAKE IT FROM YOU or ME, or Steal it!

Should Get Richer! 

The MONEY I've  Made in my Career, The Government didn't Help Me Build that!  I worked my Ass off EVERYDAY of my life. To get my Degree and Higher pay.

So I don't owe Any **bleep** Body Anything! Except my Family and Friends!


Now if you or anyone else want to pay more taxes, (Like the Bernie Sanders method) Then God Bless! PLEASE Send more of your Money to the IRS!

I won't.


NEXT: My point is that Ebay's Tax results in me  Halting and Nearly stopping!  Over 75% to 95% of my Online purchases. Especially on Ebay. 

2) I live in Texas (With no State Tax ). So I have Never Paid Sales Taxes on Goods. 

3) I use to buy goods from Overseas. Which means there is no Tax because duty fees are paid already via shipping cost. But Ebay still Tax me? 


I hope they get rid of this draconian,  hurtful Tax. Before it Ruins Ebay!


Message 139 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay

@cobbr wrote:

No. A little Socialism "IS NOT  a GOOD Thing". By Default!

A Good Thing is any intelligent approach to a situation that yields the best outcome.

A blanket approach by saying a little socialism or capitalism is a good thing.... is reckless.

The Only GOOD THING we have, at this point is the US Constitution, with those Amendments!

Second of all,  "All of my State Taxes are paid for"

And the reason why States become prosperous is by making money off of "intelligent" choices in Taxation! NOT Stupid choices.

For instance my state of "TEXAS", or Florida , or Nevada have incredible growth (unlike California) because Taxes have not driven consumers away.


NEXT: The RICH as long as they DID NOT TAKE IT FROM YOU or ME, or Steal it!

Should Get Richer! 

The MONEY I've  Made in my Career, The Government didn't Help Me Build that!  I worked my Ass off EVERYDAY of my life. To get my Degree and Higher pay.

So I don't owe Any **bleep** Body Anything! Except my Family and Friends!


Now if you or anyone else want to pay more taxes, (Like the Bernie Sanders method) Then God Bless! PLEASE Send more of your Money to the IRS!

I won't.


NEXT: My point is that Ebay's Tax results in me  Halting and Nearly stopping!  Over 75% to 95% of my Online purchases. Especially on Ebay. 

2) I live in Texas (With no State Tax ). So I have Never Paid Sales Taxes on Goods. 

3) I use to buy goods from Overseas. Which means there is no Tax because duty fees are paid already via shipping cost. But Ebay still Tax me? 


I hope they get rid of this draconian,  hurtful Tax. Before it Ruins Ebay!


This isn't "Ebay's Tax".  Ebay had NOTHING to do with it.  Ebay fought for years to keep the internet tax from happening.  I've received many emails over the years with Ebay asking members to contact their local politicians and raise their voices against internet sales tax.  You can Google it and find out other ways in which they tried to keep this from happening.


If Texas doesn't have a sales tax, then why did they pass a Marketplace Facilitator law, effective October 1, 2019 to force marketplaces like Ebay to collect sales tax on sales coming into their state?


Sales tax is driven by its destination, never by its place of origination.  It is actually better defined as a Use Tax vs Sales Tax.


Use tax is a sales tax on purchases made outside one's state of residence for taxable items that will be used, stored or consumed in one's state of residence and on which no tax was collected in the state of purchase.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 140 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay

Yes I remember those emails from Ebay too,trying to fight this internet tax. For all the good it did.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 141 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay

@bonjourami wrote:

Yes I remember those emails from Ebay too,trying to fight this internet tax. For all the good it did.

Well if nothing else, it was probably played a part in it not happening as fast as some would have liked.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 142 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay

Yes..true..there were several petitions here in Il to the state legislature...for all the good it feeling was always that people didnt believe that internet tax was really going to happen, and ignored it.But that train was on the track and bearing down on us.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 143 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay



I think you must have been living in a bubble. Texas certainly DOES have a sales tax (as do Nevada & Florida).

Message 144 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay

Here is an interesting note, I found and read the internet tax laws of 2 random states, others may be similar.

the law in both says tax will be collected from any out of state internet sale from companies that sell more than 100,000.00 per year in said state! How many of you sell even a tenth of that to any state?

Message 145 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay

"the law in both says tax will be collected from any out of state internet sale from companies that sell more than 100,000.00 per year in said state! How many of you sell even a tenth of that to any state"

But did you read the provisions for a Marketplace Facilitator (such as eBay)? eBay certainly passes all of those thresholds financially, so there is no argument there.
Message 146 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay

Ok boomer,


LOL - that's getting old already.


“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 147 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay

@chez-desir wrote:

Here is an interesting note, I found and read the internet tax laws of 2 random states, others may be similar.

the law in both says tax will be collected from any out of state internet sale from companies that sell more than 100,000.00 per year in said state! How many of you sell even a tenth of that to any state?



This is what confuses many people.  What you read is about individual sellers.  That is NOT the same as the Marketplace Facilitator laws that are what require Ebay and similar marketplaces to collect and remit sales tax.


The states realized that their sales thresholds, like the one you quoted would prevent them from getting the sales tax on thousands if not millions of small sellers on sites like Ebay across the country.  So they figured out how to write these Marketplace Facilitator laws when no longer has thresholds for individual sellers like you quoted above.  These laws place the threshold on the ENTIRE marketplace.  Considering it ONE seller so to speak.  


So they look at Ebay seller sales as a whole, not individually.  And that makes them surpass that $100,000 threshold or whatever the threshold is for any particular state.  The add all the sellers together and put it in Ebay's lap.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 148 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay

@chapeau-noir wrote:

Ok boomer,


LOL - that's getting old already.


Tell me about it.


For one, it's rude.

Message 149 of 283
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Re: Internet tax death of ebay wrote:

@chapeau-noir wrote:

Ok boomer,


LOL - that's getting old already.


Tell me about it.


For one, it's rude.

It's supposed to be, but it's so teenagery it's hard to take it seriously.  "OK tryhard"

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 150 of 283
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