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Jarts-Selling Parts

So its not legal to sell jarts whole. But can I dis assemble the jarts and sell the parts seperatly? For use to fix other sets broken or parts lost?

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Re: Jarts-Selling Parts

Got a cite on that?

Message 2 of 8
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Re: Jarts-Selling Parts

That depends on which country the buyer is in. I think Jarts, as whole parts, are illegal to buy in the US. But talk to a lawyer about this. We're not lawyers.


Or maybe talk to a US customs office if you are shipping to the US.

Message 3 of 8
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Re: Jarts-Selling Parts

Just went and looked. It is not illeagl to sell second hand Jarts in the USA nor is it illegal to buy or sell replacement parts.


Fully assembled sets or full repair kits are restricted imports for the USA & Canada.

Message 4 of 8
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Re: Jarts-Selling Parts

Like most items in ebay, it depends on who you are and who at ebay is making the decision. Its completely wishy-washy. They will remove one persons set of paper instructions for jarts, yet allow someone else to sell complete sets. 

They do the same thing with ALL their rules. Pick and choose enforcement.

I've been a member since near the beginning, 21+ years, and its ALWAYS been this way.

Message 6 of 8
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Re: Jarts-Selling Parts

just some recent sales that ebay allowed: 264110593891 ,113388783247,283266427583,283266427583,153295891228,183612663350,163463087695,254049118090

Message 7 of 8
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Re: Jarts-Selling Parts

you can always try. Ebay is very erratic when it comes to enforcing any of their rules. A few days ago they deleted many jarts listings (after letting them run for over a week).

One extreme: They deleted a listing that was for a copy of the rules for lawn darts. Absolutely nothing else included. Free first class postage.

The other extreme: they didn't do anything, letting some listings (current and completed) continue for complete sets, even those that made no attempt to skirt the rules by saying they were offering empty boxes, or just certain parts.

As of this moment, there are over a dozen full set listings, some that have been running for over 3 days.


So, its a toss of the dice as far as listing anything related to jarts. Maybe there's only one person who does the deleting at ebay, and he's only part time? It definitely is not a rule that they enforce either uniformly or regularly.


Ebay may just want to occasionally enforce their rules so they can show the government what nice people they are in policing their website.


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