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Who the heck cares?

Hi park posters. 
The eBay soapbox will no longer be a public board. I hope you don’t mind if we start a home thread from the box here. We will talk about “whatever”.  We will also talk about ebay related subjects. Come join the fun. 


I am not what you think I am. You are what you think I am.
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Re: Who the heck cares?

You get the top - I'll tuck you in. 😀

Message 481 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

The land of fire and ice.


Neat pictures, Tcm. Glad you had a great time.


Fredi, hope your dad is on the mend for real this time.  


Do you think the plumber might have an ulcer?


You sure have been on a merry go round with the hospital. 


Dom, those bowls are cute. Are you gonna put real fruit in them or plastic?


I remember going to somebody's house when I was a little kid and trying to bite into a fake apple.


Fruit , I hope C.A.T. has finally got straightened out.


Still get tickled thinking about him jumping for the tub and landing in water.





Message 482 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Cathy - real fruit - absolutely.


All colour co-ordinated of course. lol


Had to laugh - the bowls are being sent from Albuquerque - and we all know of my $100 taxi ride. 🤣

Message 483 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Fredi, I hope they keep him over the week-end, but often they like to discharge before a week-end.   You could have some peace of mind and maybe the Plumber could be more stress-free as well for a couple more days to heal that lower gut.   


The bowls look like little pudgy boats to me. 


Or how about various sizes of banana splits? 


Bathtub for Barbie? 


I like 'em. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 484 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

purple lamp.jpg

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 485 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

You now get the middle bunk on the larger one. lol

Message 486 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Sounds like you're planning to convert the house to a "Bed & Breakfast".

.....remembering your famous "cooking skills", perhaps I'll just have a cuppa & a biscuit.😏

Message 487 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

That looks prefect for you, Fruit!!


Cathy, I hope he is as well! I did find out he's staying there until Monday, at least. I'm trying to get a nurse to update me now, but it sure is hard. I do wish he was closer, but at an hour away it's hard to go after work.


I don't think the Plumber has an ulcer, it's something else. Hoping that he's feeling much better after this weekend!


Dom's gonna have to hire a cook for the bed and breakfast, then you can more than just a cuppa and biscuit, Fruit! 🙂 HAHA


BTW Weather here is absolutely horrible, or at least I hate it. Cold, windy, gloomy and no sunshine. I need sunshine to feel better! lol

BTW I call dibs on the top 'bunk' of the big one, lol 😉

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 488 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Ha - Welcome to Domino's Digs.


images (6) - 2023-03-11T072850.897.jpeg

Message 489 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Looks like Barbie has plans for a bowl.


I don't envy your weather, fredi. I agree, a cold day with sun is a lot better than a cold grey day.


Have you seen what's going on in California? It's crazy.


Houses snowed in almost to the roof.





Message 490 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

The weather Calif is plum crazy and horrifying.   Umpteen feet of snow one place and flooding in the next.   Never seen anything like that in my whole life.


LOL at make your own bed and breakfast! 


I just hope everyone in Fredi's family gets better! 


Weather here is up and down, upside down & sideways.   A week ago Friday had storms and horrible winds!   Blew worse after storm passed.  50-60-70 mph, but when it got to 80mph....that was something else.  Held my breath as watched big trees being whipped around.   Large limb fell on deck...minor damage...thank goodness it missed the corner edge of roof and kitchen windows.  Split another big tree, reeked havoc with some of the siding.  Wind blew like that for 5 hours and then began to die down.  By 7:30pm  was a breeze at 20 mph.  Lost power for 7 hours, but that is nothing when some just got power back yesterday!!   4 people killed in TN and across the border in KY, 5.  Mostly due to trees falling on them.   Finally loaded up all the limbs on a trailer yesterday and hauled the mess off to the landfill.   Today it is chilly (48) cloudy, rainy. 

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 491 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Yes, el Heron has been watching the California weather.  Today is calm & cool (At 60 degrees Fahrenhoot.  Some sunshine.  Our rainfall total is now about double an 'average' year.

We wanted rain and that is what we received...!  People that live in the Socal mountains usually want snow (for business reasons) and that is what they have received this rainy season.  Sometimes we receive more than necessary (more than necessary for skis and snowboards).

Yes, it has been an unusual rainy season but it will be over soon!


Message 492 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Good to see you Heron!  Was a wonderin' where you were and how you were.


First day of the time change.  Set the alarm and felt like I was waking in the middle of the night.  Turned the thing off and went back to sleep! 😴  Woke up the normal time, but of course, now, that is an hour late.  Then the mad rush.

Music touches every key of memory, and stirs all the hidden springs of sorrow and joy; we love it for what it makes us forget, and for what it makes us remember.~~L.E. Landon
Message 493 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

Cathy, I mean I could send it your way, if you wanted me too! LMAO I'm kidding, no one wants these grey cold windy snowy/rainy days! It feels very bitter outside, but I know it's not that cold.


Dad's doing ok, still in hospital, might be coming home today, but I'm waiting on an update from his nurse. Dad can't hardly hear the doc when he talks to him, he talks very softly.


I have seen some news about Cali getting a lot of snow, which is unusual for them!


Shirls, that's a heck of windstorm! Glad you didn't have more damage than you did. Thinking of those who lost their lives in TN and KY...

Hot freight...pays good...Inline's gots ta go...whoop & ride, Honey, whoop & ride...Clark T Berendes 2-5-78 to 7-5-10
Message 494 of 1,549
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Re: Who the heck cares?

@domino-710 wrote:

Extraordinary pics tcm - what a wonderful experience.


(((Fredi))) - sheesh - hope both your men are OK - Holy Carp - alright.


Hot as here - the hottest days we have had - the first week of Autumn - mid 30s C.


Painting has begun - blinds gone off to be cleaned - looking really good.


All because I bought 2 new fruit bowls. lol


These :






Oh, thank you for posting this! I've always thought I was the only person earth who remodeled a room because one or two small items I bought! 

Message 495 of 1,549
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