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complications in Indonesia and Paypal

One of my (potential)clients is located in Indonesia and Paypal doesn't accept accounts in Indonesia. Currently that is the only way accept credit cards. We're looking for alternatives and was curious if anyone could toss out a suggestion. Also, I'm looking into it, but anyone know why they don't accept from that country?
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complications in Indonesia and Paypal

hotboxpcs writes: <<>> You can browse the PayPal site, and they may provide some information on how they select countries. Many countries have problems with mail deliveries and fraud. That is a "possible" reason. To serve that customer, perhaps you could have them send you an International Money Order. You could call Fed Ex at 1800GoFedEx and talk to them about how safe deliveries are to Indonesia. They always seem happy to discuss your issues and answer your questions. You want to make sure that you get your money, and you want to know that the package will be safely delivered to the proper person and that you will have a signature proving delivery. Fed Ex can supply that. You could also try UPS.
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complications in Indonesia and Paypal

you can try I know alot of people who use that for international orders. I don't know much about how it works...I think they have to use a c/c to purchase a western union money order that is sent to your account.
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complications in Indonesia and Paypal

Bidpay is a money order service, but I understand they wont even do a transfer from Indonesia, you would have to check their site to be certain. I would suggest a western union cash transfer to eliminate any risk of fraud. Very high risk country from what I understand. My suspicion is that once you say cash via WU or something "certain" and risk free you wont hear from them again. GL
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complications in Indonesia and Paypal

Borrowed from another board... ..... The link below has a list of countries approved for use with PayPal. Please use extreme caution if you are approached with a PayPal payment from a country not on this list. Note: Credit card fraud is prevalent with many of the countries I am listing below. I would advise extreme caution if someone attempts to pay you via PayPal from one of these countries. Russia Indonesia Malaysia Ukraine Lithuania Romania Philippines ..... Good luck with your buyer!
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complications in Indonesia and Paypal

hotboxpc's, Being a new seller selling in the computer area will attract all kinds of scammers. You should accept immediate paypal payment only from u.s. CONFIRMED addresses and ship ups with signature required. Daniel Quality Collectibles
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complications in Indonesia and Paypal

im from Indonesia. paypal still accept account from Indonesian user.

Up to 2 years ago, PayPal accept debit card (visa/master) to  verify PayPal for Indonesian user. Now Paypal only accept Credit card for verification, this had cut off substantial number of paypal users from Indonesia. The reason for this? not very clear to me, perhaps it's most bank with poor record/balance account holder doesnt withdraw the issued of their debit card, or else. I really dont know


As your paypal not accepting Indonesian Account, check the option of Paypal payment you set before, did it accept non-US verified Paypal? if yes, it should be no problem since as far as I know Pay Pal account holder in Indonesia now have to provide 2 fund sources fro their paypal account, be it both course are credit card, or one is american debit card (issued by american bank here).


And as the precaution step to avoid stolen credit card or fraud or else, I think it's still better to accept payment of credit card via paypal. make your paypal can accept payment from credit card, so if something went wrong and the real credit card holder show up charge back, it's paypal that have to cover the claim



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complications in Indonesia and Paypal

I was confused by mention of Bidpay, which I believe no longer exists.

Then I noticed the original post was from 2003.

I would suggest that the last post (dated 2014) be considered on its own, and the rest of the posts be ignored as giving obsolete information.


For what its worth, here in Canada a debit card is completely distinct from a credit card. A debit card can only be used up to the amount in a bank account. It is the equivalent of a cheque.

A credit card allows payments based on the owner's credit rating, which may be much higher. It is also possible to 'overdraw' a credit card in an emergency.

In Canada, debit cards cannot be used with Paypal. Either a credit card or a bank account are attached to the Paypal account. But then Canadian banks are very stable.

An Indonesian member who wants to use Paypal may consider opening an account with a British, Dutch, or Australian bank with branches in Indonesia, rather than an Indonesian bank.

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