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Living in Utopia, the intro

Living in Utopia

33 years ago I told the little girl from number 13 that she should write her work stories.
Her response then, as now remains the same.
Who would want to hear about a 13 year old girl who went to work
full time in a nursing home.

Everyday for 33 years, she tells me about her day, some is ho hum.
But some will split your sides, and some will make you cry.
And when her girlfriends talk, they all start telling stories and laughing.
Most of my writing has been fiction, but this would be like a biography.
Getting her to write is a no go, so I will have to do the writing.


Every month for the last two years, I have came to a stop sign, and I look down the street.
There is the Utopia building, and it brings back good memories.
And it hits me, the only way I can tell her story, is if I tell our story,
and by extension, my story, and I don't care if it is never read, I need to write it for me.


The trick will be keeping it PG-13, as most of it is more adult content.
Not the nasty kind of adult, (but there is plenty of that)
But the kind that kicks you in the (pick your body part)
The kind of adult where your world is turned on it's axes, good and bad.

This will mean I write two versions of the same story...
The truth (more or less ) as in bad words, and other evil things.
And then I slice that down to PG...


Now here is where my brain starts to get hot... I mean smoking hot.
So I grab a couple of beers and I say Baby... I got a million dollar idea.
A series of books about a 13 year old girl, working in a nursing home.
This would be straight PG, Pure gold.
We could read as the girl grew, and with thousands of stories, characters not a prob.


But wait, there is more, if it was good... the BBC would make a series from it.
Sure they would want to set it in the UK, not a problem with me, cash in my hand.
But there is more ( get me another beer she said )


We have the Utopia Years, and we kick the burner up, ( well not for you, HA )
These are characture based stories, and sure it is the start of a love story.
This will still have the nursing home stories, but now we introduce a leading man.
You bet the BBC is going to roll on, we be livin large.


Get me another beer she said, and tell me what comes next.
Well, I guess it is after the kid is born, and that introduces a new element.
Then you have knees that hurt, and you are old.


I digress, sorry,
Now, the stories I am going to tell are not in an orderly order.
And I put up "Rattle Snake Bottoms" and that was close to a year into the Utopia story.
But it was true, and the only edit to make it better, would be fill out the fireman.
And the cuss words, ours, the fireman's, the ER doc, and last but not least poor Wayne.


If at anytime you think I have gone outside the lines, let me know.
Also these are the first draft, and if you see a line that does not work, let me know.
I have 8 chapters written, just need to edit them.




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Re: Living in Utopia, the intro

heart this sock monkey. Tuned in today on a whim and got some gold to read. Keep going.

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Re: Living in Utopia, the intro



I popped in here for the first time

in a long time.


Hoping to see you're back.



Keep it going.


With a beer (or a nice glass of wine in my case)

it's very easy to get into your stories.


Go with the flow

and keep the faith.



You love me for everything you hate me for

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Re: Living in Utopia, the intro

Now I want to read more... what happens next? Smiling from this and waiting for more...



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