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new shipping label system is horrible

Even if it's working properly the design is terrible but when you add the fact that it seems to be awfully slow and consider the fact that it seems to be very buggy I'd say it's one of the worst things eBay has revised. Over and over again I'm being told I have an improper ZIP Code. That is simply fixed by using the old system which hasn't had a problem with any of the ZIP Codes. Or some strange error keeps occurring. Sometimes after that I can just go back a couple pages and start over but other times the system acts like the label has been printed and I have to go back to manage shipping labels and reprint it.  Sometimes the **bleep** thing just seems like it's frozen up for 20 or 30 seconds and then I get an error. I have to consciously remember to use the old label system every time.  


I will wish so bad that they would make it so you could opt out of this new system completely. There is not one thing I like about it and it is causing me a lot of extra time wasted. 

Message 1 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

I just forgot to use the classic labeling system  link.  a proggress spinner swirled on the screen for 40 seconds and then an error occured.  Then I tried the classic label system and got paged not responding.  So I had hit the back button, hit the classic label System again just happened to notice I was warned that a label had already been printed (no label ever showed up on screen for me to print)


I went back and looked at my labels for today and because of all the malfunctions going on I printed labels twice for three different orders. 

Message 2 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

that was harder than i thought it would be. I had to go through a whole bag of packages looking for the three specific items that had second labels printed for them before I could figure out which label printed and void it.


This is turning out to be a very aggravating day.

Message 3 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

The message is for the Einsteins at Ebay.  I know that you read these posts because you guys once suspended me 7 days for cussing you out.  Anyway, as the other poster stated , the new shipping label system stinks and needs to be replaced.  Personally, whoever designed it and whoever approved it should be fired.  IT takes longers to print.   You can NOT print a smaller label.  When I click go to CLASSIC SITE, it says that the system is not responding. I tried using 2 different computers and 2 different browsers with the same result.  I think that you guys have deliberately disabled it.    

Why do you want us to use this more complicated new form?  Is it to make us use more printer ink and hope that we buy more ink from Ebay?   If that is the case, wrong, I get my ink at Amazon.


YOU NEED TO FIX THE SYSTEM.  IT'S BAD.  WHY IS IT THAT YOU MAKE THINGS HARDER FOR SELLERS?  WHY DON'T YOU ACTUALLY HIRE SELLERS WHEN YOU NEED TO IMPLEMENT SOMETHING NEW?   I am available for a very modest fee.  My main seller acct. has over 9000+ feedbacks and I have been here since 1998.




Message 4 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible


Message 5 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

OMG, I haven't printed any labels for probably 3 weeks, so they changed things again?  I had enough problems printing the small labels as it was, did they change it so you couldn't print small labels? Why fix it if it isn't broke? Sounds like it may be too now.. If there's one thing I hate about ebay, it's change. Leave well enough alone. If I run into those problems, I'll take my packages to the post office and mail them, I have enough stress going on without adding 1 more problem to make my Dr. Prescibed nerve meds and high blood pressure meds dosage having to be uped over ebay problems!!!

Message 6 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

Well, the old one had issues with properly loading tracking. So I started buying labels in paypal, it syncs fine and is still cheap. I plan to try the new ebay shipping labels, when I sell something next (I get 8ish a month and usually at month end all at once, it might be awhile but thats the nature of my categories). Its ideal to buy them on ebay. But google, they are not the only source if its glitching on your computer today.
Message 7 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

a few people that have complained on different threats got email responses something to the effect of " ebay patrons asked us to improve it so we did"

improve must mean make slower , glitchier, and harder to use in some ones language.
Message 8 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

I ship between 30 and 40 items every day except sunday and monday (60 to 80 shipped on mondays)

I can't remember an issue with tracking loading on time. I'm over 99.5% uploaded on time and I can account for the .5% that didn't make it. I just hit a situation yesterday where I discovered I printed multiple labels for three different items because of the system glitches. I have no idea how many times that his happened in the past.
Message 9 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

Just happened again. About 40 seconds and then an error occurred. Luckily this time I looked to see if the label actually printed edit hadn't this time.  Then use classic label set up and it works maybe not quickly but certainly much quicker than the new system.


Anytime you're printing a label and it says an error has occurred I would check to see if the label printed before you try again or you might end up buying multiple labels for the item your shipping.

Message 10 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

Just happened again.


I forgot to use class label System and started to use the new one. waited for about forty seconds and was told an error occurred.  I went to my shipping labels page and the label had indeed printed. 


If I had not caught on to what was happening I would've printed two labels for this item and only use one of them.


And I don't think unused labels from the USPS get refund.  

Message 11 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

If you are shipping that many packages each day, why aren't you using the bulk shipping?  That is what I use, even for one package.  Works like a charm.


I went and looked at the new label printing system, to see what everyone was talking about.  I can see why ebay thinks it was an improvement, being able to specify the exact priority box for shipping, but I find that the flat rate priority boxes cost too much, and that using priority by weight/distance works better for me, and I am located on the west coast.

Volunteer Community Member

Message 12 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

the bulk shipping doesnt work for my situation.  


And your positive review of the new system which said  "...being able to specify the exact priority box for shipping..." doesnt make sense.  with the clasic system you can choose priority mail and large priority Mail by weight , various priority Mail flat rates, priority Mail flat rate envelopes of various kinds, as well as priority Mail box A and priority mail box b. 


I don't think there is a priority mail option that was left out of the classic system. Not only that but the window for finding the various USPS shipping options was smaller and much easier to read and much easier to scroll through.


Not to mention the new system doesn't allow FedEx labels what is another hassle altogether. 


There is nothing about the new system that to be considered an improvement. 

Message 13 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

Today the shipping label system seems even worse.  I guess I'm a glutton for punishment because I keep trying it hoping it will be better (guess that makes me insane) partially because I'm sick of having to change from the new system and then go to the old system are completely different page. Why am being forced to take this step every single time I print a label is beyond me.


This time I waited and waited it showed that it error had occurred. I checked my shipping labels and sure enough one had printed anyway even though the item was still on my orders awaiting shipment page. So I reprinted the label. Then I noticed the item was still on my orders awaiting shipment page. I try to get the tracking number but the tracking number link would not come up to copy and then I noticed that the item number was not next to the buyers name.  So I voided the label. I went back to the orders Page and try to print another label.


Out of curiosity I used the new and improved system. And the same exact thing happened. A label printed, the shipping status would not come up when I hit the tracking number, and the item number again does not appear on the shipping labels page. Now I have to void a second label from the same package.


Which I just did and then used classics system and everything worked out fine finally. I find it rather odd that so few people have voice an opinion on this. I am absolutely certain that I'm not the only person having this problem and you think the fact that people may be praying multiple labels for the same item because of system errors what get more people involved.

Rather odd.

Message 14 of 16
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Re: new shipping label system is horrible

I totally agree and sent a similar message to eBay under "Tell Us What You Think".


When will eBay "get" that their money comes from the sellers.  They should stop catering to buyers as they are losing sellers by the droves....soon to be one more if things do not improve.


Also, why did they delete "do not display shipping cost" on the labels?   Being a Top Rated Plus Seller which results in higher costs on shipping, etc., you would think one could make a penny or two on the shipping cost, but NO, they did away with that also. 


AMAZON is going to have a lot more sellers on their site.

Message 15 of 16
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