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The insanity continues with buyers trying to figure out how to request combine shipping from sellers

This is snowballing to an insane degree and a huge waste of sellers time, when it is caused by ebay's lack of common sense.

#1 EBAY does not nor seems to care about providing clear and easy to follow instructions to buyers who want to purchase multiple item and get a combined shipping total! 

The current system in play is using ebay's cart....which on its own is not a bad idea! HOWEVER!!! a buyer who manages to get as far as figuring out how to put items in the cart and does so and then SENDS me(seller) a question that he has multiple items in the cart and is wait for a combined shipping total!!! That works fine on the buyers end HOWEVER is does NOT work on the sellers end! Why not you ask? Because in ebay's infinite wisdom they will NOT let the seller see what is in the cart! Now I liken this to going to the grocery store and rolling my cart into the check out lane BUT NOT letting the cashier see what I have in my cart! (whoever thought this was a great idea and implimented it should be shown the door) It DOES NOT WORK! IT does create a LOT of frustration on both the buyer and seller, and for those who simply give up and goes to another platform where they can get what they want without ebay's hassles causes LOSS of sales as well as ebay getting nothing too! Now I have been on an tolerated ebay since nearly day one and there was a system that worked PERFECTLY but ebay could not leave well enough alone and "fix" something that was not broken! while they should be focused on issues that do need fixed(like this current cart mess). The system that did work went like this: the customer found an item he wanted and clicked it on indicating to both me and him his wanting to purchase, the buyer would continue to select each item in the same manner and It would show up on my sales list the different items he wanted and I could then generate and invoice with combined shipping and send to the buyer and he would pay it, I would ship it and all was good in the world.....Ebay pushes the "free shipping aspect" to sellers, which #1 we all know is NOT free and never has been, the problem there is the seller stands to lose a great deal of money, again how you ask? With the current chaos the last few years the actual cost of shipping seems to change almost daily (higher ONLY, rarely ever goes down) so this leaves the seller locked in and of course the addition shipping cost comes out of the sellers pocket NOT ebay's leaving the seller to continue to have to revise the items price to reflect the increased shipping costs, which if a seller has only a few items is not a big deal, but when you have say like 2-3000 listings it becomes impossible to keep up. THE ONLY way to keep up with shipping costs increases is to use the "calculated" tool which automatically keep pace with increases from the carriers. If the current cart system worked I would not get 2-3 emails a day asking. I will continue to update this thread everytime I get a new question about "combining" shipping.

NOW ebay PAY ATTENTION HERE you want to fix this? Here is how....Leave the cart system as it is BUT make the following changes, #1 when a buyer puts items in HIS cart let the seller see it as well, when the buyer enters the 1st item into the checkout cart there should be a LARGE EASY TO READ AND UNDERSTAND pop up button that askes "would you like to add anymore items to you order" with a yes or no response button, where as either way the transaction will continue smoothly, for those buyers who chose "NO" they can pay for the item at that point, for those who say "yes" they can continue to add items and then choose "NO" which would then indicate to me(seller) that I need to generate a combined shipping invoice and send back to the buyer for payment! Amazing at how simple it can be and not aggravation or lost sales on either the buyer or the seller....This is for USA buyers...NOW the international side of combined shipping is even more screwed up if you can believe it! Listen to this: say your the buyer and you found 10 items you want...EBAY wants you the buyer to pay each item and shipping individually! which leads to so much overcharged shipping that it exceeds the price of the items...and EBAY blocks both buyers and sellers for trying to combine the order! In my effort to work around ebays stupidity for those sellers who ask what is going on and why shipping is so expensive I tell them to send me each item number and I will generate a new listing package deal just for them with all the items they need in ONE parcel with one shipping costs based on the items. Example: ebays way shipping on 10 decals total approx 40.00 or more, my way 10 decals approx 5.00 plus the international leg of the trip shipping costs(this will vary on each country and its reg's for import or VAT tax but still nowhere near 10x's when shipped individually! Now ebay has told me they cannot allow nor will they combine shipping on international orders!!! BUT wait! every now and then I get an international order where the customer actually combined items and paid the invoice himself! (I have no idea how?) So so much for NOT allowing it! Can't have it both way ebay~! FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!


3/8/22 (assuming I can see what is in his cart which ebay blocks me from seeing)

I ordered a few things, hopefully you can do some combined shipping on them and save me some $.

Thanks for any help.



I am buying this tag and 1972 1979 Dodge Plymouth Chrysler Door Jamb Bumper Kit New MoPar, do you combine shipping and if so how do I work it?

Message 1 of 19
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Re: The insanity continues with buyers trying to figure out how to request combine shipping from sel

The issue is not the commit to purchase threshold.  I’ve already explained a few different reasons as to why that option may not be available but in many cases it is available even if the items were just put on the cart.  Your assumption is not correct.  

If you read my post you would see that once the buyers clicks on request total, those items are purchased (committed to buy) and ARE in the sellers awaiting payment list.

Message 16 of 19
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Re: The insanity continues with buyers trying to figure out how to request combine shipping from sel

As a buyer I have wanted to purchase multiple items from different sellers.  It became impossible so those people lost my sales.  I am suppose to trust the seller, overpay the shipping and they will reimburse me.  NOT a good way to do business.  WAKE UP Ebay!!

Message 17 of 19
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Re: The insanity continues with buyers trying to figure out how to request combine shipping from sel

I am trying to purchase multiple items but am unable to request combined shipping and get this message "You can't request combined shipping for items that require immediate payment."  Is there a way the seller can fix this, is it something in the way they have set up payments?  These are buy it now items.  Before I could always request a total.






Message 18 of 19
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Re: The insanity continues with buyers trying to figure out how to request combine shipping from sel

Hi everyone,


Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.


Thank you for understanding.

Message 19 of 19
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