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Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

Please help me take down these masks.  When I put in the search term for  N95 masks there are a few sellers all in California selling them a outrageous prices.  I suspect they are all actually the same seller using multiple ID's as they are located in LA County

Message 1 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

eBay is actually doing a pretty good job in catching and removing most of those listings. You can help by using the "Report item" link in the listing. eBay has recently added an option for "Price gouging" in the list of report reasons.


When they announced their ban on March 5, I did a search for


N95 (mask, masks)


and it got over 34,000 hits.  Now when I do it there are only a couple dozen hits and they are all new within the past 24 hours.

Message 2 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

Yes, I've been reporting these @$$holes for weeks now and what does Ebay Do? Limit my contacting anyone via their email platform.
It's nationwide, worldwide, the number of sellers who either don't have the product to sell of Vastly inflate the cost between 200-1000$USD per 10-20 masks.

I think I had gone after over 45 as of today when a seller in New Jersey complained about harrasing him bc I forwarded him his state AG guidelines.
Message 3 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

Yes, but some of these sellers, the really good crooks simply make a new profile, sell it really quickly.
So I just forward a screen shot of that sellers listing to whatever states AG for further review. Sellers NEVER remove the listing willingly and Ebay hasn't been that helpful when a listing keep re-appearing with minutes of being yanked.
Today, bc a cry-baby crook complained I was harassing him? My account was limited as far as contacting sellers with their states Price Gouging Laws.
Ok, fine. I just file more complaints with state AGs bc it's obviously affecting Ebays Revenue flow.
Message 4 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

If you have any insight on how to make them doing business a nightmare? Please let me know. Currently, anyone can file a complaint with California State AG online, and hopefully AGs office follows up.
Too bad there isn't a small recovery fee for going after these crooks, bc it can be tedious and they know it.

Jlchink is one seller I went after late last nite, and he/she was arrogantly defiant about breaking any laws,  Diamond Bar area. 

Message 5 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

Why bother contacting these people? Report the listing and let eBay handle it.

That's what eBay is expecting you to do .

Message 6 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

Bc Ebay Wont Prosecute. It that very attitude as to the reason there's so much fraudulent activity online.
Take a pic, Forward it to state AG, we have Laws against this first very good reasons and Ebay is overwhelmed.

  What if this were your local grocery store, or gas station inflating prices by thousands of %?? Police couldn't do anything, told you to wait for the courts...

  These ppl need to be prosecuted asap, thrown off Ebay, Banned. 

Message 7 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

Yeah AH, scout 98239, I'm reporting you to eBay for not only harassing me by emailing me through eBay email which is only meant for business not for people like you that think they can send a harassing email to anyone on Ebay. What you think you are the Ebay police? like you work for them as an enforcer.
You crossed the line by CALLING my number and leaving me a THREATENING VOICE MAIL, ON SUNDAY MOTHER'S DAY instead of being with your family for the day. I HAVE CONTACTED LOCAL AUTHORITIES about the threatening voice mail, don't be surprised when Washington State Police come knocking on your door, how DARE you call my number? you obviously don't have life because instead sharing a family day you are looking on Ebay like you have the authority to police the site and harass people, you probably wanted to be someone with authority like a police officer but you are NOT, so now you want to feel like one by harassing people with threats, Ebay is not going to be happy with you policing their site like you work for them, they don't take harassment very well, as you have been reprimanded before, calling someone to harass them is a different story, Ebay is not going to like that at ALL and neither is law enforcement as well. STOP HARASSING PEOPLE ON EBAY. YOU DON'T WORK THERE.

Message 8 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

If anyone should be banned from eBay it should be you for harassment.  

Message 9 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

Thank you for saying it like it should be, I listed something I really was not aware I could list, I wish eBay would of blocked me from listing it, because this would not have happened, however this guy thinks he is the official eBay police detective or something, to be harassing anyone on his own behalf is totally unacceptable, if he emails or calls people at their home number and leave threatening voicemail like he did to me, there should be lots of complaints against him, how dare he call my home number, he has no right to do what he does, he obviously has no life since he did this to me on a Sunday, Mother's Day instead of being with family, its people like this that should be banned from eBay, I have been selling and buying on eBay since 2000 and never had anyone do what this guy did, he may think he is doing a good thing but harassment and threats to eBay users when there was no business with him it's not the way to go about it, he did not buy or did I sell him anything, yet he feels he can do what he wants and get away with it, well I will do whatever I can to stop him from doing this going forward, if he wants to do the right thing he should report whatever directly to eBay, who does he think he is anyway? he is trying to be a hero, but he is no more than anyone else that takes the law in their own hands and off course he does all of this in the comfort of his home not having to face anyone, I have NO PROBLEM if Ebay reprimands me or points out things I should not be doing, however not from someone like this guy who thinks he's a hero, but really he is breaking eBay rules over and over again even though he was told to stop harassing people.

Message 10 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

I believe the proper place to report price gouging on such items is to your state.  I'm not sure of California but I know that Florida has a hotline set up just for that purpose.  Let's face it, eBay just doesn't have an effective policing capability.

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 11 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

@scout98239 wrote:
Yes, I've been reporting these @$$holes for weeks now and what does Ebay Do? Limit my contacting anyone via their email platform.


There's no need to contact the sellers, they are going to keep listing until Ebay shuts them down.

Each listing has a report item link, use it to report those listings.

You can even report listings that have been sold.






Have a great day.
Message 12 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

@mr_dives_collectibles wrote:

I listed something I really was not aware I could list, I wish eBay would of blocked me from listing it, because this would not have happened


I'm pretty sure you knew that you couldn't list an item that has been banned for more then 2 months and listing it as a 1 day auction, hoping it would sell before Ebay pulled the listing..



Have a great day.
Message 13 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

"I listed something I really was not aware I could list, I wish eBay would of blocked me from listing it, because this would not have happened,"


As a seller listing and selling collectibles and all of a sudden on May 9th you list a banned item at auction? Now that is truly unbelievable...more like  truly laughable... It's good that eBay is removing and suspending such seller activity!

Message 14 of 16
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Re: Need Help Reporting Price Gouging on the Sale of Masks

You don’t know anything about me only what you want to assume, I have done one day auctions many times depending on the item, If I knew I could not listed I would not done it, I looked up the item and there where 25-35 listings most buy it know, since all of those were listed I went ahead and listed the item , so all the listings have been there for a while, So you think it’s right to harass people by threading them by email and calling your home number which is a crime, I played the message to my local police and filed a complaint so they can get this AH address and phone number from eBay to send to law enforcement in his town, also I got an email from eBay acknowledging his threat in the email he sent because they have access to it. So scout98239 breaks the law by harassing people so you are ok with that, you need a reality check.




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