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Doesn't ebay get paid when someone views a listing? with all the ads on the page i would think so,  you tube pays for views i think,  wonder why as a seller on ebay i dont get anything for the money ebay makes on my ad views ?  

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Re: views

eBay doesn't make money from someone viewing your listing per se, but yes, if any of the ads being displayed are via Promoted Listing Advanced (a relatively new program that is pay-per-click, instead of on the selling fee) or if any of the off-site ads displayed make them money, then theoretically they could be making money.  Very few ads make money just for views, at least in any noticeable amount. Clicks are where it's at. And why should they pass along any money to you for that negligible amount?

Message 2 of 5
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Re: views

your saying all the company ads on your listing ebay just does that for free?  seems strange to me   not the promted ads the ads on the side from froturne 500 companys etc. 

Message 3 of 5
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Re: views

They get paid per click most likely, not just for displaying them.

Message 4 of 5
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Re: views

Hi @gameboardsoc1234 

The likely reason that you do not share in ad revenues is because this is not your site—you have no ownership rights here. If it were your web address, then you’d receive compensation.


Though you pay fees to eBay to “rent” the listing space, that does not make you eligible for ownership of ad revenues. You could not sell use of your page for advertising, nor collect those ad fees.

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