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“good til canceled”

“good til canceled” is the worse experience for me, and I think it's going to affect the very very negative on eBay in short and long terms, I'm sorry!!

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Re: “good til canceled”

Not sure why you say your sorry?  You didn't create the new GTC policy, nor did I.  For now it seems they have decided to make one adjustment to match the length of each month and that's all.  If ebay's ROI stays the same or improves while whittling out the smaller sellers who take up too much server space then the GTC policy will probably stay in place.  However, if every seller who downsizes or closes their store stops spending time and money on ebay that will affect the bottom line faster than store size reductions.  Unfortunately that will also affect the sellers who we used to buy from directly.  The 20k per year I used to spend on ebay has been redirected to other online sites and back to brick and mortar stores, especially since the sales tax advantage has started to disappear.  The only thing I buy now are the free premium store $50 per quarter ebay supplies so I can resell them. July 1st is my one year premium store anniversary when I will go back to a basic store.

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Message 2 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”

Not sure why you say your sorry?  You didn't create the new GTC policy, nor did I.  For now it seems they have decided to make one adjustment to match the length of each month and that's all.  If ebay's ROI stays the same or improves while whittling out the smaller sellers who take up too much server space then the GTC policy will probably stay in place.  However, if every seller who downsizes or closes their store stops spending time and money on ebay that will affect the bottom line faster than store size reductions.  Unfortunately that will also affect the sellers who we used to buy from directly.  The 20k per year I used to spend on ebay has been redirected to other online sites and back to brick and mortar stores, especially since the sales tax advantage has started to disappear.  The only thing I buy now are the free premium store $50 per quarter ebay supplies so I can resell them. July 1st is my one year premium store anniversary when I will go back to a basic store.

Message 2 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”

I just noticed Etsy sight that you can sell on, I ordered a gift from there but have not thought
about being a seller there.......... Anyway ,Yep GTC has been tweeked! I actually like the fact
it has made things a little easier for me, at first I was reluctant. The jury is still out though.
Message 3 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”

I couldn't agree more with your insight. My behavior has already changed. I have increased my attendance and booked space at trade shows. Last year set up at two shows. This year I have done or booked 10 shows. Sales are solid at the shows. Fees are better than ebay including travel, and ALL SALES are final.  I will use ebay in the future. It will be on my terms, yes, their rules but my terms. I will sell what I am in control of. Presently,  that will be auctions only. Not willing to manage GTC, not a good use of my time. Not productive and most importantly NOT PROFITABLE within my business model. Thanks for your comments. Later

Message 4 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”

...I forgot to mention, May 1 dropped my store also. Going to go month to month and pay a little extra, not locking into any contract at this time. Maybe later.

Message 5 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”

Sadly - I am totally done - I cannot put any effort into this anymore - now relist does just that - no more time to even look at unsold listings to change anything before it relists....not worth it anymore

Message 6 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”


I know this is going to come off like I am a jerk but I really want to know, you state GTC might be working out for you, that's superb, my question is, how are you better off not having a choice? GTC was a choice for you before the changes. Auto relist was already an option. Again, not trying to be confrontational, I really want to know how having no choice is better. Anyway, glad it is working out for you, would like any insight you have. I'm not to stubborn to learn something. Take care.

Message 7 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”

I hear where you are coming from. Hope you hang in there, maybe just take a break. Can always quite later. I am done for now but will be back in some format. ebay will still be a tool of some sort. A positive that has come from all this is I have reconnected with venues that ebay replaced when it was successful here. I learned I, not ebay, was  fault for putting all my eggs in ebays basket. I will be more balanced no matter what ebay does. Even if ebay gives me MY CHOICE and CONTROL of my business back, I will not put all my eggs in this venue again. Good luck

Message 8 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”

I have been listing on eBay for several years. I do not like the GTC. It takes control of relisting out my hands. I often adjust my prices when relisting based on views listings and so forth. I have also that eBay started charging an insertion fee this month. In the past, I have been able to relist 250 items each month without a fee. Is a policy change I missed?
Message 9 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”


I have been a buyer and seller on ebay since 1999 and have managed multiple accounts for a variety of people. 

Hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales, tens of thousands of items, all with 100% positive feedback, it's been quite the ride. 

I specialize in items that are not commodities, in fact, I avoid commodity items. 

Generally I'll run items through auction twice, then into the store they went. 

Every 30 days, when they expire, I'd evaluate the items and make any adjustments needed to sell them.

For my most recent customer, the one I am logged in with, I have downgraded my store and eliminated a couple hundred items that were once in the store. In fact, as of this moment, I have no items in the store, everything is auction.

I had about 1000 items in the store, no more. 

If/when I do return to "buy it now" store items is something I have yet to decide. 

I do know that due to the GTC change, I've changed the minimum dollar amount of any item I'll sell. That cost eBay a lot of listings, and many of those items drew people in. 

It's a shame, eBay seems to be again on the cycle of becoming unfriendly to the seller. I've had poor customer service experiences of late with them, and you know, it's just becoming less fun, if that makes any sense. 

I don't feel like a valued customer as a seller at this point in time, and I have considered leaving eBay all together. 

That, my friends, hurts. 

I'm making the decision on my time, and will continue to closely evaluate the situation. 

Good thread, I'm enjoying the comments. 

Steve Baumann

Message 10 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”

I too like to fiddle with my auctions if they do not sell. Not sure what kind of store you have so I cannot really give any advise as to why you are receiving an insertion fee. Your store level will determine how many fixed price GTC and auction you have. If you listed items and exceeded your limits this may be why you have fees. Especially if you did not account for unsold fixed price GTC listings. If unsure of any fee's, I would not hesitate to contact customer service. Good luck

Message 11 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”

I researched etsy for a moment and discovered that etsy forces you to establish a tax account.  Unless I am mistaken they will report any sales you make regardless of how little it is to the IRS and issue a 1099.  Unless I am retired and want to run a full-time enterprise while tracking COGS and expenses to write off against less than $20,000 in gross sales including shipping I won't be changing platforms.  

Message 12 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”

@vintage26 wrote:

“good til canceled” is the worse experience for me, and I think it's going to affect the very very negative on eBay in short and long terms, I'm sorry!!

Sadly you are stating what MANY sellers are feeling. The big question most sellers should be asking is are these changes helping the seller make more money or is just helping eBay make more money from the sellers.

Good luck to ALL the small sellers out there!
Message 13 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”

I said it has made things easier for me, I never used auto relist. I ether didn't see the option or just didn't

use it. I no longer have to go to the computer and relist unsold items and I list at staggered times and

they are relisted the same way so I have something listed or ending every couple hours of each day. I

also stated the jury is out on my feelings about this meaning I have not totally came to a conclusion. At

this time I am leaning towards "Guilty" eBay meddling in control of "My eBay" options. One thing for certian

is things change............

Message 14 of 50
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Re: “good til canceled”

The reality is simple - eBay exists only to give it's stockholders the largest possible return on investment. 

If the strategy is short term gain, they start screwing everyone they can out of as much as possible. 

Long term, build lasting relationships with the buyers and sellers, developing ways for them to work more efficiently. Also assuring the sellers are making enough margin to survive. 

Being a long term seller, when they do what they have been doing, I feel as though they care more about short term ROI than they do about our business relationship. 

And I'm started to embrace that, it is freeing as why would I want to continue to offer stellar service levels?

Oh, that's just because that is what I do.

And I prefer to do it somewhere that I feel appreciated. 

For now, as mentioned, I've changed how I go to business on eBay. 

What the future holds, time will tell......

Message 15 of 50
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