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e-bay has removed my logo from store after 12 years whats going on ?

Came on line this morning to find the store sign in my e-bay page missing and when I went to my store e-bay has removed my store logo which has been up for at least 12 years maybe longer.  Can not find a way to re-enter the logo .Just one more problem in a long line of problems with e-bay. Not worth the hassle.  

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Re: e-bay has removed my logo from store after 12 years whats going on ?

You still have the old store format ... I thought the old format was finally ended earlier in the year.  My guess is that your problem is not that eBay is removing a logo, but that you haven't migrated to the new store format


Or, more to the point, the server (or server directory) where eBay had previously hosted your logo has been retired.

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Re: e-bay has removed my logo from store after 12 years whats going on ?

So e-bay changes my store and deletes my logo , well  I guess I never got the meno .  Its fine I guess I will re-direct my logo and all my customers to my other shops with that know that logo. Thank you for the answer but it offers no solution to the probelm. But I guess the only one really is leave or stay The nightmare that is e-bay goes on and on .  

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Re: e-bay has removed my logo from store after 12 years whats going on ?

@biblioboy wrote:

So e-bay changes my store and deletes my logo , well  I guess I never got the meno .

The store changes were announced beginning with the 2018 Spring Seller Update ... I think they were reiterated in the Summer seller update.


Regardless, here are some details from the announcements - looks like I was wrong in my assumption that everyone has already been moved over:  click me.

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Re: e-bay has removed my logo from store after 12 years whats going on ?

Read the Below statement from the page you sent me to. All this does is take out the custom logo  and remove the store figure from the my e-bay page. All the so called upgrade does is hide the dealers from the buyer and make it look like I work for e-bay (which I do not ) and so no one knows who there are dealing with. Like I said its fine I will just redirect my logo to a another store on another site. I am planning ,( like so many other dealers)  on closing the store after the holidays anyway . I do thank you for your help but what e-bay told you and what the e-bay sites says are two different things. 


"The majority of sellers' Stores were updated automatically in May 2018. If you have custom pages or a fully custom storefront, you can move to the new experience now, or we will move your Store at a later date.

You do not need to take any action. We will remind you of these changes before we move you to the new experience. Store subscribers will be moved to the new experience in two phases, detailed in the timeline below."

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Re: e-bay has removed my logo from store after 12 years whats going on ?

Your store is still using the "old" format.


Is your logo hosted on a site that uses "http" and not "https" ?  That's my guess as to why your logo is not displaying as usual.

Volunteer Community Member

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Re: e-bay has removed my logo from store after 12 years whats going on ?

Well I went to the new format and it is worlthless , wiped out my custom store my logo and design and put up this lame looking piece of you know what. Just one more reason in a long line of reasons to leave e-bay. Well back to moving inventory off e-bay and letting all my customers know where things are moving to. New to get it all moved before I close. Thanks for the advice.


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Re: e-bay has removed my logo from store after 12 years whats going on ?

@biblioboy wrote:

Well I went to the new format and it is worlthless , wiped out my custom store my logo and design and put up this lame looking piece of you know what. Just one more reason in a long line of reasons to leave e-bay. Well back to moving inventory off e-bay and letting all my customers know where things are moving to. New to get it all moved before I close. Thanks for the advice.


eBay has decided that they want buyers to feel as if they are buying from eBay, and not from an individual seller ... this is why the store designs have become generic/plain, the return policies are homogenous,  and product pages are replacing the individual listings.


That's how it is on Amazon, for I don't think most people are able to distinguish whether they buy a product direct from Amazon or via an FBA seller.  They think they are buying from Amazon.

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Re: e-bay has removed my logo from store after 12 years whats going on ?

Point well taken , If e-bay wants to be like Amazon they should charge like Amazon, I have 33,000 items listed on Amazon at way less then an e-bay store. Same old story here just more bad management. I am looking for another site where when you pay for a store of your own with your own logo and brand you get it. This is just another e-bay rip off  charge more get less. Like I said I am moving on after I get all my inventory moved to where I want them and making sure all my customers know where to look my items. I will be gald when I am done here, after 20 years this is more than I can stand.  

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Re: e-bay has removed my logo from store after 12 years whats going on ?

You, I and anyone else that has sold on both platforms knows that Amazon is infinitely more expensive than eBay....

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