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Why Top Rated Sellers Are now going to only get 10% discount?

To be a top rated seller now the rules are so strict its crazy,you get one negative over a year ago and you cant get it ,you cant unless you sell so much!Ebay we already pay you 12% on everything we sell wich is why you are losing people after free listings,and add paypals 3 percent,every 10 dollar item we have to pay about 1.40,on 100 thats 14.00!!We are always wrong if anything happens with shipping or buyer!

 I would just like to know when all the money we make you for just running the site,Billions a year you would think rates would be lower to attract more sellers,instead there going to bonanza,And if you go up two more percent im going to sell on Amazon and bonanza!Its time Ebay helps the people that pay these hundreds of dollars a month in fees.And going from 20% discount as strict as you are and adding now were 90 percent have to be scanned in 24 hrs,,to get 10% ,,well i think well have a lot of non Top rated Sellers!!

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Re: Why Top Rated Sellers Are now going to only get 10% discount?

Well your on a member to member board , ebay won't see your post
lot's of sellers are not Happy with the Spring 2017 update, but as with any update done on this site we have to decide to either stay and play or move on.

here is the board filled with unhappy sellers like you & me, it's not just you upset but it's not going to change

Message 2 of 12
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Re: Why Top Rated Sellers Are now going to only get 10% discount?

Why?  Because we were all asking for "promoted listings" and now we are getting $30 worth of them.


(Where is the sarcasm emoji?)

Message 3 of 12
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Re: Why Top Rated Sellers Are now going to only get 10% discount?

@tamaralea wrote:

Why?  Because we were all asking for "promoted listings" and now we are getting $30 worth of them.


(Where is the sarcasm emoji?)


I had one that I was going to post for you, but was afraid of getting slapped. It had two particular fingers from about the middle of the hand in it... on a smiley face, of course.  😉

“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent” ― Madeleine K. Albright

Great! 45.8% down over the same time last year with 2x+ items listed. Are you impressed? I'm certainly not!
Message 4 of 12
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Re: Why Top Rated Sellers Are now going to only get 10% discount?

And don't forget, they needed more money from the sellers to pay for "their" share of the Guranteed Delivery program they are implementing.   



“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent” ― Madeleine K. Albright

Great! 45.8% down over the same time last year with 2x+ items listed. Are you impressed? I'm certainly not!
Message 5 of 12
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Re: Why Top Rated Sellers Are now going to only get 10% discount?

@tamaralea wrote:

Why?  Because we were all asking for "promoted listings" and now we are getting $30 worth of them.


(Where is the sarcasm emoji?)

$30.00 worth of them they hope we will be able to use by the time everything rolls out
because many of us are sellers of single items and because remember as it stands now Promotions can only be used on Multi item listings
and if they don't have it ready for us they are being so kind that they won't allow us to roll over that credit until such time they get it together for us who list single items

To me it's a lose lose , I don't sell many multi quantity listings .


Message 6 of 12
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Re: Why Top Rated Sellers Are now going to only get 10% discount?

@newriverzippos wrote:

To be a top rated seller now the rules are so strict its crazy,you get one negative over a year ago and you cant get it ,you cant unless you sell so much!Ebay we already pay you 12% on everything we sell

Feedback isn't used to evaluate sellers; you're evaluated on shipping, delivery, and handling of cases. And we pay eBay 10%, not 12%.


And you're confusing Top Rated Seller criteria and Top Rated Plus.

Message 7 of 12
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Re: Why Top Rated Sellers Are now going to only get 10% discount?

Good luck in your future endeavors.  

Message 8 of 12
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Re: Why Top Rated Sellers Are now going to only get 10% discount?

Its 12.5 you have to add PayPal in!And all im saying is its not worth to sell 1k dollars worth of items and try to get items after paid on sat .after noon try and get mail scanned within 24 hrs,,and if its the mails fought
Message 9 of 12
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Re: Why Top Rated Sellers Are now going to only get 10% discount?

thanks ,ill do my 200 free listings a month and not sell anymore!That is what everyone who has a store subscription should do!
Message 10 of 12
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Re: Why Top Rated Sellers Are now going to only get 10% discount?

You could try writing to ebay with a "suggestion" but you may want to work on your spelling, punctuation, persuasive writing style in general. 

Message 11 of 12
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Re: Why Top Rated Sellers Are now going to only get 10% discount?

"Amazon and bonanza"


The 1st one has higher fees and the 2nd one has no sales!


My advice is to change and adapt to eBay's ways or perish like so many other sellers have. . . .

Message 12 of 12
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