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What do we do about abusive buyers

In the beggining of August i sold one of my novelty celebrity fake ID's to a buyer who is just simply out of the touch with real world. Within 5 minutes i received an ebay message containing all his personal information you would find on someone's driver license, including the photo he took of himself, instructing me how to make his new fkae driver licesnse. My item description clearly states these are novelty items for fans, and that we do NOT cut fake driver licenses for people, and whoever asks us, will be reported to ebay.

So i emailed him back, telling him we do not make fake DL's, to which he rudely requested a refund which i already issued ( i canceled his order at this point and reported him to ebay for sending me his personal information. Ebay had a hunch that a message he sent me contains info and photo it shouldn't, and kept nudging me to report him, so i did).

So everything was fine, until today, when he starts badgering me how i never sent him his 3 bucks refund. I reply: yes i have, same minute your order was canceled, and you accepted the cancellation, Check your PayPal."

He replies that i haven't, to which i make screen shots of my PayPal screen clearly showing his payment to me, and then my refund to him. He sends me a screen shot of his PayPal balance being zero, which of course it would, because this was over a month ago and he probably used his balance towards different purchase. At this point i lost it and told him to leave me alone or i will report him to ebay-again.

But hey, what do i know, i can't report him. Nor i can stop his messages from coming. I tried everything, but since the transaction was cancelled, i can't report this delusional person. He was blocked from buying, but not from sending me messages.

With that in mind, i was wondering if we have any solution for things such are these, short of having to call ebay?

Message 1 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers

put him on your blocked bidders list, it wont stop the current string of messages, but it will keep them from buying again.

Send one final message that he is welcome to open a case with ebay or paypal, and then start deleting his messages
Message 2 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers

I'm bad.  I read your title, What do we do about abusive buyers, and the thought came:


Boil them in oil?Smiley Very Happy


Hangs head, and slinks off to sit in the corner...


So sorry!!!

Message 3 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers

@castlemagicmemories wrote:

I'm bad.  I read your title, What do we do about abusive buyers, and the thought came:


Boil them in oil?Smiley Very Happy


Hangs head, and slinks off to sit in the corner..


So sorry!!!

This is my favorite post of the day!

Message 4 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers



Awww...thank you!  I'm blushing!

Message 5 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers




The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 6 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers

Also my favorite reply of the year! Thought certainly crossed my mind. I've been here more than a decade (i am selling on different account), but this guy takes the CAKE!!!

I am most polite person you will ever encounter (thanks to my parents who gave me this handicap), ad i reply to messages same moment i get them because i stay at home, but i just lost it with this guy! Even my husband thought it was weird to see me this angry. But it felt gooood!sunglasses

Message 7 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers

Stop reading and responding to his messages. When he doesn't get further acknowledgement he will leave you alone. 

Message 8 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers

I know what i would do


Id make a call to the police chief of his town and exlain about him trying to obtain fake id online. It might prevent something nasty. I know of a situation where some dropved a dime and stopped something bad from happening

Message 9 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers



I am an extremely bright shade of red right now, but thank you!!!


Seems you have a doozy there.  Sorry this happened to you.



Message 10 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers

I think he disappeared into the night! I just hope he stays there 😄

Message 11 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers

Take care of customer as best as possible. Block. Report. 

Message 12 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers

@themagicmountain wrote:

I know what i would do


Id make a call to the police chief of his town and exlain about him trying to obtain fake id online. It might prevent something nasty. I know of a situation where some dropved a dime and stopped something bad from happening

I hear this TOO often from people. "Call the police".

Do you have any idea what type of events you may put into motion for an innocent person?

Wake up. This is not the same America that existed back in the 1950's like Andy of Mayberry.

Many police these days have only self-interest to make a case even if they have to compromise their integrity to do it. That means they will simply take someones word and make up a fantastic imaginary story to fill in the blanks.

You can ruin another persons life with your petty suspicious alegations that may not be true.

It's so "high school'!

Message 13 of 14
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Re: What do we do about abusive buyers

@samurai_bear wrote:

I think he disappeared into the night! I just hope he stays there 😄

I do, too~!

Message 14 of 14
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