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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

I see pre owned cloth diapers listed all over ebay .  I keep getting the error message:


"This item is not permitted under the Used Clothing policy. Please do not relist.{e128279-1227938x}"

I listed an auction last week just fine.  What's up with this now?


Thank you.


Message 1 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

Try to sell something else.

Message 2 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

If you are told not to relist them, do NOT relist them.

I agree that there should be no problem.

Being old enough to have used cloth diapers on DD , more than 40 years ago, some of her diapers were already handmedowns from her aunts, whose children were in their teens then.

And they went on the circuit to more babies when DD was trained.


But eBay will close you down if you relist them.

Message 3 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

@allazoppa wrote:

I see pre owned cloth diapers listed all over ebay .  I keep getting the error message:


"This item is not permitted under the Used Clothing policy. Please do not relist.{e128279-1227938x}"

I listed an auction last week just fine.  What's up with this now?

Thank you.


Used diapers are not permitted under eBay policy. This is stated explicitly in the used clothing policy which eBay even gave you a link to. 


What is the policy?
Used underwear and socks are not allowed, even if they are clean. Examples include boxer shorts, panties, briefs, diapers, and athletic supporters.


The fact that eBay's policy enforcement is not comprehensive, accurate, or timely does not protect you from this policy.


Message 4 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

This does strike me as a Facebook Marketplace item. More local.

Or ask your gynecologist/obstetrician if you could post a notice in her office.

There is also a cupcake and coffee shop near me that is a favourite with the yummy mummys  and has a bulletin board with lots of baby yoga, doula, and LaLeche League posters. Is there something like that near you?


Message 5 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

Totally annoying. Just happened to me as well. I used to buy and sell pre-owned cloth diapers & covers all the time on eBay. Not sure if their policy recently changed or what. Never got this message before today. What did you end up doing?

Message 6 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped


Our local consignment shops and thrift stores no longer sell them either.  I have purchased batches of used ones to use to wash our cars, wax cars and in our bunny cage(s).  

Agree with @femmefan1946 - hopefully on a local site you can list them that way.  We never used them with DS as diapers - I used them as burp cloths and they were excellent.  

Good luck - can kind of understand why they are prohibited - not everyone would sell ones that are in EUC/sanitized, etc.

....... "The Ranger isn't gonna like it Yogi"......... Boo-Boo knew what he was talking about!

Posting ID Only.......
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Message 7 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

I suspect we are talking about different products with the same name and purpose

My diapers were flat pieces of cotton about 18" x 30" which were folded to make a thicker panel in the middle. We used safety pins to fasten them on and plastic overpants to keep clothes dry and clean.

Modern diapers are more of a panty themselves with a pocket for a (disposable? reuseable?) absorbent pad.

The older type was easy to clean and sanitize. The newer one? A much younger person would have to explain.

Now, how do "period panties" work?

Message 8 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

@femmefan1946 wrote:

... My diapers were flat pieces of cotton about 18" x 30" which were folded to make a thicker panel in the middle. We used safety pins to fasten them on and plastic overpants to keep clothes dry and clean...  easy to clean and sanitize...

Those are now called "flat" or "flatfold" cloth diapers.


Message 9 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

I'm having the same issue. What is going on here? 


I currently see over 700 listings for pre-owned cloth diapers. I've also purchased pre-owned cloth diapers on eBay. Now I can't sell mine. 

I'd love to know the loophole that hundreds of other people seem to know!

Message 10 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

Necro Bump. Mods Please close thread.

Message 11 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

@matthewclange wrote:

I'd love to know the loophole that hundreds of other people seem to know!

There's no loophole @matthewclange - those other sellers have not been caught yet. If/when caught they will get hit with policy violations on their account.

Message 12 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

Actually, I would be surprised if used/pre-owed cloth diapers would be allowed to list on eBay.


Maybe have a yard sale someone might want them for dust rags/ car wash clothes or even old school diapers. 


I recall my mom offering our washed left over cloth diapers to my sister when she gave birth to my niece in 1981/ She said no thanks. 


Message 13 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

Good Will won't even take used socks.

Message 14 of 15
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Trying to list excellent pre-owned cloth diapers, keep getting bumped

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

Message 15 of 15
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