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Something has changed here

I'm trying very hard to find out what it is. My sales have dropped to almost nothing. Could it be all the changes ebay is making? Everyone says clothing is a saturated market, but it's not more saturated now than it was a few months ago. Something else is wrong. Offering free returns, 3 day guarantee deliver and free shipping does not make any difference.  Things weren't that bad until a few months ago, now no sales. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the UPC codes. I've called ebay a few times, and they don't even know how anything is suppose to work, how are we suppose to figure it out? I guess I'll sell this inventory and move on.      

Message 1 of 84
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Re: Something has changed here

@yuzuha wrote:

I shipped a $7 phone stylus to New Zealand just a couple of weeks ago.  The buyer paid $15 shipping for it.  Obviously it was a good deal for them if they were willing to pay that much just to have it shipped there!

Not sure what that is but can you buy it in New Zealand.


New Zealand is not Australia.  Australia is much more like the US where you can buy pretty much anything you want.

Message 76 of 84
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Re: Something has changed here

@membersinceaug2001 wrote:

@sicario_soldado wrote:

Tweety, while some folks here have some good ideas, nothing will bring your sales back to what they were. This is what happens in retail to a bad location. Some fail, most shrink and stay that way, and a very. very few actually make the required changes and show real growth again. Because of all the various problems combined eBay has become a bad location. Good luck to you and everyone else that is still trying. sunglasses

So True!  Even the mis-managed toy monopoly didn't make it any more!



I heard on the news Toys R US is trying to come back under a different form?  Hope they make it.  No clue where to get my grandchildrens toys this year in my home state.  Target and Walmart is pretty much last year's merchandise and much less selection.


Hope I do not have to drive to New York this year.



Message 77 of 84
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Re: Something has changed here

@turquoisetulips wrote:

And if all that fails I have a very Italian last name.innocent Emerald  



So do I , its very long and most people have trouble pronouncing it . It belonged to my late husband Michael , a wise guy from New York . He died of kidney cancer in 2002 .  Tulips 




I am so sorry for your loss.  I think there were a few wise guys in my husband's family tree as well.


And of course I am from Rhode Island, where there were more than a few of them wandering around.

Message 78 of 84
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Re: Something has changed here

@myoasisjewels wrote:
for me it has been longer than since 6-8th october... since the end of september. tried everything i could think of. no results, no change, no sales;-((


I see the word jewels in your name so just thinking out loud - the holidays are coming up, so it that a productive time of the year for you.

I am still waffling back and forth if I should shut down once again on December 1st like I did last year.  That is because the year before that, due to returns, I actually lost money.  

Message 79 of 84
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Re: Something has changed here

mine stopped on september 26th. i actually thought things would get better, because there was a brief period of increase in sales. then nothing. have been totally dead since then. this is not normal for me. i mean, sales have been decreasing all year long, but for it to come to a complete halt is something i have never experienced, and i have been selling on ebay since 2002.


Message 80 of 84
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Re: Something has changed here

@tweetystwades wrote:

Tell me I'm crazy now. I sold 3 things this week and none of them had UPC codes. Coincidence...I think not. 

From you was the first time I heard that theory... I was doubtful at first but testing it out first hand can't be argued with!


Please continue to see if this trend continues.


As a software developer... The only reason I could think of that could make this add up on the technical side, is if a UPC is trying to connect it to a Catalog listing, and triggering the "Catalog search" but there is no Catalog listing there, and for some reason this is harming it's visibility. Where if it does NOT have a UPC, it's triggering a different search method that's not using the new catalog.


Definitely something to keep an eye on, and if anyone has similar results please post it in this topic!

Message 81 of 84
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Re: Something has changed here

@emerald40 wrote:
And if all that fails I have a very Italian last name.

@turquoisetulips wrote:


I think there were a few wise guys in my husband's family tree as well.


Being born in NY with an Italian family, about half of my family tree are Columbos, so I know the feeling! lol

Message 82 of 84
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Re: Something has changed here

Ok heres what iv came up with from a few days focusing on the lastest engine tweaks.


If you have any listing {even just 1} that is being deemed as a duplicate,

ebay are taking your whole lot with it into unseen darkness.


I think they might be serious this time about duplicates.

I had about 90 or so which were concert posters {different posters but under the same header}


read articles below...


I would suggest you find any and fix them and also study others and check similarities.


Here is a tool ...


 as always there is no clear guide and ebay are being selective no doubt, its all a bit grey and misty but its relevant to now.

Message 83 of 84
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Re: Something has changed here

@tweetystwades wrote:

 Everyone says clothing is a saturated market, but it's not more saturated now than it was a few months ago. Something else is wrong. Offering free returns, 3 day guarantee deliver and free shipping does not make any difference.  Things weren't that bad until a few months ago, now no sales. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the UPC codes. I've called ebay a few times, and they don't even know how anything is suppose to work, how are we suppose to figure it out? I guess I'll sell this inventory and move on.      

My first suggestion is to go to eBay without logging in, and searching for your own items the way you think a buyer would.


For instance, when I search girls pink leggings under Best Match I see 35,000 results. When I filter to newborn-5T I still see almost 5,000. What is it about your listing that would make a buyer search for that specific item over all the others?


Now when when I search girls pink leggings Macy's under Best Match I see less than 5 results and yours is #1 ... but is that really the way a buyer is going to look for a toddler's pink leggings?


I have always contended that when an item is a commodity with nothing exceptional to distinguish it, it runs the risk of getting lost in the noise.


Message 84 of 84
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