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Slow Sales for Everyone

It's the ECONOMY again.


People are scared to spend money they don't have!


And with the looming war with North Korea things are only going to get worse.


I've been storing water for months now, because when the grid goes down you won't be able to pump water out of the ground.

Message 1 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone


@z50com wrote:

Wells Fargo give me less then 1% on my saving account yet they charge 20% for their credit card.


Wait until the US goes digital money, it's not going to be pretty.


They'll know everything you buy and where you bought it. . .

Oh heck Z they have known this for years.

Kroger sends me coupons, for stuff I eat.

They know I have a cat and a dog.

They know my wife does not need lady products, (menopause)


Data mining is big bucks, and has been for years.

Big Brother has been listening for years.

Most have no clue how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Take the blue pill, and you wake up, and none of this happened.

Take the red pill, and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Message 31 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone

z complaining about sales and Ebay - OMG - but we did tell you 2 yrs ago - one of these days you may see what everyone else is talking about and it fell on deaf ears.

Message 32 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone

Many folks may think Mr C is a not me or Mrs C.

We simply try to be realists in a world that has gotten way away from the creation we live in.

The wonders of new hatched chicks, the beans ready to rippen...the kick of Jalapeno's...the gentle heavy moisture laden air wafting down into the hollars of backwoods nobletucky...all this makes us yearn to be as close to where it started as possible.

Living this life has lots of disadvantages in a commercialized urban and semi urban jungle yet it has many many other rewards that we believe far out way the hardships...and then again hardships are very relative.

We eat well and in moderation yet I could stand to lose about 7 God has been good to us. We have the love that binds the hearts and souls together...but do not be mistaken...I am under no illusions that I will survive any better by being a survivalist.

If this thing busts...we are all in trouble, yet he who formed us in our mothers womb still desires to hold us in the palm of his hand.

Mr C
Message 33 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone

They give you 1% because they want you in the market.  When market corrects, no one has liquid cash to invest, they are already "all in" as they say.  When interest rates were much higher, savings accounts yields were much better.  That's because small loans were financed by the savers (people with savings accounts).  Now the average American has less than $1k in their savings account.  One life altering event would wipe that out.  Shoot, your car breaking down needing a new transmission would wipe that out.  So where does the money come from for loans when so little is provided by the savers?  Why does closing a line of credit (credit card for example) hurt your credit score, after all I paid you off, I'm a good consumer right.....wrong, keep spending.


You are diving down a dark conversation that is heavily avoided because it shakes the pillars of what you been raised on.  Money is a difficult subject to talk about.  You are better off asking someone about their sex life than where they stand with personal finances.  Refer to Plato's Allegory of the Cave, video on you tube does a great illustration.


Treat your personal finances like running a business.  Trim the fat, focus on what is critical, and when finances permit...expand.  However, don't expose yourself anymore than you need to. 

Message 34 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone


I lost my faith years ago, I had questions they could not answer.

But for the most part, if you live a good and just life, that is your reward.

Message 35 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone

@jobs-7 wrote:

@skatesave wrote:

god is no different than the easter bunny, or santa claus.

People need to feel like they matter, and will grasp at the smallest straw available.  


I know for a fact that the  matter I become, will be just that .........  matter.

For a fact, huh?  I'd love to see your evidence.  As someone who says they have lived in 7 countries, you seem unhappy here in America, a country founded upon Christian principles.  May be time for you to move back to one of those other 6 countries.  Don't let the door hit ya....




Relax dave.  I will rot, therefore I will become matter.  Understand?  Peddle your religion somewhere else, not on a business forum.


Message 36 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone

I feel sorry for you.
Message 37 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone

@luckythewinner wrote:

@z50com wrote:
the grid goes down you won't be able to pump water out of the ground.

Unimaginative people won't be able to, but others managed to get water out of the ground for thousands of years before the grid existed.


Wasn't that long ago say 60 years ago I recall visiting my grandparents home (an original homestead property) in western  north Dakota - they had water for live stock via a wind driven pump and a manual hand pump for inside the house use.  All lighting via keroscene lamps.  As far as I know there still are tons of mountain springs where water flows freely.

Heck those "bush" folks in Alaska have been off the grid all thier lives.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 38 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone


Back in the 70's I had a trust fund, not large.

The interest rate to borrow was 21%

The interest paid to me, on my account was 10%

Now days banks don't even say what they pay you.

1% interest ?  better to pickup cans on the side of the road.


Like Mr. C I live a simple life.

And simple does not mean "poor"

I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love.


Rome ruled the world, then Rome fell, and the dark ages came.

Some of us see, we are near the end of life as we know it.

Message 39 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone


I am not pushing any religion, I have none.

Just saying all ancient text have merit, for their time.

It is just good business to treat people with respect.

And yes, when we die, we are just road kill.

Message 40 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone

Hi Dave,

Who knows...I am an optimist...hence staying with Mrs C...

One thing I do know...nations built on affluence have a tendency to have a harder fall than those that haven't had this luxury.

If things were to go backwords civilization wise now it would be a lot different than even if it had happened in the 60's.

Lots of ways to be creative and doing something simple...IF you have the tools/supplies.

Kinda got ourselves in a bind there...China now makes most of that. Leather factories closed...less for horse harnesses...even the Amish would have rude awakening. Many many of them no longer live off the the country...yes...simpler...yes, but not off the land.

The key to how them folks survive in Alaska...many live without...yet they bring in their food to supplement the salmon and the bear.

Years ago as a teenager I spent time in the way back bush of the Rocky Mountains of Northern B.C. with the local First Nations folk. They sold furs...they hunted moose...they tanned the hides and traded/sold/bartered mooseskin moccasins for food staples.

They used guns and bought Through monthly government payments. Many were almost destitute by the end of the monthly cycle of government checks. Folks need meds...lots of them...the list goes on.

As a pilot you know the importance of flying things in an out. A Cessna 172 STOL or a DC3 is the lifeline of many of these communities. Before these things came...they at least were free without government rules to be gatherers and hunters...but they succumbed to sickness and disease and many times lived a very hard short life. Now the caribou are few...the salmon is less...the seals are missing.

Not gonna be easy even for a survivalist.

Mr C
Message 41 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone


If ( when ) it goes bad, we will all be in a world of hurt.

I can't shoot nothing but beer cans.

And I like buying TP from the store.

It would be like Lord of the Flies.

when it hits the fan, we all get hit.

Message 42 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone

@desertratmotosports wrote:

They give you 1% because they want you in the market.  When market corrects, no one has liquid cash to invest, they are already "all in" as they say.  When interest rates were much higher, savings accounts yields were much better.  That's because small loans were financed by the savers (people with savings accounts).  Now the average American has less than $1k in their savings account.  One life altering event would wipe that out.  Shoot, your car breaking down needing a new transmission would wipe that out.  So where does the money come from for loans when so little is provided by the savers?  Why does closing a line of credit (credit card for example) hurt your credit score, after all I paid you off, I'm a good consumer right.....wrong, keep spending.



Maybe because  there's a lot of people who don't trust banks with their savings. Heck I don't trust banks, period (or govts for that matter).


Yes I know we have the FDIC, but do we really trust that either?


I'm not old enough to have been there but I've read about the "runs on banks" back when.

Crusader Cat is watching

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. - L Tolstoy

"You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not however, entitled to your own facts."

Message 43 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone

lol.  I agree with the matress theory on cash, but we have to make assumption most Americans are "awake"....and that my friend is a big assumption.  Did you know for most major banks it's against policy to store money in your safety deposit box?  You can store diamonds, tangible assets, etc....but not cash.  Why?  Who cares? 

Message 44 of 90
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Re: Slow Sales for Everyone

What a lot of people are not understanding either is that eBay has made itself entirely irrelevant. Over the last several years eBay invested heavily in making themselves a competitor to the likes of Walmart and more importantly, Amazon, which they aren't and can't be like. The deals eBay made with Chinese manufactures had one sole intention that was sales. While it has kept the shareholders happy, it's changed the practicality of this platform for smaller sellers. I'm a hobby seller, like many and my hobby is very high end luxury menswear. It's the to the point now were items might have maybe 5 or 6 views after two weeks. That would previously been accomplished in two hours. 


The mentality of the consumer has changed profoundly in the last few years. Buyers no longer go to eBay (and even I'm guilty too) for scoring a deal. eBay has positioned itself to be another Amazon or another Walmart and so on. Buyers no longer feel they are going to get that unique item or deal anymore. Not only that, but consumerism is somewhat dying at the moment. I hear it all over the place. People are digital detoxing. I hear it all over NYC where I am that people are exhausted from information overload. The election took a massive toll on our psyche. Doesn't matter who's court you're in, everyone involved was corrupt, including the media. Point is, people are maxed out in every aspect of their lives. Even sales at Duane Reade, etc are down. I know this because I know people who work for a couple of the corporations that fill those stores with product: J&J, and so...Sales are slow for them too. So from luxury clothing to hygiene products, the entire buying market has softened. 


So I'm pulling my items on Friday and bringing them to a consignment shop. I haven't done that probably since 2007. It seems the Internet has had it's run for now. It's going to morph into something else for sure, but it's weird that I have greater exposure at the local level, on the street than the Internet. So much for that "broad audience". I'll have to give up more of the sale (much more), but at least there's a market. Some people are still in denial about what's happening on eBay and other places. It's not coming back folks. And I'm not saying that in jest, I'm telling you straight up seriously, get rid of what you have the excess while you can. It might actually already be too late. If you're a reseller with large inventories of random "items" it's probably not good. Sadly. 


We could go into my theories of devaluing the dollar and such, but I think in the very immediate future the most pressing and serious thing people need to be worried about are illiquid assets (non home related). We are the verge of seeing a massive devaluation of material assets. Expensive clothing, collectibles, middle class cars and boats (i'm talking the Infinities and Lexus types), small 20 footers, etc. Basically any asset or item that someone who makes between $40k and $140k a year can afford is going to soon plummet in value. I've read enough to virtually guarantee this is on the immediate horizon. Ferrari's and yhacts and stuff of that nature will have lower transaction volume, but that money will still exist and those prices will remain somewhat stable. You're soon going to have the opportunity to purchase a 2015 Q50 Infinitie with 25K miles on it for $14k-$15k. There was a very thorough report presented last week stating exactly the same. Furniture is going to take a beating. So all I can say is, brace for what's coming. Sorry to be one of the bearers of bad news. Not like most can't see this already. 

Message 45 of 90
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