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Sales almost nothing

Has anybody experienced a tremendous drop in sales over the last two months?"

Message 1 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

yeah its pretty bad right now 

Message 16 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

I joined e-bay on 3/30/22. First year had 230 orders. 

In 2023 I had 140 orders.

This year in Jan. 18 orders, Feb. 11 and in March 10 orders. Last one was March 30th. Nothing since.

Don't know why unless nobody has an interest in what I am selling. On 90% of what I have I will be lucky to recover 10% of what I paid for them brand new.

Hoping things pick up soon. 

Message 17 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

So, a little while ago, I decided to look at eBay's traffic reports, from the time my account was started up until Feb. of this year.
I've tried/experimented with PLS since it was rolled out, 90% of the time keeping it at ~2-3%. As of midway through January of this year, I decided to do a test and cranked up the PLS % to the recommended levels (e.g.12, 13%):









Give a man a fire, he'll be warm for a night.
Set the man on fire...
Message 18 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

March was my best month ever.  This April is my worst month ever so far.  I don't know what is going on, I am just going to keep trucking.  (ps  @inhawaii people come on here looking for help and answers.  Instead they receive a lashing from you on ever single post.  Please take the time to help others rather than amuse yourself with your own comments.  Many of the sellers you are speaking to are running huge operations and have been on the site for 20 years.  It is extremely frustrating when sales trickle to a halt, while they remain strong and growing on other sites.)

Message 19 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

@inhawaii wrote:

Sellers have been coming here every day for the last 10+ years complaining about a sudden drop in sales.

I thought for sure it was the last 18 years, but I could be mistaken....

Posting ID
Message 20 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

Yes, slow sales for late March and all of April. Granted, I sell mostly Christmas items, but the drop in all my categories has been substantial. I do not use Promoted Listings.
Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 1.11.41 PM.png


CDM Antiques
Message 21 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

@mr_lincoln wrote:



No, not the last two months but YES to the last two years.  A slow steady decline in sales. 

Whatever you do DON'T use Promoted Listings unless you are willing to pay between 20%-30% in Fees between your FVFs and eBay's "Suggested" Ad rates.  

I am in month 7 of waiting for organic sales to return to my BIN listings because I stopped using Promoted Listings Standard in 4th quarter last year.  I checked over the weekend and 61.3% of my listings had (0) Views in the last 30 days and 84.9% of my listings have (2), (1) or (0) views.  ... the math is simple, if nobody sees your items what are the chances they are going to sell?  


Are you saying it is less than advantageous to promote anything at 2%?


For whatever it is worth, I have been throwing 2% on about half of the sales I make back to eBay.


Quite a few of my listings are in a 9% FVF category and then I get 10% off FVF for TRS+,  so I dont mind the 2% if it actually does garner some sales.


Are you saying that PL's at 2% effect the organic search in some way while running at 2% PL's?


You think not using PL's at all increase organic search results over time?


I also do believe most of my listings can be found with organic search easily enough because they all have part and/or models number spewed all over my title, description, and item specifics. 





Posting ID
Message 22 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

Tax season many people owe money to the irs..

Message 23 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

It's probably due to buyers coming here because they chose to not support other site's but then had the order they made here show up from one of the places they came here to get away from..

Yeah I would incinerate the thought after that to.

Message 24 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

@blacktopautoparts wrote:

Honestly, I am going to say this once with you, but you need to stop with your snide comments. Not sure that you are trying to pad your post count or what, but your comments do not help anyone. I've been on these boards for years and we keep hearing the same garbage from you over and over. Come on already.


The past 2 months, sales have dropped a lot for many sellers. It's a combo of the economy, what eBay has done with the promoted listings, changes to feedback making it buyer vs. seller again like it was 10 years ago,  and the constant changes to the site have hurt sellers. I even posted about promoted listing impressions dropping to move than half for many of us in a matter of a months time. I've been selling on here for over 20+ years and things have been getting worse of late.


   I can't let this go without a rational comment.

   @inhawaii is absolutely right. I've been here for 26 years, and I remember the same concerns way back when. And they will always continue.

   James was stating a FACT, not making a snide remark. I saw his welcome reply as a needed statement to keep things in perspective,  instead of getting our knickers in a twist about a perceived intent to his comment. Sellers here need not be thin-skinned and so easily offended when one states the obvious without malicious intent.

    Simply put, sales have historically always  ebbed and flowed. We as online sellers need to Accept > Adjust > Adapt to any current economic events and get wise about modifying our business model when conditions dictate. Online selling is neither easy nor on a stable even keel.

    My sales have been way down just like most others, and I mainly attribute that to the weeks before every year's tax season, current inflation with gas nearly $6 a gallon in states like CA, grocery and rent costs out the roof, and especially the anger and paralysis of uncertainty in this election year. But I'm not going to get my socks all tied up in knots and blame any messenger of the obvious. I've ridden all of the numerous online sales downturns in the past, and have adjusted my business model accordingly when necessary on all of he online venues where I sell.

Cheers, Duffy

Message 25 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

@lakefor94 wrote:

@mr_lincoln wrote:



No, not the last two months but YES to the last two years.  A slow steady decline in sales. 

Whatever you do DON'T use Promoted Listings unless you are willing to pay between 20%-30% in Fees between your FVFs and eBay's "Suggested" Ad rates.  

I am in month 7 of waiting for organic sales to return to my BIN listings because I stopped using Promoted Listings Standard in 4th quarter last year.  I checked over the weekend and 61.3% of my listings had (0) Views in the last 30 days and 84.9% of my listings have (2), (1) or (0) views.  ... the math is simple, if nobody sees your items what are the chances they are going to sell?  


Are you saying it is less than advantageous to promote anything at 2%?


For whatever it is worth, I have been throwing 2% on about half of the sales I make back to eBay.


Quite a few of my listings are in a 9% FVF category and then I get 10% off FVF for TRS+,  so I dont mind the 2% if it actually does garner some sales.


Are you saying that PL's at 2% effect the organic search in some way while running at 2% PL's?


You think not using PL's at all increase organic search results over time?


I also do believe most of my listings can be found with organic search easily enough because they all have part and/or models number spewed all over my title, description, and item specifics. 





My experience stems from how I used PLS over several years for my categories and how eBay monitored how I used the campaigns.  I am sure my experience is not identical to others with regards to percentages so I will explain as follows:


Prior to 2022:


-I ran one PLS Campaign per quarter for approximately 30 days. (this took advantage of the $ 30 per quarter ad fee credit they offered to launch PLS)

-I put ALL my BIN items on the campaign (often over 250 items)

-I used ad rates between 5%-10% (once at 10%, the others were 5, 6 & 7%).  Meaning ONE ad rate for ONE PLS campaign for the 30 days.

-I ignored eBay's Trending rates (later changed to Suggested rates)

-My approach was to move items, drive traffic and sell long tail items

-Averaged 2-3 sales per day over the life of the Campaign ... the Campaigns were fairly consistent with higher sales towards the beginning then tapering a little each week and then a boost in the last week. Typical chart shown here, the peaks were on weekends:



-One trend that emerged was that for about 7-10 days after the Campaigns ended BIN sales would tank before returning to more normal sales levels.

-Ad rates at or above 5% did not seem to make any significant difference.

-The items were my mid to lower range priced items, the higher end things I would sell Auction style


2022 to present:

-Using the same approach as I did prior to 2022 and the changes eBay made (mentioned up thread) here is what happened


-I used 5% & 7% ad rates for my regular quarterly PLS campaigns

-Sales dropped to averaging NO MORE than 1.5 per day and some campaigns were less than that

-The 7-10 day drop on BIN sales after a Campaign would end grew to longer periods of times.  Twice I recall that most of may sales were from Auctions with virtually NO BIN sales

-This continued through 2022 and half of 2023. Between my 2Q and 3Q Campaigns (and during the low BIN sales period between Campaigns) I did a 17 day test Campaign jacking my Ad rate up to 12%.  Sales shot back up to 2-3 per day average.  But the next total FVFs and Ad rate was 12.35% = 12% = 24.35%.  (Yes I get the TRS Plus FVF discount too but that's more of a bonus then anything else.)

-My 3Q Campaign I went back to my lower Ad rate and sales dropped back to the 1.5% area.

-I also started to keep track of Views breakdown for (0), (1) & (2) Views.  The %s kept climbing as time went on.

-Due to the the emerging longer Seller through rate I had to divert items "elsewhere" to keep them moving more often then during previous years of Selling.

-After the 3Q Campaign I made the decision to abandon PLS so I did not run the 4Q one that was normally about mid-November through Mid-December to cover Black Friday and Cyber Monday around Thanksgiving.  It was a short time after that regular 4Q campaign (that didn;t happen that I got the message below ... not once but twice.  It starts with "We've miseed you ... "


PLS AD 1-A.jpg


I got it again in 1Q this year around my normal 1Q Campaign.  That is a pretty targeted message and would only be sent to Sellers who used and stopped using PLS.  


Now, I "get" the fact that the venue's income is based on fees and I suspect there is nothing off the table with regard to obtaining them. I am sure other venues do similar things if they are fee based.  So at present I have converted more of my regular everyday stuff to Auction format.  My March 2024 sales were the best I have had since JUNE of last year.  I occasionally use the Send offers feature now and here is a breakdown of sales by format near the end of March:


Screenshot (667).png

So this has been my experience and through it all I still listed the same way I did prior to 2022.



Mr. Lincoln - Community Mentor
Message 26 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

@mr_lincoln  thanks for the detailed rundown.

I remembered bits and pieces when you were doing the PL testing and posting about it. Glad to hear of the solid March sales.


AMZ got me to try their ads back in the 2019 timeframe and I used them for a couple of months with no significant difference in sales. I don't think my items require much promotion to be found there though things have taken a nosedive since 2022.5 when the supply chains got back in order.

Folks just have to be shoppers and look at the other sellers available on the listing rather than pulling the trigger on the Buy Box. I do get a lot of Business Customers there.


I dont pass up any chances to send best offers of 5% or more. If I don't have another 5% or more of margin I can  spare, I would be in the wrong sales business. I have to at least rattle their cage with an offer.


You know how folks get to "below standard" and they can/do get a drop in search placement? Wonder if that happens also when the PL's end? You get dubbed down in placement somewhat.....  who knows???


With my items and customer base, I might just try a full quarter or half of no PL's just to see if it makes a significant difference. Just run naked.


I have not noticed any difference in 2% PL and 4% PL in sales, impressions or clicks


A significant percentage of my items have decent to great cached Google placement, so strickly organic might work pretty well for me.


Best to all in sales.


Posting ID
Message 27 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

@wilsonharborsales wrote:

March was my best month ever.  This April is my worst month ever so far.  I don't know what is going on, I am just going to keep trucking.  (ps  @inhawaii people come on here looking for help and answers.  Instead they receive a lashing from you on ever single post.  Please take the time to help others rather than amuse yourself with your own comments.  Many of the sellers you are speaking to are running huge operations and have been on the site for 20 years.  It is extremely frustrating when sales trickle to a halt, while they remain strong and growing on other sites.)

March was a good month for me.  April is looking even better so far.

I'm not sure how that will help the OP but Is that the kind of helpful answer you were looking for?

Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
Message 28 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

My sales have been spectacular - everywhere EXCEPT eBay.


Similar to what Mr. Lincoln stated, I can specifically point to eBay's nonsense of May 2022 and April 2023 when sales dropped here and then became a waste of time. I have never used PL, so when I see stuff with 0 views for long periods of time, I'm beginning to wonder if people simply aren't looking for stuff on eBay anymore. eBay search results are awful sometimes, glitches like page not found happen often enough, and when everything actually does work here, I have to put too much effort into finding what I want when 85% of the search results lead back to the same 5 bad sellers. 


FBM has generated an incredible amount of sales for me. CL sales are slightly lower than previous years so far in 2024, but I think some of the buyers who would normally be there are on FBM now. 


This place has become such a joke, I gave this answer to someone about 15 minutes ago:



Message 29 of 66
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Re: Sales almost nothing

@sumsum70 wrote:

I have never used PL, so when I see stuff with 0 views for long periods of time, I'm beginning to wonder if people simply aren't looking for stuff on eBay anymore.

They are, it just depends entirely on WHAT you're listing. I listed a bunch of fairly rare collectible figures the other day and they were racking up views within half an hour. And no, I don't promote anything either.

Message 30 of 66
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