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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

eBay the ever greedy site hinted that they will try what Etsy has done to charge you more in fees if someone clicks on an item (however many times) from another site like google or pinterest and charges a fee just for someone LOOKING (clicking) at  your item and not even buying.  I am so out of here!

I've reached that age where my brain goes from "you probably shouldn't say that." To "what the heck, let's see what happens. "
Message 1 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

They better not make this mandatory. If it is a choice sellers can make on here to have ads on google search that is fine. MANDATORY no thank you. I would have to price my items through the roof to make any money and then they would never sell anyway. BAD BAD if they do this on a mandatory basis.

Message 2 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

If they want to ad on Google then THEY SHOULD PAY FOR IT.

Message 3 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

This is interesting because awhile back I heard a radio interview with on of Ebay’advertising folks and they said running ads is a waste of time as they showed no real increase in sales and that the whole ad industry on the internet is not worth it. 

Message 4 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

If they start taking much more in the way of fees there will be no more profits left for sellers in the long run. Not good news at all.

Message 5 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

I just read about that this morning, too.  I was an Etsy seller from 2006 on (for a long long time) and left that site: will never buy or sell there again. I left before they started stealing money with that offsite ad **bleep** but I could see the nightmare begin with other sneaky nasty trickery they were pulling on the sellers. gotta say, have done so much better without Etsy and brought my customers with me elsewhere. They are fools.


I'm with ya...I'm outa here once Ebay starts that mandatory ad fees. I'm already doing less and less here since every change I've experienced lately has been HORRIBLE (selling page layout, ebay payments, a gazillion glitches, fear of being name it).


Dear Ebay: there is no point for anyone to sell anything here if there is no money in it for the sellers! get it? it's gotta be a win-win for all of us - not just fat cats at the top.

Message 6 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

Etsy around 12 to 15 percent of the sale plus the final value fee. It depends on how much you sell per year. 10,000 and below 15 percent. 10,000 and above 12 percent, APPROX from what I read. This is mandatory on their site if you make more than 10,000,00 per year which would put me in the mandatory because I sell over 100,000.00 per year.  Now, if I had to do that  with everything I sell I would have to increase in price by 12 percent at the very minimum. SO DRIVE AWAY MORE BUYERS BY INCREASING YOUR PRICES, Espeially good with the economy and virus issued. 

Message 7 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

That fat cats are getting tooo obese.

Message 8 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

If eBay does this, they will have to change how they relist listings.  Currently they do not keep the same URL on items that are relisted.  So once it is relisted, you get the "We Looked Everywhere" page when you click on an item in pinterest  or google search.  Something I had wanted them to do years ago.  Etsy keeps the same URL and so does Bonanza.  eBay missed the boat on this, we would have had many more sales with GTC.

I've reached that age where my brain goes from "you probably shouldn't say that." To "what the heck, let's see what happens. "
Message 9 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

The ad industry is worth it to ebay not the seller in this situation it’s just another extra money grab for them and an inconvienience and cost to the seller . I might take my over 200,000 dollars in sales and purchases per year out to my own site if they do this.

Message 10 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

You can ad all you want but if your price is not right it will not sell no matter how many ads you have floating around. 

Message 11 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

If they want to ad on Google then THEY SHOULD PAY FOR IT.


They already do. 

Message 12 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay


Message 13 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

Yeah they do but not much anymore like etsy etc, becuase they do not wanna to pay for something that they have shown does not really work.

Message 14 of 78
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Off Site Ads to be tested on eBay

@shellhut wrote:

eBay the ever greedy site hinted that they will try what Etsy has done to charge you more in fees if someone clicks on an item (however many times) from another site like google or pinterest and charges a fee just for someone LOOKING (clicking) at  your item and not even buying.  I am so out of here!

For those who did not read the ecommercebytes article, it says: 


"There's no indication of whether eBay will copy Etsy's offsite ad program wholesale, whether they may borrow features from it, or if eBay has something else entirely in mind."


So given that we have nothing but Ina Steiner's speculation about what will happen, feel free to make up whatever suits your agenda. 

Message 15 of 78
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