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Not selling much lately

Guys, I have not been selling much lately, for the last few months, I had less than 10 sales per month, when, till a few months ago, used to have over 20 per month. Did anything change? I´ve seen that I can add a % of money that I am willing to pay for every sale I make if I want more exposure, etc...but its too much money for the actual % of extra there anything else besides that that they changed? Thank you up front for any advice and/or tips.




Message 1 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

You sell memorabilia.  Could that me more of a seasonal item where people shop more for it in cooler months when they are stuck indoors and pursue their hobbies.

Message 2 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

Summer slow-down - some years it's worse than others. I agree that people tend to concentrate more on their collections and the like as the cooler weather rolls around.  You have cool, portable collectibles so I'd just keep listing unless you want to take some time off, then now's the time.


My sales are usually very steady, but it has been s-l-o-w for me, too.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 3 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

Thank you very much!
Message 4 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

Thank you very much to the both of you.



Message 5 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

You sell collectibles and memorabillia i see , just like i do...However the young generation of present day is not interested at all and that is why i sold my business or i would have had to start a bonfire with all the product in 2011...I am now just trying to get rid of my own collections....Only things i cant sell are my collection of bottles as i dont trust the way the post office handles items and i dont want bad feedback...In the years gone by i have made a good living at this stuff but it is now all gone to the wayside...Kids are not taught anything that is worthwhile and are in a disposable world... Personally i use all my mint stamps on ebay packages and the like as i already paid for the stamps years ago and may as well recoup what i spent in a small way , placed my banknotes into a huge auction house in NYC to get top dollar , melted my silver and gold coins into bullion that is saleable...Made my 45rpm records into dishes for nuts , sweets etc by melting them over a huge rock in my kiln and sold them as handcrafts and got rid of all my comic books, no matter the number, title or edition for $1 each. Other stuff i feel that can be listed in ebay at 99c that i can take a loss at i do.....Although they cost me a lot more than that, my kids are not interested unless it is a mobile phone and i have learnt by that not t offer them a thing...... I have gauged all the young generation are the same as my two.  An original barbie in a box made in 1959 ( No1 ) , was unsold in ebay and was asking less than $100 but i got comments to start it t 99c...So it went into a huge collectables auction instead... The younger generation ( 16yrs old to 25 )  has no taste in collectibles at all.... On top of that, they dont want to pay for anything and expect everything free... Being over 60 years old i have seen it all ..... So dont worry if you are not selling much lately as most of us in the collectibles field are in the same boat..... This is not an opinion but am voiing what i have seen since the late 1980's.... I have items over a century old and of civil war period and start them off less than $10.00 with no bids...I will let you work out what this place or generation growing up like. Unless it is made in china and priced under a dollar, they are no interested..I speak for my own 2 kids also......God help this world in years to come..Glad i am on the downhill of my life as i would not like to be in the collectible business in the near future. On top of that, sellers call things antique when it is under  100 years of age...Maybe they should buy a dictionary instead of trying to sell their stuff....Have a nice day everyone

Message 6 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

No sales since may, good greif.

One sale a day, tomorrow the entire Galaxy!
Message 7 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

They're buying stuff. Just not what we like. Nike shoes, retro video games, watches and star wars etc Pottery and glass is on its last legs for sure and the century + year old stuff was gone more that ten year ago. I agree with you the kids are more interested in their phone or buying a DLC for their playstation. 

Message 8 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

What is ever going to happen when our parents die and all the stuff from years ago are not wanted... I told my parents to sell off as much as they could in the 1970's and enjoy the money but they would not listen to me. I was 22 then....I am now 62 ... Now all the jewelry, china, silverware etc etc etc is worthless as the people wanting to buy that stuff are non existant. I have coins and i can assure you that the silver and gold is going to be melted as nobody want them now... Sterling silver tea sets i have melted for scrap metal over the years as the people in ebay for that stuff are not there. I have bought and sold litteraly dozens of those sets... I have a massive stamp collection that now i am simply using to ship on my packages... Kids dont want them so i am using them for shipping...No need to buy a pre printed sticky label at the post office when i have the stamps already to do the same thing for me....I suggest others in here do the same as they are getting even more worthless as the days go by...
Message 9 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

@oz_in_ohio wrote:

You sell collectibles and memorabillia i see , just like i do...However the young generation of present day is not interested at all and that is why i sold my business or i would have had to start a bonfire with all the product in 2011...I am now just trying to get rid of my own collections....Only things i cant sell are my collection of bottles as i dont trust the way the post office handles items and i dont want bad feedback...In the years gone by i have made a good living at this stuff but it is now all gone to the wayside...Kids are not taught anything that is worthwhile and are in a disposable world... Personally i use all my mint stamps on ebay packages and the like as i already paid for the stamps years ago and may as well recoup what i spent in a small way , placed my banknotes into a huge auction house in NYC to get top dollar , melted my silver and gold coins into bullion that is saleable...Made my 45rpm records into dishes for nuts , sweets etc by melting them over a huge rock in my kiln and sold them as handcrafts and got rid of all my comic books, no matter the number, title or edition for $1 each. Other stuff i feel that can be listed in ebay at 99c that i can take a loss at i do.....Although they cost me a lot more than that, my kids are not interested unless it is a mobile phone and i have learnt by that not t offer them a thing...... I have gauged all the young generation are the same as my two.  An original barbie in a box made in 1959 ( No1 ) , was unsold in ebay and was asking less than $100 but i got comments to start it t 99c...So it went into a huge collectables auction instead... The younger generation ( 16yrs old to 25 )  has no taste in collectibles at all.... On top of that, they dont want to pay for anything and expect everything free... Being over 60 years old i have seen it all ..... So dont worry if you are not selling much lately as most of us in the collectibles field are in the same boat..... This is not an opinion but am voiing what i have seen since the late 1980's.... I have items over a century old and of civil war period and start them off less than $10.00 with no bids...I will let you work out what this place or generation growing up like. Unless it is made in china and priced under a dollar, they are no interested..I speak for my own 2 kids also......God help this world in years to come..Glad i am on the downhill of my life as i would not like to be in the collectible business in the near future. On top of that, sellers call things antique when it is under  100 years of age...Maybe they should buy a dictionary instead of trying to sell their stuff....Have a nice day everyone

Millennials and Gen-Z can't even make enough money to move out of their parents' houses. How do you expect them to find money to spend on collectibles?


I think there are plenty of things the age group you mention *would* be interested in buying, if they actually had any extra money to buy it. When your life becomes focused on needs only due to lack of funds, the importance of wants tends to fall way down or even off the list. 



Message 10 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

This isn’t directed at you, but.......sheesh.


Maybe they wouldn’t all be so broke if they didn’t borrow tens of thousands of dollars for fancy - even destination - weddings, lease new cars every 2 years, eat out all the time, take 3 out of state/country vacations a year.....




The mother of 2 broke 30-somethings who spend their money faster than a drunken sailor in port, and then complain they can’t afford a house 

Message 11 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

@this*old*attic wrote:

This isn’t directed at you, but.......sheesh.


Maybe they wouldn’t all be so broke if they didn’t borrow tens of thousands of dollars for fancy - even destination - weddings, lease new cars every 2 years, eat out all the time, take 3 out of state/country vacations a year.....




The mother of 2 broke 30-somethings who spend their money faster than a drunken sailor in port, and then complain they can’t afford a house 

Can't speak for weddings... but I never leased cars every 2 years... only bought used Hondas that wouldn't leave me stranded. The last time I took a vacation was 2009. However, I do own a house. The reason for that is that I got involved in a startup and had original issue stock options that later converted to stock in a much larger company when we were bought out, which I then sold to cover my down payment. Without that windfall, I still would not have been able to afford to buy a house, and I, on a salary basis, made quite a bit more per year than average.


I grew up in a major metropolitan region, and even the housing that was 50 miles outside of the city was still going for $350K - $750K for a 1970's rancher in need of full reno on a 1/2 acre lot in the middle of nowhere. 


So, I dunno what your children's situation actually is, but keep in mind that many in that generation had to "buy a house" just to get a job before they could get to the point of saving money to actually buy a house. 


My Boomer parents refused to recognize just how expensive cost of living was starting out until I actually wrote out a detailed budget spreadsheet and showed them that basic cost of living expenses alone were totaling $2800/mth and that was only food/clothing/shelter/utilities/car and nothing fancy at that. I lived in a 1000 sqft basement apt 25 miles from work in a poor section of town and like I said, drove a Honda Civic 4 door sedan and had all of the same furniture and whatnot I bought when I first moved out at 18 years old, most of which I bought from thrift stores. 

Message 12 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

I have the same slow, very slow sales. Last year it was much better. I don't know why it is so. But it is very slow even I have the same items, I put more items, use promote and so doesn't help to sell more.

Message 13 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

Extremely slow sales for me in the month of July,slowest to date this year....

Message 14 of 47
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Re: Not selling much lately

I am in the same boat.  Trying to earn $75-100 per day & falling EXTREMELY short with about $20 a day!  The last 2 weeks have been my worst ever.  Could not make change for a $100 bill.  Depressing!!  This is my only source of income  - selling online.  Pretty bad when 2 Kijiji sales is better than 12 on here.  We all need a boost.  Good luck to us all.     🙂

Message 15 of 47
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