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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

Ive been trying to sell a pair of Adidas Yeezy Powerphase sneakers on ebay for over a week and everyday my listing gets removed by ebay for being "unauthentic" and for violating their counterfit policy. The shoes I am listing however are authentic and I listed pictures of every single detail on the shoe as well as proof of purchase from a autherized retailer. Can any one explain why this keeps happening ? Thanks !!

Message 1 of 13
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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

Call eBay on the phone, most likely your competition is reporting falsely that your shoes are counterfeit.

Message 2 of 13
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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

Stop listing them!!!!!  You can get suspened or booted if you continue to list them........ you will be considered  ignoring an ebay decision that they are not authentic..

Message 3 of 13
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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

Ummm.... you might wanna stop trying to list them

Message 4 of 13
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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

He or she just told you they are real, the seller needs to call eBay and ask why they are taking them down.

Message 5 of 13
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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

@cal_w62 wrote:

He or she just told you they are real, the seller needs to call eBay and ask why they are taking them down.

You told him to do that..........but in the meantime he needs to stop listing them.......After he talks to them, if reports on this board are accurate......he still shouldn't list them, as no matter what CS says......they will get taken down again......and he will likely get suspended....


It's ebay's playground and we play by their rules or suffer the consequences........

Message 6 of 13
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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

You talk a lot but give no reason for the take downs of real items, that is the crux of the matter.

Message 7 of 13
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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

lol, I don't know the reason, nor do I know they are "real items"........any more than any one else does.  We can only comment on the "facts" people give us and base advice on what we have learned thru experience or the reports of the experiences of others.........

Message 8 of 13
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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

Then how are you helping sellers by telling them not to list real items ?


The seller needs to call eBay and ask them what is going on.

Message 9 of 13
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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

Then how are you helping sellers by telling them not to list real items


I really am beginning to think you have a comprehension problem.........


if ebay doesn't agree they are real.......the seller will get suspended.........whether the seller thinks they are real or not.............

Message 10 of 13
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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

Every week there's at least 5 or 6 dozen posts (a tad high?) about items being pulled for absolutely no good reason!!!  Yes!!  ebay may indeed have a whole department dedicated to the sole (get it.......sole) purpose of sniffing out counterfeit Adidas sneakers.  They have gone out of their way to hire only the best, most knowledgable Adidas experts free coffee and doughnuts can buy!!


It is really this clandestine group of experts making these decisions, simply because the average ebay employee wears nothing but flip flops, and thus, if allowed to decide, on their own, the merits of a competitors reporting of your item, taking that report as gospel truth, well then, katy bar the door!!



You, my friend, have WON the daily ebay lottery!!


Message 11 of 13
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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

Call ebay!  And don't stop with the first rep.  Go US rep, very least.  It may take some doing to get an unmuddled answer from them, but at some point this nonsense has got to stop.


Did a search for "Adidas Yeezy Powerphase"; nearly 1500 results!  So, there should be some evidence as to why they might think yours are counterfeit?  


Good luck!

Message 12 of 13
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Listing keeps getting removed by eBay over and over.

OP, you need to call ebay and keep calling until you get a CS with NO accent that is in the US and in the department they used to call Trust and Safety.


And you need to have your proofs that your shoes are indeed real and that you have bought them from a Addidas/Yeezy authorized distributor and not someone who says they are ok to sell them and are located in China,  at your fingertips and be prepared to fax them to ebay as fast as you possibly can.


Because I think that right now, you are already doomed if you can not convince ebay that you are selling a legit pair of brand names.  The over and over part of your title tells me that you have racked up enough policy violations relisting the shoes only to get them pulled, to get your selling account booted off ebay in a day or so.



Message 13 of 13
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