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Help me respond better to these posts here.

I apologize to anyone who may be offended here. If you are, just don't answer my question.


Are you a male or female?


Personally I don't like it when I reply to these posts and refer to a member here as "they", "that person", or by their screen name every single time. Is it weird for eBay to have that choice to display this in our profile pages, or is that illegal?


Btw, I'm male. bacon

Message 1 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

You just reminded me the time I was playing Trivia Pursuit or some other game.....the answer was Billie Holiday..I yelled it out and my sons both yelled..Who is he??


UGH..even though I just made AARP requirements for age...I KNEW who BH's these youngens!

Message 46 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

Female and don't seen to have any gender confusion on this ID (maybe it's the red rose avie?), but a couple of my alteregos are regularly called man and dude. But that may be based on what they sell list.

Reality is the leading cause of stress.
Message 47 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

@myjunqueyourtreasure wrote:

Female and don't seen to have any gender confusion on this ID (maybe it's the red rose avie?), but a couple of my alteregos are regularly called man and dude. But that may be based on what they sell list.

When I first started ebay, there was a period that I sold primarily women's clothing and undergarments. I actually learned and knew more about them and sizing than many of my female friends.


100% of the time buyers referred to me as a female. And of course I let them. Who would buy womens undergarments from from a creepy guy???

Message 48 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

@a_c_green wrote:

@bigdeals.etc wrote:

Is it weird for eBay to have that choice to display this in our profile pages, or is that illegal?

I can't see how it would be illegal, but I'm sure eBay just leaves it as a matter of personal preference. Some posters use a selfie as their avatar, so it's pretty obvious... Smiley Happy

... a 'selfie' of me would terrifyyyyyyyy me!  am a he but still debating whether i belong to the fred flintstone tribe or a member of the george carlin upper midwest council for better ... everything 😛  (that includes a better ebay 😄 !!!

Message 49 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

... lol, there were probably quite a few of us who crossed paths back then ... as long as some of ya went thru the 'saner' rooms and singing/karoake areas .... lmbo

Message 50 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

@moo*cow*corner wrote:


Unless gender is made obvious, I have made the switch to the more distant and impersonal (to me) "they", "their", "OP" etc. Don't want to get hit with any ebay board pronoun abuse defects. I didn't used to be this way, but stuff has consequences, yanno?

..ok..ok..ok   i gots ta show my iggies here....just what is 'OP'  and is they contagious or like warm fuzzies and fluffy bunnies and dust balls all rolled into one?  (hides)

Message 51 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.



"OP" means Original Poster, or the member who started the thread.

Déjà Moo: The strange feeling that I've heard this bull before...
Message 52 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

I'm a female Lynn, which is the masculine spelling of my name. It's been awhile, but I used to get tons of junk mail addressed to a Mr.  My cheap frugal mom always said that she just didn't see any sense in wasting a perfectly good "e" that could be better used elsewhere.


My grandfather's middle name was Carol, and I have a sister named Carol (after him). There's two Carolines, who both absolutely hate the Neil Diamond!


Another name in my family that might be hard to tell is Dale, who is my uncle. He's married to Aunt Pat. Ha!


Lots of old timey names in my extended family as well, all women. There's an Edith, a Dolly, an Opal, an Elise, an Elna and an Alma. 



Déjà Moo: The strange feeling that I've heard this bull before...
Message 53 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

It’s a nickname for James, it didn’t used to be a stand alone name.


 I’m legally named after my mom (Mary Louise) and nicknamed after my dad (James). I’ve never been called anything but Jamie.


Now my MOM went by Peggy... but that’s another story. 

Message 54 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

With all the choices thrown at us today, so many decisions to make, I am just gonna roll with male.

Message 55 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

@richard1rst wrote:

When I was in school we were taught that when the gender was unknown you always used the masculine. There was no such thing as “he, she or it”. (HESH for short.)


Obviously that is no longer the case. That is why “To boldly go where no Man has gone before” was changed, even though Man referred to the species not the gender. Seems a whole lot of people have onion skin thin skins.


But you have heard of Muscle Memory? Well Grammatical Memory is the same thing. Unless you tell me otherwise I am going to use He. And judge your maturity by your response.

That last line reminds me of a teacher I had in grade school.  She used to ring a little bell and shout "Courtesy!!" when the class got too loud, then straighten herself up and declare "I demand mature behaviour!"  It was well over 50 years ago but for some reason I still remember her from time to time.


Anyway, this thread reminds me of the old Bill Saluga "Raymond J. Johnson Jr." gag.  "You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, or you can call me Johnny or you can call me Sonny, or you can call me RayJay, or you can call me RJ... but ya doesn't hafta call me Johnson."

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
— Alice Walker

Message 56 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

@this*old*attic wrote:

It’s a nickname for James, it didn’t used to be a stand alone name.


 I’m legally named after my mom (Mary Louise) and nicknamed after my dad (James). I’ve never been called anything but Jamie.


Now my MOM went by Peggy... but that’s another story. 

This kind of thing is in my family too. My mom was one of the Carolines, but she always went by Susy. My daughter is the other Caroline, but she goes by Carrie. My Aunt Dolly is actually a Janice. I never found that out until I was a teenager.


The family story is that if Grandpa didn't like a kid's chosen name, he simply used his own choice of name for that particular kid. Grandpa's choices always stuck.

Déjà Moo: The strange feeling that I've heard this bull before...
Message 57 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

SouthernSweetTea,  whenever I read one of your posts, the term Lady comes to mind.

Message 58 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

@bigdeals.etc wrote:

I apologize to anyone who may be offended here. If you are, just don't answer my question.


Are you a male or female?


Personally I don't like it when I reply to these posts and refer to a member here as "they", "that person", or by their screen name every single time. Is it weird for eBay to have that choice to display this in our profile pages, or is that illegal?


Btw, I'm male. bacon

I'm not really certain just gender is enough of an identifier for me.  You may address me as HRH.

Message 59 of 65
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Re: Help me respond better to these posts here.

Another creepy guy??????????????

Message 60 of 65
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