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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??

Okay, what the heck is going on now?  A potential buyer/seller had sent me a message asking for more pictures.  I replied with additional pictures.  He replied back as follows:


"Thanks Kathryn.




HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?  Anyone know?  I can't even begin to enter a phone number or address in a message (along with several websites, including Facebook or Yahoo), yet this seller replied with all his contact information???  And NO, there is NO sale between us!!

Message 1 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??

Looks like an automated signature.  Most e-mail clients can be set up to include a siggy.  It's not part of the actual message.



My Glass Duchess
Quoting Mom: In polite society, "hey" is for horses.
Message 2 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??

Good Lord.  I'm old and not tech savy.  What is a "siggy"?  And, more importantly, if eBay has this new "no contact" policy, why would they allow it?  Just saying .... last communication with eBay's cs rep Jeremy about this no full description **bleep** stuff, Jeremy brought up that I had an eBay message from a buyer that wanted to purchase from me directly a couple of months ago and that eBay sent me a warning.  Told her to go ahead and purchase the item (she did not), but was out antiquing/shopping in the area and wanted to see the item.  So I'm being punished for that?  I don't want folks knocking on my front door.  eBay is destroying everything that was so special about their site.  Sad, very sad.  And don't even try to tell me that eBay doesn't know or can't control or stop whatever a "siggy" is!

Message 3 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??

So What?

Message 4 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??


lol   A "Siggy"  is a signature line.

Mine is about space suits, and sock monkeys.


It is not considered a part of the message.

It looks to me like the person may have found a loop hole on the contact thing.

But seeing how ebay is so paranoid of off site sales, look for that to end soon.

Message 5 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??

A siggy is a signature line (although the word siggy is not what I've ever heard any other adult use).

And it doesn't *seem* to count if a buyer is providing contact info erroneously. It only *seems* to matter if a seller does. The eBay censor for such is glitched, though. ::shrugs::

Message 6 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??

Gee, I don't know.  Looked at your listings.  Can't see your "full description", but I do see that eBay has placed ads within your listings.  Have some outsiders check.  What eBay does nowadays, whatever new policies or so-called improvements they make, are not seller friendly.  So what?

Message 7 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??

Ever sent a message from your phone.


The default for mine was


"Sent from my iPhone"


I got rid of that fast.

Message 8 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??

Thanks for responding.  I did know that "siggy" meant some sort of signature thing.  Don't use the younger generations' slanted language/made-up tech words.  But since eBay only seems to have the younger techs working for them to destroy their very existence, figured they would or should know this already.  It's absurd.

Message 9 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??

May I suggest you self-report your post.


You included another member's personal information.

Message 10 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??


@terrycanarsky wrote:
A siggy is a signature line (although the word siggy is not what I've ever heard any other adult use).

And it doesn't *seem* to count if a buyer is providing contact info erroneously. It only *seems* to matter if a seller does. The eBay censor for such is glitched, though. ::shrugs::


I think this came up in the last weakly chat.

A seller had a potential buyer put a phone # in a message.

And they got a warning about off ebay sales.


The ebay peeps said, that when the bots read your mail,

They send a warning to both parties.


It is odd, ebay says work problems out with a buyer.

But won't let you talk before the sale... to prevent problems.

Message 11 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??


@blonsterkathryn wrote:

Thanks for responding.  I did know that "siggy" meant some sort of signature thing.  Don't use the younger generations' slanted language/made-up tech words.  But since eBay only seems to have the younger techs working for them to destroy their very existence, figured they would or should know this already.  It's absurd.

lol... laughing out loud

I am pushing 60 years old.

But I know siggy is signature.

Addy... is address.

**bleep**?, OMG  and on, and on.


We have a president, who talks in "twitter speak"

180 characters... I don't think so...

When I write... it's a chapter of monkey tales...


New cat story soon over at the bar and grill.


edit   and some stuff gets the bleep.

Message 12 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??

When I receive a message in eBay it is forwarded to my gmail account.  If I hit the reply button within the message I am taken to eBay messaging.  However if I just hit reply to the message via my gmail account, the message sends from my gmail account which includes my siggy present on all gmail correspondence.  With eBay getting very fast and loose with the 7 day supensions lately, I'm pretty careful about hitting reply within the message.  This seller may think he's found a great way to get around the no trading of information via eBay messaging, but my guess is he will be taking a trip to the ebahamas in the near future.

I'm not a lawyer, I don't even play one on TV

Blink Blink
Message 13 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??

UK business sellers are required to post their name/address/phone no. on all listings on eBay, which includes here on the dot com.  UK buyers are also allowed BY LAW to return goods when they notify the vendor within 14 days - and that is with vendor-paid return shipping - for ALL reasons, including buyer's remorse - as long as they purchase with a BIN!


For those reasons, eBay cannot actually block phone numbers, emails, addresses, etc. in messages so they decided to take this ultra-bully tactic they are using against eBayers just trying to do business.


Now, when a seller gets a purchase solicitation through messages that eBay finds to be an "attempt to do business off eBay", if the seller ends the listing early without responding to the message (which of course opens the seller to further contact by the inquiring party) and does not relist it (which is of course the seller's right what they choose to do with items THAT THEY OWN), eBay assumes that an off-site transaction!  That is opposite of eBay's historical stance of not responding to an inquiry about taking a transaction off-site...and the blue's opinion is just that and nothing more because there is no written policy about this whole fiasco - just supposition and the paranoia that has spread like wildfire as more users post about 7-day suspensions!


A seller, who OWNS the item in question, this week posted that she got a notice from eBay about not RENEWING a listing that had expired; and there was no contact from any potential buyer!



Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. ~ Anais Nin
Message 14 of 34
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Got a message from a seller with full contact info Phone, Address, Website??

@sockmonkeydave wrote:

lol... laughing out loud

I am pushing 60 years old.

But I know siggy is signature.


Right. Way back in the day...




Oh, hush up. Now, where was I? Oh, right, siggies... Back in the early days of email, with dinosaurs, steam-powered mainframes and such, you could define a signature to be routinely applied to each of your outbound emails by putting the desired signature (name, title, company name, address, phone, whatever) in a little text file with a special ".sig"  filename extension: e.g. signoff.sig


Your email utility would automatically treat .sig files as special-purpose signature files, so you could pick different ones for different purposes, etc. They were referred to generically as "sig files" or "siggies," and there you are.

Message 15 of 34
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