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Ebay hasn't done anything about someone using my photos in their listing

Why won't ebay do anything about someone using my photos in their listing of same vintage item? I contacted a representative at least a month ago who said the other seller would be told to take their listing down. (This is a vintage item that won't sell quickly). The representative said the other seller already had two defects against them.


NOTHING happened, the other seller still has my photos posted. It's very annoying 🙂  I put a lot of work into most of my photos.

Thanks all of you in the community!

Message 1 of 37
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Re: Ebay hasn't done anything about someone using my photos in their listing

I agree, you didnt state that, someone else did, look back at the comments.

Message 31 of 37
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Re: Ebay hasn't done anything about someone using my photos in their listing

@popblox wrote:

@onefootflipper wrote:

@badassbugs1 wrote:

yes as said ebay wont remove them. you could try water marking the photos although you will have to watermark the photos on every platform you're selling so your competition cant copy and paste a un-watermarked version. 

Yes, you can do that, lot of work, against the terms of service of some platforms and likely won't actually do anything to increase your profits. This isn't 1999 anymore where keeping your photo off another listing might actually stop that listing from having photos because the other person had no way to take them.


Every minute spent worrying about this is a minute that could be plowed into something that will actually provide a financial return.

I just have to say I can't think of a single scenario where a person can find a way to list something for sale on eBay, but they can't figure out a way to take a picture of it.



Listings without pictures were very common in the early days of ebay  when digital cameras were very expensive and few people owned them. I can't speak of percentages or anything but I can tell you there were tons of listings with no photos back then and tons of sellers who didn't own a way to put a photo of their item into ebay.


People going on witch hunts for other people using their photos was much more common back then. I remember people talking about it on the forums constantly back when I had my original ebay account in the 90s.

Message 32 of 37
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Re: Ebay hasn't done anything about someone using my photos in their listing

I am surprised at the argument over such. Photo use to be protected, until eBay changed it to were you give them ownership right to them... eBay's play ground eBay's rules.


As for the watermarking and other of photos: that can and has got listing pulled. Only the item you are selling should be shown in photos.

Message 33 of 37
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Re: Ebay hasn't done anything about someone using my photos in their listing

Granting someone the rights to use your intellectual property does not mean they own it. I stand behind my original statement. You can believe whatever you like, I dont agree with you.


You don't know what legal agreements a journalist has with a publisher either, and it would be ridiculous to compare them to ebay.


Message 34 of 37
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Re: Ebay hasn't done anything about someone using my photos in their listing

@gamersbaystore  1000% correct.  eBay doesn't have any ownership right to members' photos.  It has a license to use the photos according to the User Agreement.  If eBay didn't have the license, then it would not have the right to store the photos on its servers and display them in listings.  The user that uploaded the photos retains 100% ownership.


Message 35 of 37
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Re: Ebay hasn't done anything about someone using my photos in their listing

@smartworkin  take a deep breath and think about you are asking.   If anyone could contact eBay and simply say, those photos in that listing are mine please remove the listing, utter chaos would reign.  eBay could never in a million years manage that.


If you really want to protect your photos and deter, perhaps not prevent, others from using them then you need to consider including a watermark.  Then you would be able to "prove" ownership and if there was really money involved have legal standing to make a claim.



Message 36 of 37
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Re: Ebay hasn't done anything about someone using my photos in their listing

The problem with watermarks is that here on the Bay they are frowned on.

Message 37 of 37
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