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Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

I ran into an issue, which I believe Ebay is well aware of.

I had a buyer open a case with their financial institution.

A relatively expensive professionally graded item.

The buyer did not follow any of Ebay policy.

Did not open an Ebay Return.

Filed with FI on the 48th day of receiving the item.

The buyer opened a dispute with financial institution and of course sided with its client.

Ebay had my funds frozen. Then released funds to (FI).

And did NOT protect me as a seller. 

And did not get my item back.


So if this has happened to you.

I would like to hear about it.

If there is a class action suit going.

I would like to be included.


Ebay knows this is happening. And is allowing this.

I have taken down any super big ticket items due to lack of safety.

I will be reposting this under several different subjects to make sure I reach the proper audiences.

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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?



"The fact that eBay will not provide who the Fi is. Is deceptive. "  That is your opinion, but Ebay is doing what they need to do to follow the law.  They aren't going to break the law and provide you with financial information on the buyer just because you think they should.



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 76 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

@fischstik wrote:

Have gone the route of small claims court yet?

I can’t believe no one pointed me in the direction of a class action suit on eBay or FI that are abusive and accomplices to these thieves. 

Going after Ebay is not the Path, Ebay was following the law.  Your anger is misplaced.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 77 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

@fischstik wrote:

I believe from all I’m reading. The class action would be more against the FI. 

but eBay is no better for looking the other way.  And not standing up for us sellers.


No way in the world should the buyer get the item and the money. 

that is theft. With an accomplice. (eBay and Fi)


While keeping our seller fees. 

IDK how many times you need to be informed that Ebay is ONLY following the law.  Ebay didn't "look the other way", they did what was required of them by law.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 78 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

@monica-sells wrote:

@vintagecraze50 wrote:

Also they will not mind too much because they get their chargeback fees as part of the deal. Imagine that folks 200.000 chargebacks at 20 or more dollars a pop. How much is that?

this is the part of the argument that certainly stifles any intervention......

btw...back in the day, that used to be 65.00 fee for a chargeback to the merchant

the feds made them lower that

But here on Ebay and prior to that PayPal, the fee if a Chargeback is lost, is $20 to the seller.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 79 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

Well, they could hold the buyer accountable instead of just letting them do chargebacks on every other seller they buy from. There is nothing forcing eBay to allow these kinds of people to keep using eBay. They could also foot the bill themselves when they fail to remove these types of buyers from eBay.


As a seller, there is absolutely nothing we can do to protect ourselves, and the understanding is that eBay is responsible for what they allow to happen on eBay. Maybe we could start there, with those who enable this sort of behavior. They don't get to just excuse themselves from the room when these things they allow to happen end up happening.

Message 80 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

I hear Ya. It’s a mess.

Message 81 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

Each person is handling 10,000 CHARGEBACKS a year. Wow they need a supply of Java Monster.

Message 82 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

SOOO, that’s a why my chargebacks take 2 months to resolve. LOL!!!!

Message 83 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

eBay needs to get rid of all these people fraudulently filing disputes with FI. 

this buyer of mine followed zero of the eBay policies. 
ebay never cared for the sellers. 
despite we make the money. 

Every report I have ever filed. 
I do not believe I have ever seen anyone removed or even suspended. 


Message 84 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

That is the only money eBay gave me back was the 20$


they kept the final value fee. 
for an item they looked the other way so the fi and buyer could steal. 

Message 85 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

I will not believe.
That they have to do it this way. 
it’s more convenient this way. 

now I won’t put the big items up. 
250$ and less. 

eventually I will cut the cord here 

no safety. Means less selling. 

Message 86 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

I need to go thru eBay with subpoenas to get to the FI. And the correct FI. 

cowards will not name themselves. 
they had no problem taking my money as a faceless entity. 
because a lawsuit would come quicker. 

I believe not all Fi operate this way. 
where they do not see to it that the item is returned to the seller. 

Message 87 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

It depends. As far as them requiring item returned. I think it has to do with luck actually more than actual requirements for them. Like I said. It is a huge mess what they do with these and again. Fight for reform.

Message 88 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

YOU HAVE HEARD of the term, Confidentiality. I for one do NOT WANT MY credit card info dispersed globally. Would you? Scammer or not. Also, YOU are not the payment processor, not the MERCHANT in question. Ebay is the merchant not you.

Message 89 of 157
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Re: Are there any class action suits against Ebay dealing with fraud via financial institutions?

Yep, the followed 0 EBAY POLICIES, because they can with the FI.

Message 90 of 157
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