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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

Ladies and Gentlemen, I was about to jump off a cliff when on Monday 22nd 2021 they removed the "CLASSIC VIEW" link from my seller page. After going out into deep water , I made a discovery that I want to share with people like me. In the new seller hub, the seller hub "OVERVIEW" is the default page. 2 selections over is the "LISTINGS" link.....if you hover over it, it will branch out a window with all of the options. Select "ACTIVE" !!!! Suddenly, everything will come into view.... all of your listings will appear with all of the check boxes and options to "END" or "RE-LIST" in Bulk !!!  Alternatively, when you "opt OUT" of the seller hub, you are sent to a page with NO CHECK BOXES of functionality as with the new seller hub. NO IDEA why they give you an "opt out" to send you somewhere with limited function.... makes NO SENSE and causes confusion.  I hope I helped someone !!!

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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

Strange, it worked for some others who were recently switched.

This type of thinking (Could do us in) - Chevelle
Message 31 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

@dying2live333 wrote:

Pretty soon, it's going to take 20 minutes to ship an item with all of the clicks. But that will mean we're winning !!!... when we finally ship the item.



In Seller Hub, it takes 3 clicks to ship an item. Hover over the Orders tab, click 'Awaiting Shipment', then click 'Print shipping label'... when the next page populates, click 'Purchase shipping label'. But know that I use Seller Hub, not the other thing.

Message 32 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

I'm a very small time seller... 1 or 2 things in a month if I'm lucky. You can imagine going to your seller page to see what's up and WHAM !!... a whole new look and now you are scrambling to figure out where everything is and why it's all different. I have like 100 things listed and when they changed the seller page, .... "no check boxes" "end listings".... no re-list, everything gone. I have NEVER used the seller hub and had no clue what it even was. I have ALWAYS only used the Classic seller page. When it all changed Monday 22nd, I was in disbelief that I had no option to end my listings  and re-list in bulk....... I only had the option to do a single listing at a time..... I was reeling. When I found a link to "manage active listings" and saw all of my stuff with check boxes and the ability to BULK-end listings and re-list,.... I was so relieved that I wanted to let others know my experience. I really wish they would give us back the Classic View option..... clearly it's to their benefit for us to have to open 50 pages to do something that used to take one click, my guess..... AD revenue.

Message 33 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

AD revenue.




Bonus... no ads on the Seller Hub.

Message 34 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

Nice !!!

Message 35 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

Hey Marguee,  .... I do want to say that I don't use the Ebay app ( or whatever it is) ,... I just use a desktop computer. I didn't know that there would be so much turmoil and opinion about this topic. I was just trying to give my newbie experience to help others like me .... which I think there are a lot of despondent sellers on Ebay who are way less able than me, which isn't saying much, but what I found helped me and I thought others could benefit. People seem to be aware of each other in this community forum,... I was a little taken aback by that. I posted here maybe 3 times. I think the removal of the Classic View from the seller page will be too much for a lot of small timers like me who don't get lucky like I did finding a way and may give up. It is a stumbling block.

Message 36 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

I have always used the "create a similar listing" link in one of my existing listings and just changed it around. This is the only way I have ever done it,... maybe it's an option for you.

Message 37 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-




@dying2live333 wrote:

Hey Marguee,  .... I do want to say that I don't use the Ebay app ( or whatever it is) ,... I just use a desktop computer. I didn't know that there would be so much turmoil and opinion about this topic. I was just trying to give my newbie experience to help others like me .... which I think there are a lot of despondent sellers on Ebay who are way less able than me, which isn't saying much, but what I found helped me and I thought others could benefit. People seem to be aware of each other in this community forum,... I was a little taken aback by that. I posted here maybe 3 times. I think the removal of the Classic View from the seller page will be too much for a lot of small timers like me who don't get lucky like I did finding a way and may give up. It is a stumbling block.



Even the larger sellers are unhappy.  We have had more than a few come here who have over 1,000 listings screaming about the new redesign.


If you think trying to keep up with 100 listings is a nightmare with this format, can you imagine what it is like trying to keep track of 1,000 listings?  Or 3,000+ listings? (saw one seller with over 3,000 listings screaming here.)


I am just hoping that they are watching/listening and that they come up with a new redesign that at least incorporates  all of our active/sold/unsold/drafts on one page.


If they won't bring back the classic look, at least write a code that gives us these things on one easy to use page WITHOUT needing to use any tabs to see them...hence the ALL ON ONE PAGE thing...


Message 38 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

That's that stupid "My Active Ebay" page that doesn't have the check boxes anymore..... it has the view count and shows your listings. To do things like "end" a bunch of fixed price listings, you have to use that link in the upper right in "overview" ( look left side of "My Active Ebay",.. you'll see "OVERVIEW left side of page). Now in overview... click >>"Switch to new All Selling view" LINK  ....It defaults to "overview" in the Seller Hub ... 2 steps right you'll see "LISTINGS". Click on that and down below, all of your listings will materialize with the check boxes, there, you can bulk end... bulk re-list .. etc. .... I hope this helps.

Message 39 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

@outdoorgeardude wrote:

This has nothing to do with negativity and defeatism but everything to do with having to have multiple pages open at the same time for less functionality than Classic View. It has everything to do with a HUGE and UNAVOIDABLE increase in clicking and scrolling to perform the same tasks / functions as Classic View provided. It has everything to do with not having a SINGLE, CUSTOMIZABLE at-a-glance page with all of a seller's pertinent information displayed in a manner that is easy to read.

Use the Seller Hub. It has all of that info right there on one page AND you can customize it to show you what you want to see in the order you want to see it. If there's something you don't want or need to see, you can hide it so that part won't even show up. I have mine set so that the "Tasks" box is right in the top left hand corner-- that shows me if I have any sales, any messages, any questions, etc., all the things I need to be able to see at a glance when I log in.

Message 40 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

@gracieallen01 wrote:

Isn't that how ebay determines the usefulness of something - by how many clicks it gets, or takes to get there?

Speaking as someone who actually has a certification in web design, no. That was a commonly-held misconception that persisted for a while-- the "three-click rule," which posited that users were less likely to engage with a site if it took more than three clicks to get to information.


However, actual studies debunked that and showed that it didn't matter how many clicks it took people to get to information as long as it was easy and intuitive for them to do so-- that the navigation flow made sense, in other words.

Message 41 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

@yuzuha wrote:

@outdoorgeardude wrote:

This has nothing to do with negativity and defeatism but everything to do with having to have multiple pages open at the same time for less functionality than Classic View. It has everything to do with a HUGE and UNAVOIDABLE increase in clicking and scrolling to perform the same tasks / functions as Classic View provided. It has everything to do with not having a SINGLE, CUSTOMIZABLE at-a-glance page with all of a seller's pertinent information displayed in a manner that is easy to read.

Use the Seller Hub. It has all of that info right there on one page AND you can customize it to show you what you want to see in the order you want to see it. If there's something you don't want or need to see, you can hide it so that part won't even show up. I have mine set so that the "Tasks" box is right in the top left hand corner-- that shows me if I have any sales, any messages, any questions, etc., all the things I need to be able to see at a glance when I log in.




@outdoorgeardudedoes NOT want to use the hub.


Not complaining about the HUB.


Not interested in the HUB.


Just wants a one stop everything on one page thing - like the old seller's PAGE.  Does not even have to look like the old/classic page just as long as it functions like the old page did.


I have no idea why the hub people keep coming onto these posts about the page?  Not talking about the hub...talking about the PAGE.


The next time I see a big to do thing in regards to the hub, I am going to hop onto those posts and start talking up a storm about the this & page that.  I am sure that the hub people will find it all irritating but then they will know what it is like when they are talking apples and you are talking oranges.





Message 42 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

It would be CRAZY to have even 1000 listings dealing with this trojan horse. It reminds me A LOT of the switch from Windows XP to the next gen. I am actually using it right now and refuse to let it go because it is so simple and fast. People are getting paid for changing things without regard for remembering what works for people. I just spoke to an agent who didn't sell on Ebay..... how can you understand what someone needs unless you've been there (rhetorical). I found what I needed by exploration.... she was no help.

Message 43 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

I just think that sellers are saying it wasn't broke... and they fixed it. You know what to do and can "see Waldo", but, others look at this mess and see a bunch of dots. It would be so easy for them to just leave the option for those who don't want the different look and interface.

Message 44 of 127
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Re: NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-

As a "last resort" the other day, when I was having difficulty listing a new item, I finally stumbled upon a similar solution.  While I also use "sell similar" for re-listing identical and/or similar books, magazines, etc, on my site,  I was trying to create a listing for an odd item that no other seller apparently had also listed.  After attempting a half-dozen times with the "new improved" Seller page (and getting absolutely NOWHERE!), I finally realized that I could simply click "sell similar" on ANY item, from ANY seller -- even if the item wasn't even in the same category!  What a revelation!  Instead of wasting time and effort on the "create listing" section of the "new improved" Seller page, all I have to do is to click on ANYTHING, and then click on "sell similar."  After that, I simply have to change ALL the criteria for the previous item, and simply add in my own criteria.


Not as fast as the previous system -- but lots fewer headaches and less time wasted on the "new improved" Seller page!


Try it!

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