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Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

I have my templates set up with the start of my SKU and I just add the number when I list.   I just noticed today that the SKU is not showing up at all on the create listing page.  Is anyone else having this issue?  I am still using the classic lister.


I just wanted to add that everything else is showing up from the template, just not the SKU...

Message 1 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

So I figured out the issue.  Awhile back I was trying out the new lister and had bookmarked the new "create listing" page.  I went back to the classic lister but kept the same bookmark and it was working for a few weeks.    Today I went to the create listing page from Ebay instead of the bookmark and it   was the old create listing page.  I clicked on one of my templates and the SKU was there... 

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Message 5 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

I tried with the new lister and the SKU isn't showing there either..

Message 2 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

Are you creating your template in the new format that looks like the Unified Lister?


  1. I created a template with that tool and saved with a SKU.
  2. When I generated a listing from that template, the SKU failed to show in the Unified Lister.
  3. When I switched over to the Business Lister, the SKU was still missing.
  4. When I opened the template for editing, the SKU was gone.
  5. I added it back to the template and saved, and tried the above again, without success, but managed to get back to the Business Lister as the default.
  6. I opened the template and again added the SKU and saved.
  7. When I generated a listing from that template (on the template management page), the SKU did appear in the Business Lister that opened.


There have been complaints that eBay's spreadsheet upload is also dropping the SKU, so I suspect they are somehow related.


If you can document your testing, use the "comments", "feedback" or "tell us what you think" options on the template or lister page to report what you are seeing.



ShipScript has been an eBay Community volunteer since 2003, specializing in HTML, CSS, Scripts, Photos, Active Content, Technical Solutions, and online Seller Tools.
Message 3 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

I have tried a few things and nothing is working.  I have opened a case with Ebay and they sent it to the technical department.  Hopefully it can get figured out because I can't really list properly without it..

Message 4 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

So I figured out the issue.  Awhile back I was trying out the new lister and had bookmarked the new "create listing" page.  I went back to the classic lister but kept the same bookmark and it was working for a few weeks.    Today I went to the create listing page from Ebay instead of the bookmark and it   was the old create listing page.  I clicked on one of my templates and the SKU was there... 

Message 5 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

Hmmm...I've been using the new listing tool for a while. I had "Create a Listing" bookmarked which takes me right to my templates, and the Custom Label SKU is missing from all of them.


I tried going to "Create a Listing" directly from eBay and it takes me to basically the same listing experience, although it looks a little different - slightly different font, looks a little updated - but the Custom SKUs are still missing. 

Message 6 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

@shipscript Hi - would you mind giving guidance as to how to get to the Business Lister? I am using what I thought was the new (and only) listing form, but I, like you, tried creating a new template and saving with a custom label, but it still won't show up.


When you say you switched to the Business Lister, what does that mean? Thank you!

Message 7 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page 

I still have the ability to switch between the long-standing Business Listing tool and the new Unified Listing tool. But not all sellers are able to switch back to that "classic" tool. eBay is slowly migrating all sellers to the new tool and not letting them go back.  I'm not sure why there is a difference and some of us can still switch back-and-forth at will.  Perhaps because I tried the tool early, and switched back, eBay remembered my preference, or perhaps my draft card has a higher number.


Here are the two listers side by side to help show which is which.





On the new Unified Lister there are three dots at the top right. When my browser is full width, I can see the option to switch back, but if my browser zoom level or browser width looks more like a tablet size, then eBay will not show me the option to switch back (as shown in the two examples below).



If you are in the crowd that has been permanently migrated, I'm not sure how you can get back to the "classic" view of the Business Lister.



Is the missing SKU in templates related to the same issue we saw with the Seller Hub spreadsheet data? Could this issue be escalated please? SKUs are an important aspect of inventory-based selling.


ShipScript has been an eBay Community volunteer since 2003, specializing in HTML, CSS, Scripts, Photos, Active Content, Technical Solutions, and online Seller Tools.
Message 8 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

@shipscript Ah, I see - the Business Lister is the old form. After I was migrated to the Unified Lister, I was able to switch back to the classic view for a while, but that option disappeared a few months ago.


Thanks for the explanation and for escalating the issue. It's a weird one.

Message 9 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page



Is the missing SKU in templates related to the same issue we saw with the Seller Hub spreadsheet data? Could this issue be escalated please? SKUs are an important aspect of inventory-based selling.

Hi @shipscript ,,

I've reported the issue of values for custom label not appearing on listing templates when using the new version of the Sell Your Item form. I don't know whether or not it is related to the issue that we had with custom label and the drafts template in Seller Hub Reports. Hopefully, we can get this issue resolved soon.

Message 10 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

Hello tools_apps_team@ebay -


Has there been any update on this glitch? I am still not able to save SKUs in any of my templates.

Message 11 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

I got it working again but now that  I have been permanently switched to the new lister it isn't working again..

Message 12 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page



Does this link get you back to classic view?

Someone reported that it worked, but since I am not stuck in the Unified Lister, I'm not able to test.



ShipScript has been an eBay Community volunteer since 2003, specializing in HTML, CSS, Scripts, Photos, Active Content, Technical Solutions, and online Seller Tools.
Message 13 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

Wow - yes, it does. Thank you!!


Now that I've been using the new listing form for a few months, I've gotten used to it. I don't like it any better or worse than the old one and it seems to take me about the same amount of time, now that I'm up to speed. Maybe some of the little glitches will get worked out soon. I like the change they made recently to the shipping drop-down menu. It's more streamlined than the new form's first version. More like that!

Message 14 of 28
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Re: Custom label (SKU) not showing on the lister page

yes, it works.  YAY!!


My husband had spent the morning writing me a script to make the new lister work a little faster but I will use this old lister for as long as I can..  After trying to using the new lister the last few days I can now really see how much better the old lister was/is.


Thanks so much!

Message 15 of 28
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