Dear Sellers, We are currently experiencing a technical data processing
delay that has temporarily impacted the timely processing of some Good
'Til Cancelled (GTC) renewals, affecting the visibility of certain
seller listings and listing count on Act...
HelloI recently sold a watch, and the buyer gave me negative feedback,
saying the crystal was broken.But if you see the photos, the crystal
isn't broken.What can I do?Should I call eBay to remove the negative
eBay's AI Bot is completely incompetent when it comes to technology. I
have owned a small business Refurbishing Industrial X-ray equipment for
23 years. I have been buying non-functional systems on eBay and other
places , rebuilding them and resellin...
I don't know if you guys remember the story of my favorite discontinued
Corning "Visions" pot.It's my favorite pot to cook with.Every few years
I break it and have to order a replacement from ebay.The last time I had
to order 3 of them before I could...
Earlier today I received a message from eBay asking me to recertify my
information for INFORM act compliance. It is the first time I received
the email. I think I meet the minimum threshold to require the
certification which is $5000 sales of new ite...
Almost no sells, traffic is like nothing while I think I list my items
above average and have ok pics. It's like I'm shut off. Definitely
starting at a new location or 2 today or tomorrow. It sucks I like eBay
How do I make sure my Auction Re-list at the end of it 30 day period, as
one can never find it in unsold after it expires. I have lost 2 Auctions
that way in the last 90 days.
Hi! This is a question to more experienced sellers than me. When you see
a "watcher" in your listing, does it mean that there is somebody
interested in your item to buy or just to see if it sells? I have
several items with multiple watchers and time ...
First - does anyone know why I have to log into eBay to use this forum
when I'm already logged into eBay? Weird. I received a pair of martial
arts swords that I didn't buy. The return address on the label is for a
man in California. I looked the swor...
I've accepted an offer from a buyer and they've messaged me because they
aren't able to process the purchase. They say they've received a message
at checkout that says I've put a limit on their purchases. I don't have
any limits set nor have I blocke...
See? This is why I've been telling the wife I'm not eating nearly as
much Cheetos as I should be.
A buyer once told me that eBay is a joke and threatened fire &
brimstone, refused to return the item and left me a negative review,
eBay sided the buyer and did nothing, this happened last year. Lets
reverse the situation, I bought a pair of Dr Marti...
Just noticed this tonight - and it is only on Chrome (also Chromium).
Now when I click on any item for sale - it tells me the number of items
still available, but the sales history is GONE. Still shows in Firefox
though. As a seller, I have some item...