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eBay connectivity problems

Hi people, hope someone can help, I have been having major issues for several weeks when I try to open the app on android or by laptop, however when I turn WiFi off on my phone and use 4g it loads fine, any ideas would be most appreciated.

Regards Paul.

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eBay connectivity problems

You might post this on the Mobile apps board. One of eBay's people may be ableto help...

Questions about the various apps that are available, are best answered in the Discussion boards. There is a board for iOS (Apple) and another for Android.

Above, click on Discussions, then click on the group your device fits into, or click on a direct link below.

These boards do have eBay associates who are monitoring the posts.

You can help them answer your questions by adding to your post,

1) the device,
2) the OS version your device is using, and
3) the version of the App you are having difficulty with.

The more info you can relay, the better they can help you.

eBay is continually updating this site. Some advice given may have changed. Please reply to this thread, to let us know if this advice works for you. The links on the bottom of any eBay page can help you deal with most eBay issues. Contact eBay Customer Service on or
Message 2 of 3
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eBay connectivity problems



Do you have trouble connecting other sites ? 

If so , try restarting your modem / router . 



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