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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

Apparently Ebay claims their message boards but it's obvious they don't. There are many Ebayers, buyers and sellers, weighing in on "no followed search emails" along with others posting about bookmarked searches not working. Ebay has a problem and is not dealing with it. Some people wrote they have called and were told the problem would be sent to the Technical department.


I ask one simple question; How hard would it be for Ebay to post a message at the top of their webpage that they are aware of the problem and dealing with it.


Currently I get 1 email each day telling me about some special discount, asking me to tell them about recent purchases, hottest trend, blah, blah, blah..............


Hey Ebay this is what's posted on the community page, so where are the staff members and experts?

About this Board

When you experience a technical issue on eBay, we want to know. This board is monitored by staff and experts from the Community.
Yahoo has no way for users to contact them and they implemented a community board, which is totally useless, will this be Ebay's future?  One way communication? For now we'll have to look elsewhere for what we need but that mainly helps buyers and not the sellers. Wake up Ebay.
Message 1 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

ebay has been telling me for seven days that (I can't see my listing)  the issue has  been turned over to thier technical support  department and that it should be working within seventy two hours.

I've been hearing this for a week.

stay tuned..they'll  let us know in 72 hours...(ya right)

Message 2 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues


Hi does your listing by chance have local pick up in shipping?
Wonder because there have been alot of posts where local pick up is offered & the listings can't be searched .
Once local pick up is removed the listings show up.
I see nothing listed under this user ID

Message 3 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

Maybe it's the skeptic in me, but I sense a larger problem Ebay is not telling us about because there are a few other issues such as half of some seller's items not showing up in searches, bookmarked searches no longer working, etc.....I sense we may hear news how Ebay's website has been hacked and Ebay is hoping to fix it while claiming nothing is wrong as one person posted. Let's see if this comes true. I hope not. Hello Ebay experts can you help next time you cruise the community.
Message 4 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

After originally being told that failure to receive Search eMails had to stem from something I had done to my settings, I was today told that yes, this is a known problem and they're working on it.

This problem has persisted on my account for over ten days now.

Is eBay not an internet-based business? Is not technology their forte?

How complicated could this possibly be? I'm frustrated because other collectors are picking-up pieces I'm learning about only by their rubbing my nose in their wins.

This has to be costing eBay hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost percentages and fees.

What's the advantage in ignoring this?


BTW, why in all the drop down menus, etc. is there not a basic "Technical Support" option?

Message 5 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

I've called ebay for the second time, as the first time I received an email that the saved search email problem would be corrected the first week of May.  On the phone this morning, I was just told the same thing they told me before, that they will send it to Technical Support.


In the "member to member support" there are tons of questions about not receiving saved search emails, yet none of the community experts has bothered to answer them, or else just tells them, "well I'm receiving mine, there must be something wrong with your browser/settings, etc." There are also lots of complaints from sellers on this board and elsewhere, that their sales are way down, their views are down, their items are listed yet not showing up in searches.  The sales and views part has definitely got to do with the potential buyers not receiving any notice of what's out there to buy/bid on.  I would think that if whatever ebay is or is not doing is adversely affecting the sellers, it's got to be impacting ebay financially as well.  It is definitely no secret that something is wrong, but they don't want to tell us what it is.


I am still receiving emails that a watched item is ending, or relisted, but not the saved search emails. The only thing I can suggest is for both sellers and buyers to continue to call Ebay and maybe they will get it through their heads that they need to fix this.

Message 6 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

Your post is spot on. I've not received a push notification on sales in three weeks, I call single every day and ask for for some technical assistance and the customer service agents in the Philippines have no idea of what I'm talking about and each day the guide me through the communication preferences and I end up explaining to them that it's not an email notification, explain the difference to them and they are dumbfounded. But I will continue to call every day until it is resolved. I will waste their corporate money until I'm booted or its fixed.
Message 7 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

I HEAR you! For at least 7 days I can not find some of my listings when

I search for them under the Category, manufacturer, and heading that

they were listed under. I have called Ebay several times and have been told

that they are aware of the problem- many people have called them-and they

are working on it. It is interesting to note that a new Ebay store opened up

in March that has over 71,000 items for sale- some of them are the same item

I have had listed for several months and have now disappeared from any Search

option- but their items come up when searched! I recently read another complaint about this issue and the response was that Ebay was promoting large stores and that similar items by other Ebay sellers were disappearing! Meantime

NO notification of this issue  can be found under "Technical Issues Status"!!!!!


Message 8 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

Thank you,

That Worked !!

Once I removed local pick up, my listing is now showing.

Hope Ebay see's this info you gave.

Local Pick up is still necessary for people to use

and Ebay should fix that problem for everyone who lists.

Thanks again definitely Rock !

Message 9 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

To add to Labs118's advice, ....

There are currently at least TWO different issues I've experienced this past week regarding this symptom.

I contacted support and they worked out a (temporary) resolution.

See details about both issues here:


Message 10 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

I have been posted on ebay powerseller board this problem but all replies i have been from ebay cheerleaders basically you have to live with them,
Ebay and their chasing dogs (cheearliders) will never help to solve any problem

ebay have milion gliches. And they absolutely do not inform about them as communism nobody knows anything. Please google ebay problem you will see 1000's complaints

Message 11 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues


Great glad it worked, I would not offer local pick up in any of my listings until I know 100% this glitch is fixed.
Many like you have been lucky, came here , asked questions and got to revise your listing to remove that local pick up.
Many sellers don't even know their listing may not be showing, many sellers don't post or read these boards , And the worst of all is any listings that are auction style  & have bids cannot be revised to remove the local pickup so sellers may be losing alot of bids due to this glitch.

Message 12 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

    I'm sure the problem with local pickup it that eBay WANTS you to ship it since they are making money off of the shipping as well as the item you are selling.  I seems to me that its all money driven, of course they are going to promote the large store, that makes them more money.

   I've had stuff listed before that disappeared, eBay said it was because I edited it, meanwhile a few others items exactly the same sold and then mine mysteriously appeared again, they were just larger sellers than me and eBay was making more money from the other items selling.

    eBay is going to do whatever makes them the most money.  The customer service people that we talk to on the phone probably in my opinion believe what they tell us, but I am VERY sure that if not their manages the management above them do know EXACTLY what it happening

Message 13 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

All of the posts I've read here regarding this issue are of serious concern, but you make a very clear statement regarding what may be behind this.


If the problem was created by the inept eBay Software Design Team, then that's one thing, but if eBay is manipulating the system and gaming it for High Volume Sellers, then this is something that should be reported to every State Attorney General's Office (Consumer Protection Division).



Message 14 of 17
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When Ebay fails to address Technical Issues

Original problem and thread is from 2017

Message 15 of 17
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