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Markdown Manager: Not picking up all available in my store categories

I use markdown manager quite often to run sales in my store. For the past few days the tool has not been picking up all available items in my store categories for a sale. I'll have, for example, 160 items available (not expiring within 24 hours) to put on sale, and Markdown Manager picks up 46. Same if I select all, regardless of category. 220 available, picks up 50.






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Re: Markdown Manager: Not picking up all available in my store categories

I've had the exact same issue for over a week. Very frustrating. I've called customer service and they haven't been any help and said there have been no other reported issues regarding markdown manager.

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Re: Markdown Manager: Not picking up all available in my store categories

I'm experiencing the exact same problem.  I waited a day, then went in and manually selected about 60 items that were not being shown when I used the filer.  It was a pain because I had to scroll through over 700 lisings to find the 60 I knew were not on sale and that I wanted to put on sale.  

I think ebay is doing some early releasng of their new "features" of the mark down manager that ebay has mentioned is coming shorlty.  

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Re: Markdown Manager: Not picking up all available in my store categories

Called today over the same issues....very frustrating.  The rep  told me the tech team was aware of the markdown issues but had no time frame as to when it may be corrected.  Always nice to have an issue like this on the weekend when the traffic to my store is usually the strongest.  

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Re: Markdown Manager: Not picking up all available in my store categories

Same thing is happening to me. Very frustrating.
Message 5 of 6
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Re: Markdown Manager: Not picking up all available in my store categories

It's happening to me, even when I manually select individual listings that I wish to discount. Has been like this for a few weeks.
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