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Different descriptions on mobile vs computer

When will ebay fix problem that know they have. For many posts I see I am not alone. Buyers see a description on their moble that is not the description on our computers where we listed them. In once case one of mine says 5 books for example on mobile, but in the true listing made on my laptop it is for 1 book. CAN"T CALL Ebay anymore which really makes me want to QUIT because the automated helpers are so duhhhhh when it comes to this. Does anyone know how to edit the mobile description on your laptop?

Message 1 of 12
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Different descriptions on mobile vs computer

now rep tells me to end all my listings until they can get site fixed, like what 2022? Oh and continue to pay store fees he said.

Message 2 of 12
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Different descriptions on mobile vs computer

I never thought I would hear a CS rep tell me to use a different site that ebay can not fix its mobile problems, or any of its problems,  WOW...end listings, close a store, reopen after they fix it, move to another site? What has ebay come to that reps would say this when asking for help? Is this site that broken they now suggest sellers leave?????

Message 3 of 12
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Different descriptions on mobile vs computer

There is a way to control which part of your description shows first on mobile.  It involves putting an extra mobile description in the HTML tab of the listing page.  I'm sure another member knows  the details.  Anybody?

Message 4 of 12
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Different descriptions on mobile vs computer


@babclassics wrote:

There is a way to control which part of your description shows first on mobile.  It involves putting an extra mobile description in the HTML tab of the listing page.  I'm sure another member knows  the details.  Anybody?


Let's see if we can get one of our tech gurus to help figure this one out...




I am not sure if anything can be done about this.  I am not a tekkie so I thought that I would ask if you could look at this and give any of your awesome insight.


Thank you!  😁



Message 5 of 12
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Different descriptions on mobile vs computer

Here is the link to mobile short description feature



Message 6 of 12
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Different descriptions on mobile vs computer

I will look more into this but the problem isn't which part of my description it shows because its giving a snippet of a different item and ignoring the description entirely upon 1st glance. Example I have a book Fabric Postcards which shows in description on computer as Gently used softcover edition (and nothing more). On the mobile it says listing is for a lot of 5 quilting books and then if you click on see full description you do get the accurate version. Unless a buyer goes to read full description they get  confused what is for sale as one customer wrote and asked me. Is it 5 books or 1? I have many like that and 1 that on mobile says like new but torn and stained older book. The computer version of that says nothing about tears or stains and is accurate). (Apparently it got that from a different listing of something I had for an acceptable condition old book and it got attached to it in the mobile version).


Any help would be appreciated as ebay said they can't help and I should just end listings and go to some other site until they fix the issue.

Message 7 of 12
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Different descriptions on mobile vs computer

Thanks for pointing this out.  This could be a real problem for sellers like me who don't even have a smart phone, so we can't even see or know if the item description for our listings is different, and possibly inaccurate, when seen by shoppers using the mobile app.

Message 8 of 12
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Different descriptions on mobile vs computer

I found the listing you refer to (I think).   It appears you are using a generated description iFrame and scrolling Activa gallery in many of your listings?  The listing is question appears to have an issue that the iFrames with fancy borders and information below the frame is missing / corrupted and there is no Activa gallery showing.  My opinion would be to try to re-generate the page with whatever listing description HTML generator you are using.   Only guessing, but if the Fabric Postcards listing is missing a terminator in the source file,  I could see where it might pick up information from the next listing in your source file, or from the Activa gallery at random.


For me, the listing looks truncated but works correctly on Windows Desktop, in the eBay app on iPhone and via on a smart phone.  Not seeing the extra / wrong information on my end.


Since I am not familiar the eBay description frame generator you are using all I can do is look at the generated HTML and it looks ok on my PC and Phone but since the problem does not appear I can't see what is wrong with the HTML.  If it is possible to re-generate one and make sure your source file used to created the listings is not missing terminators between listings then you can try that.  Can't guess any more without more detailed examples.  Hope this helps.


p.s. yes, agree it is not the short description issue I first thought it was.

Message 9 of 12
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Different descriptions on mobile vs computer

Yes I think I was able to change it so no you wouldn't see it there anymore. As a post mentioned here I went into the HTML and deleted all the contents since I didn't know exactly what part was showing on the mobile. I then entered only in gently used condition and I checked on mobile and it seems it got rid of the part about 5 books. It is too bad that I should have to go 1 by 1 to correct ebay errors erasing all HTML and re-writing a description, I found just revising it not going into HTML did nothing it was in that mode I had to erase all of the description. I have over 1,000 listings to go thru UGGGGGGH, thanks ebay! Seriously thank you to the one that mentioned go into HTML that was the key.


I understand for those that don't own mobile it being a headache. It was a customer that sent me screenshots that led me to the problem since I am not a mobile user myself but able to have someone check for me. Searching boards I see this is an old problem (up to 9 mos or more) and many complaints but something ebay ignores the problem, and in my case says leave to another site for a solution lol

Message 10 of 12
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Different descriptions on mobile vs computer

My issue revolves around feedbacks.  My feedbacks on my PC shows 19, but on my mobile shows 16.  How do I get the feedbacks on my mobile to show 19?

Message 11 of 12
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Different descriptions on mobile vs computer

How do I get the feedbacks on my mobile to show 19?


Scroll to the bottom of the feedback in the app. You should see a note there: "Looking for more feedback? Sort by "most recent" to see all feedback for this seller."

Message 12 of 12
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