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Forced to do managed payment

I’m already having trouble getting paid by a jacka$$ buyer who hasn’t paid after 2 days and now today, i get forced into managed payments.  Looks like it’ll be another 2 days before i see miney in my bank account.  Once this guy oays me, does anyone know if itll go to paypal as it always has, or are ebay going to try and switch me in the middle of this sale?

Message 1 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

If the item was listed and has bids prior to switched to MP:

It will go to the old payment method.



Message 2 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

How does everyone feel about giving ebay their social security number?  Im not happy with it one bit.  Is there a way to not have to provide this?  I don't want yet another piece of personal information "out there".


Message 3 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment


Was the fight this big when you gave your ssn to PayPal? 

You don’t have to provide it, but you won’t be able to list/sell on eBay. 

No one asked, but I am looking forward to the day when having feedback default sorted by relevance seems right.
Message 4 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

Hmm...I don’t think I gave PayPal my number as I opened my account 20 years ago.  I do know that when Etsy started their Etsy payments, I don’t think they asked for a SSN.

Message 5 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

I received a notice, too that if I wanted paid I had provide ss# and bank info. It sounds like there will be no more money to PayPal.

Message 6 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

I gave my bank info for now....we will see if I get paid.  I think they may want your SSN for tax reasons maybe?

Message 7 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

@msmoderne wrote:

How does everyone feel about giving ebay their social security number?  Im not happy with it one bit.  Is there a way to not have to provide this?  I don't want yet another piece of personal information "out there".


Why did you hijack the topic???


Info of SSN is for tax reasons.

You with MP are now dealing with an entity that is considered a bank.

Did you give your SSN to your bank???

Message 8 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

@msmoderne wrote:

Hmm...I don’t think I gave PayPal my number as I opened my account 20 years ago.  I do know that when Etsy started their Etsy payments, I don’t think they asked for a SSN.

It wasn't 20 years ago.  It was just a few years ago when IRS required a new form called 1099Ks.  PP then required us to give them are SSN or EIN to satisfy the rules of IRS.  Etsy did the same.


It is completely your choice of course.  But if your choice is not to give it to Ebay, your days of selling here will be limited.  They don't have a choice either.  They must get the number from you or you can't sell on the site.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 9 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

@msmoderne wrote:

I gave my bank info for now....we will see if I get paid.  I think they may want your SSN for tax reasons maybe?

All you are doing is prolong the registration process for yourself.  What will happen is if you get activated before Ebay comes back to you and tells you they need your SSN, your money received from buyers will be held until you get this worked out.  They won't release it.  So you are doing yourself no favors by taking this action.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 10 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

I wasn’t thrilled giving paypal my SSN, but at least they were rooted as a financial organization.  eBay, on the other hand has demonstrated its utter ineptitude in programming, security, and communications.  These shortcomings make them vulnerable to attacks from the many Chinese, Korean, and Russian hackers that clutter searches with their counterfeit product.  Our information is now in the hands of one of the most vulnerable online companies who are figuring out this financial business. 

Message 11 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

You’re missing a salient point here.  We went to PayPal voluntarily with our funds and identity as they had a history of demonstrating their competency with information and money.


eBay is a sh!tty auction site that forces users to arcane processes by fiat, with little, if any warning, documentation, explanation, or competent support other than Latin American, Phillipino, or Indian “phone answerers” with the same sparse documents users have. 

Hopefully, someone will develop a competing auction site so we can stop using it

Message 12 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

Interesting statement and just what documentation or communication from eBay did you glean this statement from?


And, BTW this is why eBay is so sh!tty, why weren’t users informed of this prior to, or coincident with the forced change?


The blatant disregard that a monopoly afforda a company like this, needs to end.

Message 13 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

Oh, and here’s the real kicker you might not realize, but eBay first takes their cut, floats your funds for at least 48 hours, then sends it to your bank.  No more instant transfer available.  This is a classic example of eBay either not caring about our needs, or ineptitude and inability to create instant pay.  

Message 14 of 24
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Forced to do managed payment

@jmuoio wrote:

You’re missing a salient point here.  We went to PayPal voluntarily with our funds and identity as they had a history of demonstrating their competency with information and money.


eBay is a sh!tty auction site that forces users to arcane processes by fiat, with little, if any warning, documentation, explanation, or competent support other than Latin American, Phillipino, or Indian “phone answerers” with the same sparse documents users have. 

Hopefully, someone will develop a competing auction site so we can stop using it

This isn't completely accurate.  Some sellers went to PP willingly, others went kicking and screaming just like they are into MP.  The threads were not that much different in complaints when Ebay made PP mandatory a few years back.  You have apparently forgot that.


As to your earlier comment about the financial info PP has, people came to the Ebay threads in horror when PP required SSNs too.  Maybe you didn't participate on the boards when these events happened.  But plenty of sellers were upset.


With Ebay, they have had financial information on sellers for many years.  We all had to give them a back up funding source.  As well as whatever method each of us signed up for to pay the Monthly Seller Invoice.  Ebay has never had a site wide breach of this information either.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 15 of 24
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