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Sold an item no longer available

I sold an item that is no longer available. I didn’t realize my husband had given it away. I am new to selling. What is the process I need to go through?  I feel really bad and don’t want to seem like an unreliable seller


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Sold an item no longer available


You need to refund the buyer and politely explain the situation to them.  Sorry for your frustration.


Happy Selling

Message 2 of 7
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Sold an item no longer available

You'll need to cancel the transaction with the reason: "Out of Stock or Damaged".  This will refund the buyer and close the sale.




Note that eBay takes this kind of cancellation seriously, but it is likely to happen to all sellers at some point.


It's wise to message with the buyer with a simple apology explaining the situation.  The buyer will be able to leave a Negative feedback if they choose to, so that apology can go a long way to avoiding that. 

Message 3 of 7
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Sold an item no longer available

I sold an item that is no longer available. I didn’t realize my husband had given it away. I am new to selling. What is the process I need to go through?


Go to your seller hub and find the transaction in the Awaiting Shipment section:


Use the little action dropdown next to the order and choose "Cancel Order" and then choose the reason "Out of stock or Damaged":



 I feel really bad and don’t want to seem like an unreliable seller

You really cannot control what a buyer thinks of you when you cancel a tranaaction. 

Message 4 of 7
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Sold an item no longer available

"I didn’t realize my husband had given it away. . . .  What is the process I need to go through?"

Tell your husband not to do that ever again.  Never.  

Message 5 of 7
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Sold an item no longer available

You need to tell your husband that you're selling stuff on eBay.  Then sell something of his without telling him to even the score.

Message 6 of 7
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Sold an item no longer available

Thank you all for you help!  My husband and I have had a little talk:)

Message 7 of 7
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