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iOS App Selling update



We recently updated the selling form for all sellers. We would like you to post any feedback you have with this new form here.


Thank you

Message 18 of 311
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310 REPLIES 310

Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

They do care.... about getting more fees
Message 241 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

What an abomination, completly unusable now, switching to Amazon, thanks for ruining a workable app.

Message 242 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

I have been using this app to list items for years, each update makes it harder and more likely to make errors, this need update Oct 18 is by far the worst. 

Ebay please will you listen to us as sellers, I have literally just listed a nest of tables... it wants to list the at £15 and accept offers of £18 .... you have to go and manually remove this otherwise it goes live, having done all this and double checked it, it then wants to decrease the price by 5% every 5 days again you have to manually decline this I then clicked to publish hey pesto it’s now buy it now with best offers ..... I removed all of this and checked I did it, even more, it’s good till cancelled there was no option to “list it for the normal range of days. Oh what have you done, this is obviously aimed and creating more sale and income for eBay, this leaves sellers wide open for mistakes and negative feedback due to listing errors

you really are not listening are you 

Message 243 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

Why???? No no no. A thousand reasons why.
Message 244 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

Worst update ever. I create draft listings on my pc , then use the iPhone app to add photos . The photos are slow to update and the preview does not show entire photo , so each has to be opened to make sure the item is  pictured in its entirety . Then it shuts off the make offer option and when I try to turn it back on   It doesn’t work then I have to go back and fix on my pc. Also I hate that on the app , when I click list item at the end , it doesn’t list but tries to sell me on promoted listings and easy price . You are making it harder for your sellers like it isn’t hard enough?  I have 20k listings . You’re killing me smalls !! 

Message 245 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

My Lambchop book listing ended today.  It was a 30 day fixed price listing.  Not good til cancelled.  I got an email saying it was re listed AND that offers had been turned on.  It still says 30 days duration in the NEW listing.   I ended all my listings that had automatically been labeled as good til cancelled to avoid unexpected charges.  But apparently that didn’t work because Lambchop is back and I’ve been charged 35 cents.  I can’t even tell what will be relisted.  I’m a sitting duck for charges apparently.   

Message 246 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

I had the same thing happen to me. I made very certain that my item was not "good till cancelled". It said 30 days on the listing. I made a draft from the app and finished it on the PC. I very carefully changed the dropdown to 30 days and watched for the "saving" prompt at the top. I made sure the auto relist box was unchecked. 30 days later - Bam! relisted without my permission; listing still says 30 days. It's a Halloween item so i'm sure it will sell great in November.
Message 247 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

I am finding the new app extremely problematic because:

I don't wan't information pre-filled in for me regarding shipping, item price and best offer

There is no store category option

There is no way to add a handling fee in the shipping charges

There is no way to add a Condition Description (in the condition section, not the description.)

It is making me have to double and triple check to make sure it is my information in the listing and not the autofill, making me save drafts and go to my laptop to fix problems that can not be fixed on the app. Removing all the benefits of listing on the app. Way too time consuming.


Message 248 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

When I try to view my own and other members feedback on the app it tries to load for around 20 or 30 seconds then displays a “Oops! Something went wrong” message and this happens on every occasion I try and view feedback. I have to leave the feedback page then have to return and repeat this more than once before feedback is visible and sometimes even then it disappears. 
Also on a couple of occasions when trying to leave feedback for others it has timed out or then displays a “cannot connect to server” error message. 
In addition to this, the listing template is difficult to use and navigate around and has pre filled information that is not relevant to the item I’m selling. Also I’m missing some user friendly options that were available but are now nowhere to be seen, such as the condition description notes and the 30 day buy now option. 
I contacted them about this buggy app but received no reply, contacted them again and finally received a reply  albeit a rather sharp and brief one! They said they have heard from some others about these issues but no info on if or when they will be fixed.
Message 249 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

Nothing but problems. Ebay is changing my listings and putting best offer and good till cancelled. This needs to be fixed ASAP. Not a good update. Unhappy seller

Message 250 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

Yesterday I was listing items and sometimes I would get the duration choice, and sometimes I would get the easy pricing choice.  Then sometimes when changing the price the duration would change to easy pricing.  If I toggled the best offer back to off again, because Ebay defaulted it to on, sometimes the easy pricing would switch to duration when I went back.  This was insane.  If I messed with my listing pricing options enough times I could hope for the chance to have the duration option show up.  But there was never a garauntee that it would stay, or keep my 30 day choice if I had selected it so it had to be the last thing I did in my listing.  Last Saturday, when the app worked I got 25 listings done in the time it took me to do only 13 yesterday.  

Message 251 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

There was no communication. The update was described as "bug fixes and performance enhancements." It wasn't mentioned in the seller update. And they've locked the main feedback thread. Shady as heck.
Message 252 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

The app defaults me to a fixed price 30 day listing. I have always listed good till cancelled fixed price listings. AND today the APP defaulted to using best offer at 50% off list price for everything I tried to list. I didn't want best offers on any of my listings. It keeps putting it on my listings and I have to go find the button and click it off. AND it tried to default to reducing my selling prices in 10% increments over time. I had to keep clicking this button off today. What is going on? I don't run a thrift shop. This could cost sellers a lot of money, and some might not figure out what happened until its too late.
Message 253 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

You are right and now I have to do double work as well. How stupid are they!
Message 254 of 311
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Re: Best offers off then mysteriously turned on ( and other problems)

App needs to be changed to allow duration on fixed price or I am going to stop selling on eBay! This has tripled my listing time!
Message 255 of 311
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